WTF i love turkey now
WTF i love turkey now
Wtf even is. Those are european women
>this is what they did to Constantinople
the only way they knew they wouldn't be raped was to surround themselves in gay men.
Pure degeneracy. Thanks cultural marxism.
By Allah's will, someone smack these girls for their lack of decency
seeing this then thinking of all the people that died in WW2 for this... god help us.
and i thought degeneracy wouldnt hit the so called islamic conservative country of turkey
>gay pride
>Get naked and literally eat pussy in public
>Probably kids around too
>Now everyone associates homosexuality with degenerate behavior
Degenerate as fuck
remind me again, why democracy is a good thing?
This is a few years old. Istanbul has not had pride since 2014 because of violence against marchers.
>German flag
>"i love turkey now"
Come on guys it's a bunch of hot lesbians
Hot Lesbians are great
Free will
ottoman empire took many slavic slaves
Lesbians aren't real. Especially hot lesbians
>/pol wants to deport this
literally homosexuals
>this is what happen in a secularized society
can't wait to see the end of modern "western" """"""civilization""""""
citizens are like babies, and head of state are the parents
they shouldn't be granted everything, only what is good to them, Monarchy is the ultimate redpill
nuttin wrong with getting neked on a hot day. Prudes can go eat a nuke.
No it's more like all women are lesbians at some point. They all like touching each other
Well, I'm off to my first gay pride parade now. Viva la zapata! or whatever the fuck they say.
Islam takeover, when please?
Thirsty fucks. Every time.
I very much doubt they are lesbians. Just attention whores.
try having a sister or a daugther that participates in this degeneracy, you sure will feel proud
>Sup Forumsacks
>not being thirsty virgins
WSJ had an article about 'barsexuals.' Girls who get with girls to turn guys on. Literally nothing wrong with this as long as you don't marry one of them.
Point taken.
help purge pls
>Implying you're not worse
Sadly, only half of the people on this board are actually in their prime age (20-30) and /fit/. Other half are either obese "oldfags" that live in their mother's basements or some middle aged people who haven't found their place in society.
>This is what they did to the holy city
What about those of us that are productive members of society killing a Saturday night on their phone while watching TV with the family?
I mean I'd rather this didn't happen but how does it even compare to getting naked and dancing on the street?
Mustache always gets me
All this obscene and degenerate gaypride shit is one of the main reasons gays are frowned upon. If I were homo I'd fucking hate to be associated with these fucking idiots.
>Productive member of society
>Family man
Nice, I was implying on the 30 year olds on here that are jobless and single at their age. You're doing well for yourself though. Wish nothing but the best to you and your family.
No worries mate. There's only so many talent shows and singing competitions I can handle. If I hold the phone just so, I can read interesting stuff. Best to you and yours!
What kind of sick filthy people would be encouraging this? What the actual fuck?
More like
>omg look how much fun they're having
>they're so progressive
>and look at how tolerant we are by being ok with it
We need a purge
Holy kek! Czeched!
>Sexuality is wrong
their body their rights. The left will have no problem with degeneracy.
hot lesbians arent real. if they are hot, girls dont have to be lesbians. these are just attention whores
You know what, I guess Turks really are true europeans.
Why Turkish women are so slutty?
Look at them, they are so free...
Nasty sloots with fake tits
You do you bro, my family as of now is just me and my fiance, but I'm considering putting a ring on it! I've been her for a year now and she's been awesome. I'll give it some more time for thought however.
>american indocrination
2017 Turkey is completely white you fool
what would muhammad do?
>STOP hating us LGBTQIA+ people! We are normal, regular people like anyone else and just want to be treated as equals and be allowed to fit in!
