Ann Coulter slams Trump: 'This jackass is really ticking me off'
Drumpf is finished, says increasingly backstabbing cunt of a skeleton for the 158th time this year
nobody gives a fuck about what an old MSM whore has to say, she just rode the trump train to "fame", now she is capitalizing
Ann coult for president
She's not wrong but I wouldn't say it's anything to be pissed about.
Does anyone really care about her opinion?
Based conservative woman!
Drumpf is finished!
You have posted this five times since last week.
Everyone at this point admits Trump needs to stop fucking tweeting.
Ok, now I really don't get it.
Why would she constantly nag him for months? Does she honestly expect everything to be done in months? So far he's been doing alright, what does she really want from him?
Nice try. Archive it or you'll only get sages from me.
Yes actually, and these are the same people who actually care about Trump's stated policy positions during the campaign.
>what does she really want from him?
By doing a better job at fulfilling his promises than not at all.
I love Ann Coulter. She's truly the best intro to redpilling normal fags into fashy ideas with shit like "Adios America".
Yes, she's entirely right. Drumpf also has broken many of his campaign promises.
Women are insufferable nags. Ancient bitter millionaires trying to stay in the spotlight even more so.
There is literally no good reason for Trump to stop tweeting.
>There is literally no good reason for Trump to stop tweeting.
Trump said on the campaign trail he won't tweet as president and everyone admits it's cringe worthy shit now. It was funny at first but now it's like a retarded man child with autism.
You know you're fucked out loud when your Red-Piller is Ann Coalburner
>Trump won't deport dreamers
>r/the_donald still defends Trump
I love how tons of people predicted this behavior from the redditors that infest this board. Funny how they all said "that won't happen"
not a good reason faggot
>stated campaign pledge
Keep acting like a faggot. I'm sure it will mean Trump will do something he campaigned on faggot.
Ann Coulter's naive idealism is retarded. In a world without Trump her agenda doesn't have a snowballs chance. In a world without Trump she is an ignored small dog barking.
>she is an ignored small dog barking.
How is she not still this?
keep making shit up you stupid faggot
>keep making shit up you stupid faggot
I knew I saved this for a reason.
I will wait for you response if you have one. You won't cause you are a little fagboy.
women talk this way about jerks, but end day still spread.
Chad in Chief
>not presidential
Tell me when Trump has given a shit about what is "presidential"?
>you can't
kek only fucking idiots like you want him to stop tweeting because it's "not presidential"
fucking snowflake
>Tell me when Trump has given a shit about what is "presidential"?
That's a quote straight from Donald Trump fagboy. Ask him.
>kek only fucking idiots like you want him to stop tweeting because it's "not presidential"
moving the goal posts fagboy you said he and I quote "NONEXISTENT CAMPAIGN PLEDGE"
Cause a little faggot like yourself is gonna try to squirm out of this like the little worm you are.
Refuse salary is real, he donated it. But this is bait.
Yes and later he said he thought the media would get honest after he won, but it didn't and he "has" to tweet to get his version out. Nobody cares. People here love his tweets. Trump without shitposting wouldn't have won over pol, and possibly in general too.
Trumpfaggots are a bunch of gay FAGGOTS
>that goalpost moving
user please, you got BTFO pretty hard. Let it go.
Although I don't like his tweeting, its a conduit to directly communicate with people, instead of using a middle man.
>People here love his tweets.
Yeah keep tweeting and import MORE BROWN PEOPLE!
>campaign promise
Really, nobody cares except the faggots who were already against Trump in the first place
Joe Rogan likes Obama because he was a "good statesman" and very "presidential".
We need to admit that tweets aren't news, no matter the content. It'd ridiculous how a 140 character message on something with a stupid fucking name like "Twitter" makes news headlines.
Keep it up, shill. The rest of us are busy watching the DNC go up in flames in real time.
I can't think of any president (in my lifetime) who kept more than 30% of their campaign promises. I only had two expectations of Trump:
1) Fill the supreme court with right-leaning justices.
2) Give me a 4-8 year window to buy all the guns and ammo I want.
Did you really believe he was going to fuck over the banking and corporate world? ... or be effective as a president with no experience or connections? ... or NOT be just as immature and self-contradictory in office as he was on the campaign trail? ... or be given more than a 6 inch leash by our "closest ally?" Come on...
Source Mediaite.
What if you don't want Trump to keep his promises and not to support things like DACA and you enjoy watching the democrats burn?
do want*
Saving this for future use. Part of my Trumpfag's greatest hits edition.
>"right to my fav subreddit X---------DD"
You seem to know a lot about reddit. /r/ptg/ is down the hall. You got btfo just accept it and it. Salty.
The wall wasn't a campaign pledge.
Trump's going to keep tweeting despite faggots like you, learn to deal w/ it
Lol no wars in Syria wasn't a campaign pledge now.
Coulter is one of those who don't understand that when you're the president of the united states, you kinda have to take care of the world too and deal with the countries foreign policies.
kys faggot. Enjoy forever being utterly btfo defending your lying fag candidate.
Based Anne. She's the only one that has the balls to tell the truth.
why does the right care so much about what thus ugly horse-faced bitch has to say?
To be honest, I've never really liked her. Almost a living parody of Conservatism.
Fuck your source
She's the only one not sucking up to Trump but demanding results.
Good guy. Let the (((media))) be the only source to read what he says.
She's holding his feet to the fire. Anyone who has a problem with it is a faggot.