I don't know this guy but he named the Jew on national television. What are Sup Forumss thoughts on him?
Oliver Stone
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He's a bit of a commie sympathizer but he's alright in my book. Made one of the finest war movies ever made from his experiences in as a Vietnam combat veteran.
What's it called
He's some kind of old school leftist, i.e. staunchly anti-ZOG
I watched many of Stone's old interviews. I thought he was a good guy, but he seems to have changed. I will withhold judgement for now, but he seems okay. He pays attention to not say the wrong thing but it is understandable.
>muh poor ghaza niggers
They're violent trash and deserve to be squashed anyway.
The US has no interest in helping them.
He made that? I love that movie
I'm confused. Why are so many leftists anti Israel but the Jews absolutely control the left? In not being a wise ass I'm genuinely inquiring
You might like Born on the Fourth of July too, but it's really anti-war. Tom Cruise does a good job as the main character.
Yeah, he purportedlybased it partially off his own experience in Vietnam
old school liberals (old counter culture) hated funding Israel. Hating them used to be "cool". Red pilled Right Wingers are considered the counter culture now, as we hate the zog, and know that all the wars have been for the jew
You have to understand that Jews are fundamentally apolitical. Their only concern when it comes to government is "is it good for the jewish people". They pretty much have no ideology.
In the USA (as in many countries), Jews were historically leftist because it was a way to undermine the WASP power structure and subvert public opinion in order to steer towards allowing unlimited non-white immigration (the anti-racist crusade in America is an entirely jewish one).
However there are countries, the UK for instance, where Jews are overwhelmingly "conservative", because in that case that is what is best for the interest of British Jews.
But Jews in America aren't socialist, and Jews in Britain aren't conservative: they're just pursuing their own interest.
Now what we would call "old school leftists" such as Oliver Stone are very ideological. They are for kumbaya love and sharing, and therefore are very opposed to the existence of Israel, which is after all the closest thing today to a fascist apartheid state. This horrifies the Jews (including all "leftist" Jews), since the protection of Israel is high on their priority list.
Another thing. Liberals (the left) hated Israel mainly because of religion and war. It was the beginning of many following evolution and shit. At this time, the right was the group that was mainly used by the Jews, now a days it is the left that is used. It is a different time, so they use the left to manipulate for their agenda.
Thanks for explaining my reply in a much better way, more understandable.
See over here we have a lot of old school leftists. IRA supporters are socialist and big time anti Israel. My dad, as leftist as he is absolutely hates Jews and has unironically said they should be killed. Most of his friends aren't far off.
I see.
Did he try holding the support of South African Apartheid against the Israel ?
That's like the only good thing they've ever done.
My only issue with Stone is that he's a bonafide commie dick sucker. He gets giddy like a 13 year old girl when he meets left wing dictators. His interview of Castro and Chavez was pure cringe.
Putin interview was pretty interesting though. I think he's gotten better.
This is the prettiest faggotpost I've seen all day. Great work.
Since when is (((pol))) against Jews?
Have you watched it yet, Sup Forums? Do you believe Putin?
I watched it. I don't believe everything he said but I learned a lot about post 89 Russia that I didn't know. One thing Putin is right about is that there is no way to 100% prove that Russia hacked the DNC. I'm not saying the didn't but unless they have official government papers proving it you can't prove it from a technical standpoint because of proxies. As for the bits about Putin cleaning out the oligarchs. I don't know how he was able to say that with a straight face. I mean, come on now.
What about conservatives like Dennis Prager? What is his role?
He believes what russians and iranians tell him.
Kinda dumb sad too see.
I agree.
Also, what I learned that is really important is that Putin is fundamentally opposed not to NATO, or the EU, but that they represent centralization of power. It can be very dangerous for one nation or heap of nations to have all the power.
Am I wrong for drawing that conclusion? I'll obviously watch it again either way.
I think what he fears is Russia becoming a vassal state of the U.S. like the rest of Europe. He thinks NATO is dangerous because it undermines the independence of the countries in it.
>Oliver Stone named the Jew
His father, Louis Silverstein, unnamed the Jew
>His American-born father was Jewish, although non-practising, and his French-born mother was a non-practicing Roman Catholic. Stone was raised in the Episcopal Church, and now practices Buddhism.
Nah, fuck that commie boomer faggot.
>fought in 'Nam
>drove a cab
He is billed as a blue collar type of Jew.
Some of his work is drek, other parts are watchable.
I don't know what to think about him.
I guess he plays both sides, typical Jew really.
Just Stone being Stone.
He's part Jew himself.
Unlike a lot of Hollywood fags, he's actually lived a real life, including seeing combat and winning some medals in Vietnam (which he volunteered for).
Although, obviously, he wasn't a fan of it.
Good friends with James Woods too.
Read a statement by Stones old commander. Said the movie was mostly bullshit made up from various stories that everyone had shared about their different experiences in other platoons etc. Said Stone was a top tier soldier though and saved a few dudes lives so he couldn't hate on him.
he seems okay. i like some of his stuff desu.