Leftist civic groups are holding a protest against the deployment of the THAAD anti-missile system currently being installed to protect the US forces in South Korea from a North Korean missile attack, and against US North Korea policy.
So this is the scene outside the US embassy in Seoul right now
Brought to you by North Korean infiltrators and their enablers.
>Protesting a missle system that's being installed to protect them
Shovel heads
Yellows hate whites
Isn't the new SK president like that too? Like, here we are trying to protect these gooks (obviously in both our interests) and they spit in our faces. Fucking cunts.
Why would you not want something that is put in place to protect you?
Do South Korean leftists want Best Korea to take over and create a communist paradise or something?
>The Philippines doesn't want our help
>Neither do the Koreans
>Not even Japanese wants American bases in their lands
Seriously, why don't we just get the message and stop helping them? It's a waste of military funding we could use for our own protection instead of theirs. We don't want to be there, they don't want us there. What the hell is the problem then?
Like 17 people
Not a real protest
>Protest against THAAD anti-missile system
I don't understand. What is their angle here? US overstepping their bounds by protecting their allies?
We don't need protection.
top kek
China threw a bitch fit cause of THAAD and Worst Korea is too afraid of losing business there.
Their nationalism is clouding their thinking. They think their "brothers" in NK could be reasoned with if only the evil Americans were gone. This kind of thing exists with people of other nationalities, too. Sorry, but if the NK leaders treat their own people this way, they're not going to "reason" with you, either. It would be like the rape of Hong Kong if not worse.
I would rather feed our own people then help a foreign stranger. Even if our people are bloated and that foreign stranger is dying from starvation. America first, everybody else is beneath our notice.
The majority of Japanese do want our protection from China. However there are outliers, and Abe wants Japan to take responsibility for more of their own defense. He doesn't want the USA conpletely gone though. No one with a brain would with China right there...
Koreans are fucking ingrates. Let's just throw a nuke at NK and watch them pummel Seoul.
Protesters at USFJ bases are all Zainichis, Okinawans and other undesirables for the most part though
It's called Force Projection bro. It has nothing to do with protecting the local populace, and everything to do with guaranteeing the US militaries ability to operate around the world.
I didn't know gooks had emotions and opnions?
Recent trends in South Korea have been really bad for our allies here.
>older generation dying off
>younger generation brainwashed by leftist teachers' unions, influenced by anti-American leftists in... the United States
>conservative government collapsed due to corruption scandal in time for Trump and Moon to be being inagurated within a few months of each other
>China waxing belligerent as a result of the slowing economy and rising nationalism there
>North Korean nuclear weapons development bearing fruit
Well that question is misleading, I bet they would be groveling at our feet to ensure their safety.
But with regards to the younger generation who have been indoctrinated to accept sympathy of the the NK can just fuck off and I hope Trump will just let SK die.
What about the younger generation? Are they racist and nationalistic?
I wouldn't say all of them are or anything, but that's the trend, yes. Say anything against the hivemind and you're Ilbe, an old man, whatever insult they want to use against you.
Basically because of how long South Korea has depended on both Japan and the US, wanting to continue or expand ties with either is viewed as "old-fashioned" and "stuffy" somehow. With pro-Americans, you get the 사대주의 meme, with pro-Japanese you get the otaku maymay.
As a witto piggu this is all quite unpleasant actually. I think Koreans honestly feel very uncomfortable around me, because they (correctly) guess what I am thinking about the current trend.
>Attack Japan
On the plus side you have no mineral wealth or natural resources to be worthy of wasting any money conquering.
Im 100% ok with america pulling out of developed nations around the world. South Korea isnt a joke, they can handle themselves, if they want to buy our missile shield, then do so, otherwise lets put troops on america's borders and not outside.
Yes...please..im sick and fucking tired of paying for troops to be in countries that can defend themselves.
>Leftist civic groups
Implying reason is leftist
Umplying leftism is civic
Implying beingvagainst war and pro freedim is leftist
Let me correctu u : if anything they are libertarian and thus classicaly right based on what they do there.
>T. Zhou Wei
Just Chink/Nork infiltrators and/or brainwashed lefties. The reason they support this is because leftism is the ideology of self-destruction.
I don't understand why if they don't want THAAD there, why don't we remove them and just put them on ships that we have all over the area. Keep our mouths shut and everybody is happy. Better yet pull our troops out of SC, they aren't doing anything there anyway.
>Im 100% ok with america pulling out
We won't because SK is the test-bed for what they are trying here.
>pro freedim
I don't know what "freedim" is, maybe you could expand on your philosophy a little more.
"Protect them"
Its literally to protect the american base.
this. these "why are you even in germany lol ww2 is over" retards have no idea what they're talking about
wow they are going all out with their control in SK to take over NK...
Keep that in mind bros when they in the american media spit out that disinfo and march to war against DPRK.
NORTH KOREA IS BEST KOREA! We must free SK from their control and allie with NK to liberate them.
I believe the right term is zipperheads
>anti-us protests in Korea
Nothing new. Happens all the time
And that's bad, why? The USFK protects South Korea from being attacked, surely it's reasonable for them not to want their bases to be open to missile attack.
