Syria General /sg/ - Explosive Welcome Edition

Everything you need to know


>Newest Interviews with Assad

>hohol livemap
>Military map
>Syria conflict map

>Fan maps

>GolanH/Quneitra Jun 24
>Raqqa Jun 24
>Mosul Jun 24
>S Syria Jun 23
>E Syria Jun 18
>Dara'a Jun 14
>E Ghouta Jun 14
>DeZ Jun 10

Developments Jun 24
>HTS & allies attack SAA in Madinat al-Baath, Israel AF strikes SAA tanks & artillery pieces
>pro-gov sources:HTS & FSA opened fire on Israel held territory, trying to provoke them
>Palmyra: SAA capture Arak Gas Station
>Sy-Iraqi border: SAA enter DeZ province, liberates Al-Wa'er Dam, Al-Wa'er Canyon region, 12km to T2 Pumping Station
>IS fully encircled in Raqqa
>SAA will not halt operations in west Raqqa despite US interference
>Idlib once again shaken by militant infighting
>RU navy frigates and a submarine fire 6 Kalibr cruise missiles on Friday on IS, Hama region
>SAA captures Al-Abjar Hill along Hama-Raqqa border
>Kyrgyzstan holds negotiations with Russia on sending troops to Syria, no decision yet
>SyAF return with a vengeance over Daraa after reconciliation deal falls apart
>Aleppo under attack as militants target civilian areas before Eid
>IS blows up al-Nuri Mosque in Mosul Old City
>500 civilians killed in US airstrikes in Raqqa


Other urls found in this thread:

First for fresh bread!

God bless Syria and President Assad

Rebels claim they killed 80 SAA in Baath City

We will conquer the Sham, we will pave Arab roads with the skulls of Jews.
Kuffar hordes don't stand a chance.


bolandi, how come you're fluent in several ME languages but still have time to be here so much?

I claim I've killed 328 IDF with a rusty spoon.


I'm old, it comes with age.

Oh shit the sequel to Tinker Taylor Soldier spy exists and it's in mini-series form

Thanks to that guy who told me about this, really enjoy first two episodes


Once ramadamadingdong is over WW3 will begin
Russia, Iran, Syria, Turkey vs.
US, Israel, Saudi, EU

why and how?


I have seen you so much i bascially ignore you
i think i shitpost too much here


Wrong, it will come with the end of Eid.
That's if every mujaheed won't be a fat lazy fuck by that time.

>Everyone bombs Assad
>Assad only bombs Jihadists
>Assad has to go

>Crimea join Russia through parlament and referendum
>Kosovo declared independance without referendum
>Israel grabs Palestine and Golan heights
>Kosovo and Israel are in their right
>Crimea was stolen

How's the Alec Guinness version? I've only seen the gary oldman one

digits for Germany gets nuked, we deserve it.
3 repeating for Berlin


Why? Natural Gas and Global hegemony dreams
How? Missiles, Planes, etc

Israel and Iran have dipped their toe in the water.
Russia will "accidentally" down a US plane.

I think the gas meme is overvalued.
This interest influences for sure, but doesn't decide the decision

Gotta stop deepthroating the memes so hard lad
A big war wont happen
Proxy wars are the way to go until nukes are safely out of the equation

He's probably one of the fags that take the North Korea happening threads seriously

Very nice. I was always amazed by quarter-tone instruments, harmony is 50% harder (or 250% depends how you look at it) to write in and to understand the progressions.
Take a look to understand how Europeans perceive it (I know it may be hard, but give it a try):

>assuming they will get rid of nukes.
Come on tea-man...

It's more about muh global domination.
Certain countries like Gutter and Turkey it's about gas

I skipped straight into Smiley's Men because I've seen the 2011 version of TTSP

I love it, it's very atmospheric. But it also moves veery slowly, if you thought the movie was slow this is 6 hours instead of 2,5 hours. So not for everyone.

>tfw Trump launches nukes
I'd feel kind of bad for laughing at the "former Trump supporter here" copypasta...

No one to sell gas to if everyone is ded

It's not the memes. I think the US is afraid of losing it's top spot so war

Washington DC Free Speech Rally

Tomorrow @ Lincoln Memorial 12pm

Me in Novemeber
>No more foreign intervention!
Me now

>Christians are getting to kill each other at a high rate as barbarians just like they did in WW2

Feels good

a part of me thinks you're right, but another part of me thinks they've been doing this for 60+ years

I love slow, thanks I'll check it out.

How and why would they escalate more?
As we can see their tactic is strategic strikes to try to hinder SAA at perceived important times and when they kinda can pretend they are not the agressor.
They always leave a door open for diplomatic solution should something go wrong.
It's evil and lying but they still try to lie at least.

nth for Barrel barrage.

