Why do you guys hate /r/The_Donald? We're on your side.
Why do you guys hate /r/The_Donald? We're on your side
I definitely don't hate you. The_Donald is what got me started on the red pill.
Because normies discovering fascism is highly problematic.
Ultimately because you are prevented by your faggot mods/reddit admins from acknowledging the JQ.
This leads to incredibly cringey trash like "based black man/tranny/faggot/jew", MAGA/AWOO, Kekistani flags, etc.
Because you haven't migrated to Voat yet which proves you are all a pack of cucks and shills. Reddit is cancer and you should hop on the fastest train and get your ass back these ASAP.
I'm over hating the donald. You faggots ruined this board, but I don't really care. I still come here and always will.
Because Reddit is a shithole of cancer.
Because we must divide and conquer. Christians vs Pagans, Northern vs Southern Europeans, td vs Sup Forums.
>We're on your side.
I don't see any Jews to my left or right so feel quite free to fuck right off.
Because most of you guys have no principles.
You'll criticize trannies, and rightly so, but will worship any Don-supporting trans just to show how "enlightened" you are.
You guys don't even fucking know what you stand for.
Most of you guys are just ill-informed teenagers who believe you're being edgy.
After T_D migration there was/is a noticeable increase in the number of dumb Americans commenting and shitposting in almost every thread.
These T_D fags love them some based homos and trannies. They are disgusting worms pandering to the lowest of the low in order to appear moderate, they also don't like calling the orange one out when he goes full retard as he has been doing in the middle east. A pack of pathetic supplicants is all they are.
Because most of you heard of the le super ebin 4chinz XDDDDD and have now ruined this board with endless slide and bait threads.
The Democrats are the real racists!
The Clinton Foundation was more than just "Pay for Play". They were using their network of Democratically elected Sheriffs and Judges to pervert the justice system.
People would pay Indulgences to the Clinton Foundation in exchange for leniency or outright Exoneration of Crimes committed. (This is how they built their Blackmail network).
It's also mildly irritating how you all love to talk about free speech yet set a worse example for it than the Soviet Union.
are you really?
Because everyone there is a Zuckerberg-level cuck.
You're on the jewish side
Go back faggot. You aren't welcome here
Yeah I bet you'll be herding the Jews into the cattle cars when the time comes.
>Why do you hate the_Donald?
Because you fail to understand beyond what you cannot see.
You cannot see past Donald Trump, or the "Alt-right".
Sup Forums can.
Trump was useful insofar as he was against the mainstream media.
Once he exposed himself as a Jewish shill, we continued on the path of RIGHTEOUSNESS and supported Assad and Putin.
Can't you see that?
Fuck off.
You don't know the true extent of the redpill.
namefags and user can never get along, faggot. you have to go back
No such thing as righteousness.
This. T_D talks about free speech all day but hides behind rule #3 and pretends criticism of Isreal is anti semitism. You also have the most shit memes when not stealing off of Sup Forums. Pic related.
Because of what comes before "/r/The_Donald"
because you're as fucking stupid and blind as Hillary cultists or Obummer followers. Go circlejerk about le GodEmperor TM elsewhere.
It's nothing but a mindless circlejerk.
You're not allowed to talk about race realism because you will be down boated and banned to oblivion.
Because you idol a showman kike pupet.
Because tou genuinelly think that there are based jews just because they follow Trump's speech games
Because you think that provocateur sodomites that are mean against leftists filth makes them based.
Because you put niggers that act midly human and don't shoot eachother in a fucking pedestal.
Because while you try to make aliens to stay out of your borders, you keep and defend what makes America a country-sized Gomorrah.
And the worst of all, because of your redditor nature, you are like Midas, but instead of gold, everything you touch transforms in shit, including not only this board, but the entire site, thanks to you this place is viewed as nothing more than Reddit's embassy of Sup Forums. Instead of using memes for your stupid agenda, you became the meme.
The kek flag adds the extra layer to spice up this pasta
Oldfag reporting in.Fucking Shills T D is a foot hold in Normie world.Mostly Shareblue/CTR shills,CIA-NSA bots or little Libtards who can't vote or shitpost 4 shit.They are the real cancer.We stand united.
I spent 20 minutes in their discord and it is cancer. A bunch of southerners who aren't racist in a funny way like Sup Forums. Take any oppurtunity to talk about chambers and silencers in guns. Can't participate in meaningful political conversation.
They're useful idiots and are good for news getting out fast, and being an aggregate of Sup Forums
Using Reddit is cringe. No true free speech, no original ideas, and too many neckbeards and commies.
I've been shitposting on The_Donald for a while. Most of my views are left of center, but I get a fucking kick out of the responses on The_Donald. Seriously I post random pics hating on muslims or some shit and then just throw in a random made up fact and a couple hours later people are regurgitating it likes its the fucking truth.
Nice funnyjunk filename, newfag.
because of pure and utter cancer
also terrible memes
After the 2016 Election, The Clinton foundation become defunct.
Though most of their employees migrated to the Obama Foundation. Where they are still accepting said indulgences to get people off the hook for crimes committed.
Reddit has ruined this board. The first invasion was 2014 with the gamergate nonsense and the second was 2016 with Trump. The culture was different and the discussion at a higher level in 2012-13 before reddit shit it up.