Without such a system being in place, continued North Korean missile development will expose the US troops to potential attack. IMHO it's not reasonable to ask the US to maintain the alliance without taking reasonable steps to protect its own forces. Even if THAAD didn't defend a single Korean, its deployment would still be justified given that the USFK as a whole do.
because they likely dont trust that its absolutely impossible for US to someday use that as an offensive point, to start a conflict, mess with nk, or something
So are you an English teacher?
How would you feel about Chinese missile defenses build to protect Chinese military inside the USA?
...which is there to protect them.
Let SK burn.
>We don't want to be there,
US is the most noble, honorable, powerful, moral state, so it must have its eyes all around the world seeing everything and maintaining the peace and security between all, because how can all be trusted on their own?
u.s pulls out of SK all together, within a month NK zerg rushes SK.
you realized that this will just turn korea into US' bodyshield for nukes(at leadt a portion of it) right?
>tell SK guy at work we won't go to war with NK because Seoul will get nuked
>starts whining about concentration camps in NK
burgerland should leave the gooks and protect us from ourselves.
thats a funny way to spell locals, maybe next time you should have an US base deployed right next to your home
I hope we pull out and NK nukes Seoul. Would be funny.
Wasn't it found out that sourth korea was actually ran but a globalist cult of bitter women?
Of course they would manipulate the people to be against Trump.
There's your problem
NK has a lot of untapped natural resources and SK has like none?
Finally could save that picture, thanks user, have been looking for it.
We turn a blind eye to it and let China deal with the problem.
Against what? SK can stand up against NK.
And Kim knows shit will happen big time if he does nything stupid.
They are being paid by China. THAAD is a hindrance to China's projection of force and now that they are trying to throw it around South Korea will become a battleground of influence, just as Ukraine is between the EU and Russia.
We already have PATRIOT batteries protecting the major airbases in South Korea. But you would need almost a dozen PATRIOT batteries to protect Seoul. Or one THAAD system.
>t. Former ADA officer
"Protects SK from being attacked"
No it doesnt. China protects SK from being attacked. If NK wont do anything overly stupid thanks to China.
>I don't understand. What is their angle here?
The Angle is that Otpor! was the Alpha Test, Arab Spring was the Beta Test, Resist Trump is the Release Candidate...
Nice VPN by the way.
Not really a problem. If the US goes down, sk goes down with it. The US is the only reason why they can remain independent.
it has been like this for a while, after Japan broke up chink hegemony by instilling "koreaness" to their subjects, Korea(both best and worst) has been increasingly enemic towards others. Worse is, they adopted the jap meme of gooks and japs were pure races (w/o jap part for obvious reasons) and look at everyone with nostrils. They are even worse than some of my fellow chinks, who are already intolerably arrogant.
Hello, Chinese. I see you enjoy stay in Sweden. Good.
I'm a witto piggu here, not using a VPN.
For god sakes just take the damn gesture of kindness.Americans destroy shit, but I don't think they would harm an ally like south korea.
Yeah which protect the South Koreans you dumb fucking flaming poz faggot.
I don't understand why nobody is threatning do pull out, honestly.
save the kpop waifus,burgers
Leftist SKs are to the right of US civic nationalists. Don't get it twisted. The JewSA and China fear a unified peninsula.
Fuck off shill.
Sorry but leftists in South Korea are cancer
>victim mentality
Just because they're ethnic nationalism doesn't make them "based." Besides, ethnic nationalism in a Korean context is basically cancer, anyway. It's inflammatory to point it out, but the reality is that progress in Korea (and I don't mean (((progress))) here, but actual development and improvement) has to a large extent been carried out thanks to ties with and the efforts of foreigners.
I wish we'd just pull out completely. We'll see what goes down.
get over here, white nationalist user and lick my armpits
not necessarily. Deploying thaad also interfere with china's ballistic missile strike capacity within north china-west japan area. This deployment will almost cripple chink's north sea fleet, also deny China's influence over any possible war should NK start going apeshit. China want to be the only one guys with the say about killing NK off.
user NK doesn't have any intercoentinal necular missles
I hope China provokes a war in the South China Sea so that we can humiliate them and put them back in their place.
or they could just lob it to china, and chinks in turn nuke russia, and yada yada everyone dies
>attack Japan
Wait what?
Ameika needs to fuck off. Leave korea fucking yankees
What's 사대주의
it is like soviet russia grabbing poland when everyone was looking at le adobe himlar and his halfass motorized army
Amerika needs to fuck off. Nobody wants those yanks
Opinion discarded
who funds and organizes the protests?
Let the leftists move to north korea if they love communism so much
I highly doubt the capacity of PLAN, but they should not fail within their water, especially against a country that lost against emus.
Also, it seems that you have assumed my nationality? _(:з」∠)_
We really should leave South Korea to it's own demise.
Let them deal with North Korea (or more accurately, leave North Korea to deal with them).
fuck off irrelevent cookie country
so theyre against the installment of an anti-missile system? fucking wot
Fuck you cuck, don't even bother calling us for help when you are overrun with muslims.You couldn't defend a fucking bowl of jello anyways.
all of japan and korea are american military bases
The pacific is rightful american clay
usa has lost. And is losing whatever influence it has in Asia.
Blessed be China