Unrelated, but I thought I'll share.
Spent some time with my friend, his son showed me a flight simulator where there's a ton of historical aircraft (really, a lot) called War Thunder.
If anyone looks for an experience when you get very close to what a pilot feels, with some decent gear like pedals and a joystick, I recommend practicing on it, or even doing it for fun.

Yeah who knows. Historically these things can turn quickly. Maybe a long slog is by design

I think Syria is just the staging ground to fug Iran
Isn't there a video that this is all preplanned decades ago?

yes several

if you are not the one planning the war you don't see it coming. The best one can do is give probabilities based on historical context

Why Jews always win?

>war thunder
>flight simulator

Try IL-2 Sturmovik instead


>Syria is just the staging ground to fug Iran
Whaaaaat, really? I would have never guessed. You posess such unique insight the likes of noone else ever had

Do the Kurds deserve their own nation?

Sunday, 25th.
Don't forget we're living in 1438 Anno Allah.

because to you, they always look like winners

>This is the real deal, folks. This is going to be INTENSE.


>WW3 over natural gas

there will hardly be any customers left to sell it to

>How? Missiles, Planes, etc

ww2 technology


Was responding to below smartass. Can you guarantee We are going to invade Iran? Please tell me the date mr psychic!

>How and why would they escalate more?
>As we can see their tactic is strategic strikes to try to hinder SAA

I won't spend a shekel on anything that has a red star on it.

>ww2 technology
Do you think there is any secret cool military tech they keep hidden till the big shit hits the fan?

Ok Lasers, Rail Guns and EMPs - Happy now?

Are the kurd women fighters basically a meme for good PR with western countries?

What about the foreign volunteers?

i'm not into music so i don't know what you're talking about
there is DCS world which is much more modern and which its devs are now looking at ground vehicles.
it's a simulator (and ofcourse a game at the same time) but it costs a lot (you have to buy each plane you want to play with).
the Su-25 is free tho.

it also needs a good PC

>Do you think there is any secret cool military tech they keep hidden till the big shit hits the fan?

obviously but already we know they have weapons far greater than just missiles and planes.

>The United States possesses more space weaponry than any other country

>Russia reveals new generation satellite to fight war in space

>two secret Soviet programs, "Mercury" and "Volcano", aimed at developing a "tectonic weapon" that could set off earthquakes from great distance

>US Secretary of Defense William S. Cohen, said..."Others are engaging even in an eco-type of terrorism whereby they can alter the climate, set off earthquakes, volcanoes remotely through the use of electromagnetic waves."

>According to state-run Rossiiskaya Gazeta, the destructive power attributed to the new torpedo's warhead would fit the description of a cobalt bomb.

>A cobalt bomb has never been tested because of the devastating radiation it would unleash.

>"We are talking about autonomous weapons, which means that there is no one behind it..."Very precisely, weapons that can locate and attack targets without human intervention."

>Russia crafting line of ‘dragonfly’ drones

>Alibek believes that this chimera...would be capable of causing hemorrhagic smallpox, the most fatal form of the disease, in all infected individuals

>Novichok is a series of nerve agents that were developed by the Soviet Union...Allegedly these are the most deadly nerve agents ever made

Why is this war fought with so little manpower?
It's like the 17th century wars with mercenaries and not like large million+ conscript armies.
I assume 90% of Syrians just doesn't give a fuck.

and then there are the things that remain classified..

Thats funny because war thunder is a game made by pro communists dickheads


Cool links actually thanks.

sure but there's no room

I said in another post that one cannot predict the exact date of huge escalations except you are the person planning it.
I don't think Putin will allow those strikes to escalate in a hot war between USA and Russia. So besides some planes shot down no further escalation. For the sake of happening I hope I'm wrong

Both YPJ and foreign volunteers are kept at 2nd and 3rd lines of the front, the ones that do the real combat are mostly YPG volunteers and Arabs from affiliated militias.
2nd & 3rd line means of course you can die by a stray mortar, but it's generally maintance, medics, long range fire support.
They don't get to taste the real combat at all.
You could say they're a maemae, but well, they do participate in the battles, and they die from time to time. It's nowhere close to inghimashi operations, or shock troops.


heh, actually;

>Russia, China and other nations have probed and left hidden malware on parts of U.S critical infrastructure, "preparing the battlefield," in military parlance, for cyber attacks that could turn out the lights or turn off the internet across major cities

>NSA chief says 'when, not if' foreign country hacks U.S. infrastructure

>Cell Phones, Microwaves And The Human Health Threat

>The microwaves that cell phones emit can interact with human tissue in an entirely new way, says theoretical biologist at a government lab


>It is therefore possible to manipulate the nervous system of a subject by pulsing images displayed on a nearby computer monitor or TV set

Fuck off with that ISIS shit

Shit you did sry can't keep track

I'm torn between self preservation and happenings
Maybe in 10 years they can do it I got a few more things on my bucket list

the war thunder simulator mode is good for both planes and ground vehicles.

