So recently on Sup Forums I have seen a few threads talking about education in schools from across the globe (mainly America and UK) and what you were taught.

Alot of people talked about brain-washing and general liberal bias towards the education you received but I couldn't really rememeber myself any instances in my life...

Until now.
Rcently we have been sorting our loft out and I found a load of old paper work from school that my parents decided to keep for some weird reason, eventually I stumbled upon this.

This was from my History class when I was around 11, enjoy.

Thought it might cause a good laf


You wrote this when you were 11? Were you in a special needs class?

Are you a historian now?

When I was reading it I couldn't decide if you were in kindergarten, special needs or If you were learning English as a second language after immigrating to Britain from Somalia.


I remember when we learned about slavery we also looked at modern slavery where they said it was non existent and made no mention of the huge amounts of slavery in the middle east, or the origins of slavery, it was just 'hurr white people should feel bad because of this, shame on you whites'


Nope, normal class.

This is British education for you.

Delete this Jamie, unless you want to get doxxed.



also how indians dinn do nuffin and were the people of peace who never wasted a single scrap of resources, never fought wars and were the ideal of human society. Even back then most kids saw through that shit but I fear for today's kids.

Why the fuck did your teacher let you get away with so many grammatical errors? Sometimes I look back on kindergarten assignments that my mom keeps and the teacher underlined letters that should be capitalized and corrected words that were spelled wrong. People talk shit on American education, but Christ-- I'm not sure how you guys get away with this.

I'm german and when I was eleven, my english was way better than that, dude

nah mate, it's just you

In the late 80's my primary school had us all dress in African robes and sing a presentation on Africa. We also had to visit a Jewish museum where some old Kike guilt tripped us.


>this was India hence the name Indians
I thought Indian was a shortened term for Indigenous person, which is why the Brits called Indians "Indians" and why it was used to describe native Americans as well

>there lands
>there different weapons
>But at the start of a sentence
>steeled (?)
>many many
>And at the start of a sentence
>on when you mean one
>doesn't capitalize woroka even though it's clearly a name
> :)

dude your teacher really sucked
I bet you had a woman teaching you

It's not grammatically incorrect to start a sentence with "But", it's a meme

this is arguable
personally I think it's a sign of a scruffy and undisciplined writer, and just about any sentence that starts with "but" or "and" could be avoided altogether
again, this is just personally, but it makes the finished product look untidy as fuck

if you got the gravitas, you can pull it off, I guess, but I don't like it

I had to peer edit other peoples papers at college before i got out of there, kids didn't know how to write sentences.

Ran for president.

That was a sentence, someone used THEREFORE. as a one word sentence.

There were 3 papers i had to peer edit, one girl had went to private school, her paper was fine, and i asked her why, I said "How do you know how to write in english?" She told me how she had gone to a private school, i had also when i was young. I was pretty fucked up at this point in my life, but this girl liked me. What could have been.

Anyways, then there was. An overweight feminist writing about obama. She had sentences split. In two. Also she repeated the same thing over and over in different ways. Another thing she did was write the same thing again and again on the paper just different. Also her sentences were essentially the same as one another. I think she did this to fill up space, but when i corrected her she got all mad that "a man was telling her that her work was wrong"

Then there was the brooklyn nigger. His paper was a mess that literally was written in blackspeak and needed translation. I try. Hard even to make shit up 'bout dis. I am therefore not even as retarded. to do so. Sumthin like, this is how he wrote but even worse it was so bad.

I went and talked to the teacher about the niggers paper, saying that I could not correct it without literally retyping the entire thing and that I wasn't going to do that. The teacher understood and ended up accepting his paper as is, pages short of the requirement, and without any extra drafts. Like i said i was pretty fucked up at this point in my life, and was struggling to go to class and other shit, teacher made me retype it for some bullshit reasons, like 2 times more than anyone else, and so i just stopped going.

It's emphasised as bad form for children because they tend to overuse it

It's sort of like the ending a sentence with a preposition, there's nothing wrong with it grammatically, it's a feature of most Germanic languages, but a particularily influential autist realised it was ungrammitical in latin and decided to sperg at each and everybody who used it in English and here we have it

>Also she repeated the same thing over and over in different ways. Another thing she did was write the same thing again and again on the paper just different. Also her sentences were essentially the same as one another.

Evetxthing about this is fake.

The backstory
The fake oldness and usedness of that paper
The age
The markings.
'could not see leftist bias in shool' massive red flag in itself

I comclude : op created piece by itself (at least its new), markings are by op, thus op is female, the mentioned age is reflecting her wish ( of intelligence )...
The whole post is leftist agitprop attempt of brainwashing, makebeliev thetes no lefofascist massindoctrination.

I like the layout, the text tho. Very neet.

I hate and despice liars tho.
Grammar sounds like european to english tr s nslation ('in THE 14...)