Pretty good infographic to describe why /r/donald was a mistake.
In some respects, it was a clever idea at the time, to make a colony on Reddit, and slowly poison the biggest cancer on the internet with truth.
Instead, it's backfired, by having a bunch of semi-red pilled scum return HERE and dilute our truth with watered down bullshit.
Sup Forums hates reddit for a very simple reason. No, not because of anonymity or circlejerk or any of that bullshit.
It is because of the perpetual butthurt over reddit stealing "le internet memes" from Sup Forums since 2010.
>le rage comics was ours!!
>le pepe was ours!!
>le trumpf was ours!!
The whole Sup Forums vs. Reddit vs. 9gag thing was funny a decade ago.
While the internet has evolved since then Sup Forums stayed the same due to newfags seeking every oppertunity to look cool by hating jews, reddit, whatever it is.
You're quite mouthy calling reddit cancer when you also unironically browse this shithole.
I don't really hate you, but you're flooding this board with normies and ruining/forcing a lot of memes. And plus...you're still from Reddit. And "Reddit culture" as a whole is disgusting.
2 dozen+ daily copycat threads, for starters. And the karma crap. And the Seth Rich spamming (see #1) and freaking rapistinfowarscom posts always getting "upvoted" more than legitimate comments...
You faggots are cringey as fuck.
Unless you understand that Jews run the whole thing, and that white's are superior, than just fuck off back.
Argument from da joos is, dare I say, not an argument.
9gag isn't relevant anymore neither is tumblr, reddit come here because they want funny memes to steal and that's it, they take funny threads they see and post it on r/Sup Forums for karma and talk about the thread on reddit because they are too scared to post here. T_D is especially cancer because they just want be be apart of some anonymous legion type shit
>le not argument
Back you go >>>reddit
Because you claim to be "red pilled" when in fact you're eating kike blue pills all day long. We are not on the same side.
Q:What will you be doing to combat white extinction?
A: that's racist, our (allies) in Israel would never let us go extinct.
Fuck off.
>We're on your side.
No, you're not.
Because you corrupt the right.
After the 2016 Election, The Clinton foundation become defunct.
Though most of their employees migrated to the Obama Foundation. Where they are still accepting said indulgences to get people off the hook for crimes committed.
I can sum it up in one quote, "democrats are the real racists". no faggot we are
Nat soc flags with a blue background?? Are you retarded?
It represents the sky, you retard
Not hate, t_d acts as a good gateway to normies
because it's on fucking plebbit.
stay on your filthy website
don't come here again
this is your last warning
Carry on. You have the freedom of speech that da joos provided to you after all.
at least this shithole has common sense and doesn't fuck around with meaningless crap like "cute animals".
though Sup Forums's community intelligence has become diluted over the years thanks to immigration from shitholes like plebbit
thanks a lot, normies
really though, Sup Forums will always be better than plebbit simply because people on here aren't sheep
I got banned from /trashy fuck Reddit
No, you're not on our side, you're the fedora-tippers of the Right. Because of you, nobody can take right wing politics seriously. It's Chanology all over again.
You are not White Nationalist
You are kike-controlled (reddit)
You think blacks, jews, trans, muslims etc.. can be "based" (I hate that word)
You hijack the concept of redpilling
You support LGBT rights (cuz Trump supports it too)
You support a zionist president
You support selling weapons to the worst muslim countries
You steal and destroy our mems (kekistan, shadilay) and made them cringy
You are beta cucks or fedora neckbeards
You don't ackknowledge the Jewish question
You invade our boards (/ptg)
Shall I continue ?
It's kinda the same relationship between Jews and Islam. Sup Forums hates you, but there are people Sup Forums want to screw over so much more that we just use you to cover for Sup Forumss antics.
But reddit isn't relevant either anymore.
Le funny meme theft is a thing of the past, reddit is so big now it couldn't give a shit about Sup Forums because r/Sup Forums is just a tiny part of reddit.
And you know what, those redditors who came long ago probably abandoned reddit completely and are the ones who currently hate on reddit.
>at least this shithole has common sense
>Sup Forums doesn't fuck around with meaningless crap
Every single day we have a degeneracy thread.
Seeing an AIDS ridden tranny to Sup Forums is what seeing a cute animal is to a redditor.
>We're on your side.
No you're not. I want Trump tio keep his promises, you'll defend him even if he's taking a shit on your dog.
Sup Forums may have terrible quality, but it isn't an shithole of upboats and donut steal OC memes (Pepe aside).
Funnyjunk was invented before Sup Forums retard
what does 'based' mean?
Please just go back. Please.
You are ruining this board.
Because you can't accept a mistake. You just try to morph it into a running joke. Ex: pepe, ice cream, OK sign, covfefe. The fucking list goes on
Just go to physical removal instead
you have to go back
>Make nationalistic movement
>As many see the shit the Left has done they turn to more Nationalistic views
>Alt Light niggers see they can make a shekel off of this and hijack the movement
>It's now "civic nationalism" because "race doesn't exist"
>This leads to further division, all because the Alt-Light faggots wanted to appease the Left to make more shekels and have a bigger fanbase
That's why I hate all of you Alt-Light faggots