#Baath city is where jihadists will be given the baptism and the last anointing at the same time by SAA..They will pay the heavy price.

#But Jew will be punished at the very end ,because the price Jew will pay will be the ultimate price.

>Svenske Jesper Söder, som kämpar för kurdiska YPG i krigets Syrien, greps av en rivaliserande kurdisk organisation på lördagen.
kek, Jesper Söder was arrested in Iraq by KDP

Wow great response, thanks.

The thought about biological weapons makes me shudder

Will ISIS hold any territory in a year's time? Obviously they'll still exist in terms of radicalised individuals and small cells, but are they pretty much done for otherwise?

What rocket launcher at 9.58, sniper rifle at 10.32 and machine gun at 15.50?
Wat machine gun/sniper rilfe is at 12.19?

What mortar at 15.30?
Russian Kalibr strikes.

I'll stick with my Cesna honestly. I just thought it's worth sharing, but I see you guys now much more about flight simulators than I do. Nevertheless it was a nice feeling to pilot a Breda or Sparvierro, the ones I'll never have a chance of flying on.
Also after watching a season of Dr House I can educate you on music if you're willing. Would be hard to explain in English though.

Kurds memed themselves too hard into socialism and after the USSR passed away, they started pretending to be into feminism and anarchism after dumping Marxism-Leninism (just like 99% of all other "communist" movements in the third world) because it was suddenly "outdated".

They are basically just ethno-nationalists, but they maintain the facade because if they didn't no one in the 1st world would care about them and they'd be easy targets for the t*rks.

Isn't this like for the second time? Explains why he hasn't tweeted for awhile.

How did ISIS got to power in the first place?
They came out of nowhere and just took half fo syria over night.

They'll move to the EU

Das me in the middle! Ya Bashar!

Isis, as a state with territory and shit, wont survive 2017.

They will be your average terrorist group, alqaeda 2

And how do you think counter-terrorism and counter-intelligence would perform without understanding IS (it's enemies) ways mr. Genius?

yah it's one of the four horsemen of the apocalypse

>He said: “This is like earthquakes, you should think in order of magnitudes. If you can kill 10 people that’s a one, 100 people that’s a two... Bioterrorism is the thing that can give you not just sixes, but sevens, eights and nines.


that's billions

Europe is the front lines too. You need to get the fuck out of there ASAP, if you want to live

forget your house, your job, your car, just pack a bag and get on a plane

>be FSA
>have your own allies help you in an offensive
>still lose

You have no idea how wrong are you buddy.

he, we are 88 bros now

New in Latakia: an elliptic structure that is apparently part of the Russian UAV eco-system in Syria

In pretty much all videos I've seen, the women do exactly the same as the men do: Sitting on roof terraces and shooting in the general direction of the enemy. Didn't look staged either.

we will see buddy

>With the tables suddenly turned in favor of the Syrian Government, the SAA is currently encroaching upon long-standing rebel heartland on the border with Israel. In turn, this could prompt Tel Aviv to launch fresh airstrikes against the SAA.

>Jew will pay the ultimate price
bump for this

You got the right flag

May have to include him as well

3 x 88 - Fire rises


Wew guys, I was redpilled AF today. Dont laugh at me please.

>Knew there was a Zionist agenda
>Didn't know that as a Christian Zionism isn't biblical. Because we're always taught to support Israel no matter what.

>Got a massage today and my buddy and I talked about theology.
>He's a Honduran with Jewish blood, I'm Mexican with Jewish blood we're both non-denominational Christians though.
>Talked about how khazars aren't Jews
>Bible says how there will be people cleaning to be Jews but aren't.
>Bible says that God himself will establish Israel in the right time whenever there is peace and no fear in the land.
>UN established Israel aka MAN
>When man tries to establish God's plan without his permission things go bad.
>Israel has been in perpetual war since it's creation.
>God does protect his children and his promises to the Jews still stand
>Even Christians are persecuted in Israel by Jews...
>Learned that Zionists controlled Hitler to cause Holocaust and establish Israel as state

Due to this I can I was wrong about Israel government and Zionism in general... Sorry for the occasional shilling guys. I apologise.