Why does Sup Forums dislike Ben Shapiro?
I'd appreciate an answer beyond "kike xd"
Why does Sup Forums dislike Ben Shapiro?
I'd appreciate an answer beyond "kike xd"
Because pol is 90% Sandniggers
He shills for Judaism every chance he gets.
"i'd appreciate an answer beyond kike xd"
jew lmao
He's a filthy kike
Israel firster
epic posts guys xd
i wonder why
he's basically a neocon-lite
He blew through 50 Million dollars and still lost for Congress. I'm still laughing about that one!
Read OP dumb ass
this is a recent tweet, and i don't understand how apathy on an issue is enough to dislike someone
>I'd appreciate an answer beyond "kike xd"
Anything beyond that is redundant
epic post friend
being a coin collector pinocchio is more than enough
epic and hilarious
>Not knowing about cryptokikes
Get off Sup Forums and go put bacon outside a mosque
That's illegal in England
>apathy on an issue
>"Color doesn't matter. Ideology does."
those last two sentences are literally the mantra of civic nationalism
Because it's not "an issue" desu, it's THE ONLY issue.
Because he would put Israel before the US any chance he'd get. He doesn't care if spics or nogs overrun the US, all he cares about is his special brand of cuckservatism.
Control opposition.
But apparently shitskin rape gangs aren't. How pathetic are the brits?
Because he's a kike who shills for the establishment.
Because of these threads
I like him, but he's a neocon and that's not what we need right now. Also, he's redpilled about immigration but not about race
Cares more about Israel than american lives.
LITERALLY AND UNIRONICALLY stated that the Iraq war was a good thing and he'd do it again.
based black man not all jews amirite fellow pede? go lament to your shower wall already, nosebergstein
Because he's a rasict nazi fashist
He advocates against white interests, and belittles people refuse to accept his narrative. Hes far more pro Israel than he is pro America. Just another tribal parasite.
I don't dislike him, he is an honourable man and a great, intelligent conservative thinker compared to the likes of Milo and Molymeme. He is brilliant at refuting left wing arguments, Has one of the best political podcast out there as well. I see no reason to take hold his Jewish heritage or faith against him.
God damn I fucking hate civic nationalists. Fucking REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
We don't say that shit here. Back to t_d, little one.
because literally he's a jew.
he supports jews.
he's against abortion. as soon as the sperm cell fertilizes the egg, it becomes life and aborting it is murder. that's pretty much what he thinks, which is ok. but then he made a fucking retarded as shit twitter post on how circumcision is totally fine.
saying that abortion is absolutely wrong because it's murdering a fetus but saying that circumcision is totally fine even though it's stripping the rights of a BORN human life is just fucking hypocritical.
do you know why he's ok with circumcision but not abortion? because he's a parasitic kike.
is this bait
Autistic and cynically pretends to care about abortions
>Kekistani faggot
You have to go back.
He gets annoying when he shills for Israel, but I like him otherwise.
It isn't, only nupol and /r9k/ says it, and I don't think we are in /r9k/.
is a jew therefor think we are animals to serve him
jew politics
does warmongering neocon xd suffice?
israel first, jews first kind of kike
Because he is a liar. Michelle Fields.
>redpilled about immigration but not about race
makes zero sense
jewish anti-white neocon
"BTFOing SJWs" doesn't make you redpilled
This really is something I can't tolerate. People who espouse this pro war drivel while being totally disconnected from its consequences need to be forced to work in a VA hospital around the clock.
Amputation injuries are beyond horrific. The reality of a limb being blown off is that the wound is never clean, its a massively complicated injury, and they're terribly prone to infection. The smell of an infected stump is enough to make you vomit, and some of these poor fucks in the military have to lay in a bed for weeks on end enduring it along with the horrible pain. Sometimes the infections have to be drained through manually expression and the pain is so terrible that people beg to die, pass out, and can even have cardiac episodes as a result. Its terrible beyond words, and thats the reality of war. America in the last decade had thousands of servicemen become amputees. Tens of thousands of people receiving grievous injury, and worst of all they're being treated in a VA hospital which is rife with its own issues.
For a kike to sit back, safe and secure in comfort with his millions of dollars, and say he'd gladly spill all that American blood again, it makes me fucking sick.
just because normalfags decided to adulterate the meme after pepe became mainstream doesn't mean it suddenly isn't ours
He is a contrarian and attacks Trump for dumb shit to seem like a moderate.
