Makes me want to gauge my eyes out & chop my ears off.
Makes me want to gauge my eyes out & chop my ears off.
Other urls found in this thread:
This is the future of whitey. This, and your daughters being BLACKED. You filthy goyim will pay for your centuries of anti-semitism in your racial extermination.
cutie desu
he's so fucking hot jesus fuck
sure its mentally ill faggot who deserves the rope, but i'd fuck the shit outta its boipussy
Why is this allowed?
I should make a transblack yt channel for those sweet shekels
He says "my name is 15 years old"
"I live in Norwaaaaaaaay" *smacks lips* and *rolls eyes*.
i'd fuc dat bp
>A man makes a better woman than a woman
You cant make this shit up.
>you will never have those sweet lips kiss your cock
why do I even try
Watch this clip from it
sounds like a girl, someone do the deed i'm not gonna do it. we need to send our best guy.
thumbs down this degenerate piece of filth.
Hitler would have known what to do with this creature.
>mfw a faggot larping as a girl manages to sound more annoying than actual females
those sweet blowjob lips mmm
It's a teenage girl pretending to be trans.
Shut the fuck you gay faggot
are you honestly saying you wouldn't
come on now
where the fuck are the thumbs downs on its video Sup Forums you faggot lovers?
you cunts belong in the gas chamber along with 'her'
This. He can suck my dick but afterwards he will still meet the wrong end of a rope.
idk, i can't tell whos got junk and dosen't anymore.
I can't believe the number of faggots in this thread. What has become of this board is truly disheartening
When is it ok to shoot the mentally insane ?
asking for a friend
I'd fuck his ass and mouth and suck his cock.
discord d0t gg/hxYhbY
Can we raid... it?
And why all of these crosses?
I'd fuck it with the force of 100000 suns
no what would happen is you would keep him around for ez drama free bjs and tell him you're not gay and you don't want to see his ding dong, and then he'll be okay with it because he's a tranny and has self esteem issues/mental disorders but then he'll occasionally bug you to fuck him in the ass and he wont stop bugging until you give in because you eventually just say fuck it why not and then you enter in a relationship
Yeah that is not a dude.
Sorry to disappoint you lads
mrs jackson if you nasty.
>the number of faggots
>what has become of Sup Forums
yeah I agree there's far too many fucking leafs
I can't tell if it's some of it's trolling or serious. Regardless, it's stupid as fuck.
It's born in 2001 and already a transgender?
And it wear crosses? Lmfao Europe seriously needs Islam
t-thats a boy?
What was that? Are you trying to say that white guys are not hung? I am a hung white guy and this picture reminds of all the BBC bullshit I hear. By the way our race will not be destroyed.
the reason this tranny looks exceptionally feminine is because it didn't go through puberty.
we are entering the first time where these products of child-abuse are adults.
>When European boys make American girls look like crap.
American girls step up!
>the reason this tranny looks exceptionally feminine is because it didn't go through puberty.
Not even pubescent & already transgender
That's evil
So when is he gonna kill himself in how many years? I say in 10...
If he stays hot never cause most prolly kill themselves cause they transitioned after puberty and are women with man features
Aren't they feeling depressed when they see their dicks?
The reason this tranny looks feminine is because its not a tranny.
that's a boy ? holyshit
Watching a documentary about transgenders made him want to be transgender.
Kids are being exposed to this crap and all the other LBGTBBQ stuff everywhere now, even in school in some countries.
We're doomed.
>Makes me want to gauge my eyes out & chop my ears off.
then why post it here? fuck off
The real question is how does a 15 yo norwegian have such good english while I suck so much at it?
It's actually kind of poetic. Scandinavia is, because of the fact that everything goes well there, extremely positive towards degeneracy & (((multiculturalism)))
Yet you have Islam incoming, which is totally anti-degeneracy lol
idk probably that too but even post-op trannies kill themselves
ith it becoth of the edukathion in yor caountry
How do people like this have sex? I remember a tranny posting on here that basically just dated other trannies.
Does EE take it in the ass? Is their dick still functional to penetrate, if so who would they penetrate? Straight men? Straight women?
Whole thing is so fucked.
Iran has some of the highest numbers of transgender surgeries because gays there undergo mandatory transition. I don't think muslims care about transgenders that much.
>Norwegian education vs. Spanish education
Gee I wonder why
Honestly, who the hell cares. I certainly don't as long as they
1)Don't demand I accept whatever it is they do
2)Don't want everyone to pretend that its normal
3)Don't demand to be called by some retarded pronoun or change the language to cater to their weird kinks
If you look like a she I will call you a she, if you look like a dude but dress like a girl I will call you a he, and if you start giving me shit I will call you an it.
i love her broken english. it's cute
Is it just me or do all these trannies act the same?
Im the same, I honestly don't care other than the fact I am being told what to do/say/think.
Other people can do what they want. But I draw the line at pushing the trans agenda on young children, allowing men into womens bathrooms etc. If you can pass, then do it, because no-one will know. But I don't want 40 year old neckbeards in dresses taking a slash whilst my daughter goes in.
fuck off faggot
whitebois will accept this sooner or later
>all these polfags in denial
>all this jealousy and rage that someone can pass as a hot chick that you'll never fuck
10/10 laffs
Yeah Iran is the master of killing gays too though lol
Blaire White is sliiiightly less annoying in the way she/he speaks, but still annoying.
Did you watch the video? S/he always wanted to do girl things and play with dolls. If there's a problem, it's the gene pool in Norway.
Yeah I'd fug it, no homo
Because english is a core subject in scandinavian schools. Which starts in the first grade.
I mean.. even if his cuck parents paid for a dick cutting. He most likely takes it in the ass for pleasure.
Not gonna lie, I got a chub right now
Oh my God guys your comments...
Normies aren't prepared
I repeat
Normies aren't prepared
Blame the jews
Pretty reasonable point of view
Oh boi, they do care. Iran is the exception, they force fags to transition. Not very nice. Try being a tranny in Yemen(or middle Africa) and you're gonna get stoned.
Saudis don't mind gays tho. Just keep it quiet and pretend you are the top. They will never admit that they are gay. That would be a sin.
4 gold crosses
wow Christianity sure is anti-degeneracy!
A really cute one.
But these gestures... they make me freak out.
Yeah its a weird persona, its like that hyper gay one that is equally annoying to me.
Why are we still here? Just to suffer?
Perfect for BBC
lol miss me w that gay shit
Christianity is dead.
Do you call ugly women men too? I've seen a lot of biological women who are mannish as fuck, yet not.
Warm up th3 gas chamber
The tranny persona is just "act like a california porn slut"
they talk exactly like pornstars talk.
wtf I'm trans-positive now
That is a convincing boy to girl transition. I had no idea it was a boy
>Oy vey guys, when did 4chins become a place for trap fetishists?
Welcome, new one.
Nordicks are far from being Christian, despite having a cross on their flag. It's more of an accessory at this point.