>Future cat ladies
The horny crowd of guys is the best relationship they will ever have. They will pay emotionally for this for the rest of their lives, because the internet exists. Any guy that ever dates them will eventually find this and dump them. This is a video of the death of any happiness they will ever have. Think on that anons.
whats wrong with the natural delights and splendors of the naked human body? what is indecent about natures exposure, the only thing I can think is men do not like to go throughout the day with the chance of being randomly turned on by some sensual succubus, this is the logic of the burqa, do not want to go around the market place and what have you popping willies everyday here and there, being consumed with the flesh and the lower vibrations of the anamalia being, but to go through the day full of mind and strength and spirit, with thoughts on the higher things of earth and humanity and nature, arts and sciences, cultures, and the great endless beauty of the world, even found in the company of a woman, but theres always that chance, of letting the other head have a mind of its own
that's your fault cuckold
this one got it
If she makes you happy, go for it. Kids are a pain in the ass, but a lot of fun. You won't look back.
she probably got assfucked by a dirty roach. enjoy his semen in your face
No, the unfortunate truth of the matter is that they'll easily find some guy who will be okay with her slutty past because she's "moved past that" and is "ready to settle down".
>eu flag
>calls me a cuckold
This is why I love feminism. Free tits.
Do you really think that when you reach that level of degeneracy of being completely naked around people and eating pussy you would be ashamed some day?
faggots in europe travel to their political events in neighboring countries to make it seem like they're more numerous, for a muslim country that's not completely opposed to them I'd imagine they throw a bunch of people at it.
wasnt sodoma and gamorrah somwhere around that region?
EU is based and you will be accepted
I'll be fine with 2 kids, a big family business is waiting for me in the country which will easily rack up an income enough to provide for me and the little ones. Hopefully one day!
you will never*
She'll never find a quality guy, and she will always doubt how he feels because she won't be able to accept that he truly doesn't care about this. Or not, I don't know. I can't imagine dealing with shit like this as a guy, so who knows?
>On Sunday 29 June 2015, Reuters reported that Turkish police used a water cannon to disperse the gay pride parade [11]
>In 2016 the pride march got banned by the local government "for the safety of our citizens, first and foremost the participants’, and for public order.".[12] LGBT organizations have also not been allowed to make a press statement. The governate of Istanbul once again claimed that a gathering of LGBT would not be allowed. "Within Law No: 5442, this request has not been approved due to the terror attacks that have taken place in our country and the area; because provocative acts and events may take place when the sensitivities that have emerged in society are taken into account; and because it may cause a disruption in public order and the people’s- including the participants of the event- tranquility, security, and welfare." [13]
>The Istanbul Pride parade is not supported by the government and is organized without permission from the municipality. In 2016 the pride got banned by the local authorities. [13]
Pic very related, those attention whores are hurting their own cause.
Everyone sobers up and feels shame user. That's why I clear my browsing history each night before I go to bed!
Are you retarded?
Everyone's getting Jew'd these days.
Pure degenerate whores.
>actually choosing the European Union as your flag.
>watching TV
Cultural marxism was just the frankfurt schools critique of the mass production of culture via the culture industry. .. look up the culture industry - they hated propaganda. Look it up.
not slaves, in the way Americans think
they took males and raised them as alpha bulls who impregnated as many women as they could, to create more tall European blooded people to fight for them
Euro is a good flag for shitposting. It's the only fake flag that could be taken as a serious statement. That's what makes it so great.
Beats YouTube. I banned that shit in my house after the threads from the last two days.
It'll take a lot of raid
ill deport them to mexico, then theyll illegally cum over my borderpenis, and theyll have to keep me pleased or else they get sent back :D
She'll find a beta desperate to get laid who will let her do whatever she wants, even sleep around.
>A legend tells that when the Ottomans entered the city, an angel rescued the emperor, turned him into marble and placed him in a cave under the earth near the Golden Gate, where he waits to be brought to life again to conquer the city back for Christians.
Find constantine, then we'll talk
this is from gay pride walk and those are post-op tranyies.
EU is based you filthy americlap
Damn, such a nice girl and already wasted
>those are post-op tranyies
that's even worse
we'll that changes everything
thought turkey was stuffed
these are transexuals by the way or whatever you call it in english they get their penis cut off in hospital and put vagina
what happened afterwards
I hate this community