Case and point when corey lewandowski got accused of assaulting a reporter he immediately took the reporters side when she was in the wrong. I don't think he even apologized for that.
Also he didn't get upset about the assassination porn in shakespeare in the park. If that was a kike dressed up with a yamaka and curls he would be livid.
He cucked himself for Michelle Fields.
Other than that, he's cool.
yeah. that about sums it up
if he didn't care about race he would renounce Judaism (a race based cult if ever there was one) in a heartbeat
I listen to his podcast everyday, actually. I think he's really smart and fair.
HOWEVER! When it comes to Israel, the guy is a shill. He straight up throws all of his logic and consistency out the window as soon as he starts talking about Israel.
Other than that, he's fine.
His argument for Israel is "If you're against the only Jewish country that exists you're by definition an Anti-Semite"
Which I find to be a pretty weak argument
>Other than that, he's cool.
No he's not. You should probably read the thread before making the mistake of trusting this guy again
>oy vey! agree with me or you're a filthy anti-Semite!
little flap of skin =/= literal genocide
Let us all know when you tweet the same thing replacing Amerika with Israel you rodentic doll dead-eyed Jew midget fuck.
You can say that about literally any country in the world
what a snake
It's because he insisted that Corey Lew body slammed Michelle fields into the ground.
He lost alot of credibility here because of that.
Do we really need this thread every fucking day?
What does Sup Forums think of based Bill Whittle?
Is he red pilled?
I don't dislike ben shapiro. He's pretty spot on in a lot of ways. He just virtue signals way too much. It gets annoying...
Binyamin is lonely...the only thing getting fucked in his household are his credit card balances.
It's his team that posts this shit.
I don't give a shit what you would appreciate, kike.
How the fuck does this picture still make sense to me. I need to get off Sup Forums, this can't be healthy
Their nipples probably all went hard with this post.
epic and edgy and also hilarious, friend
Ask him if he's israel first or America first
This 110%
>Saw someone ask him about jewish nationalism and he pivoted it to american American nationalism because he is an American.
He trys to connect Christianity to Judaism like we've always been besst friends, which if you google they've been allies only to attack others then right back to opposition
Which kike does Sup Forums tolerate more, Shapiro or Levin?
because as much as he hates sjws and eaily triggered folk, he himself is exactly the same
ffs he gave up his job and went on a shit fit because trump put his hand in a reporters face. hes one of the most easily triggered people going.
He is a physical coward.
this-hes as limp wristed as sjw beta cuck males but he talks all macho.
I hate that I recognized that shit
it's not just a "flap of skin", you fucktard.
you obviously missed my point
no shit circumcision doesn't mean murder
but the rights are all the same.
he talks about an unborn baby's rights and will to live but when it's about a jewish tradition like circumcision, of course he'll sell out his soul for being a kike
The only thing stopping him from being Eric Clanton is he is too fearful to ride a bike.
>spoiled rich and educated, yet ignorant of so much
He's ultimately a cuckservative who won't even acknowledge the race question.
Obviously Ben (((Shapiro))) will never address the JQ
He's got this haughty arrogance about him when he speaks. I pretty much agree with most of what he says and he nails it 99% if the time. But the way he fucking speaks I wanna punch his dirty fucking Jew kikeburger lights out quite often.
Crusades now, am I right goy???
Muslims are the real enemy goyim.
Trump is going to save Murica am I right?
Nothing but a kike just like that faggot.
To the ovens, both of them.
>Europeans shouldn't be racist, let them in
>Same does not apply to Israel, keep them out
There you go.
he's impish, weak, small. his eloquence is average and his following are akin to cattle than revolutionaries or statesman. also he's a kike
imagine being this retarded
he's a kike who sows discord by telling irish and italians that they're not white.
kike Cx
the answer is kike my friend. learn about how they take over media to subvert culture and you will learn why unless your too stupid which it seems you are to not even know that.
kike xd
1. he's a manlet
2. he's that annoying jewish faggot with his briefcase and yarmulke that sat at the front of the class and stalled the teacher with absurdly complex questions that bored everyone else and sidetracked the teacher in high school.
i like him but these are facts
I wonder how he'd feel about the browning of Israel