WH user confirms.
Lynch Lynch! Fucking happening!
Orig thread:
Alex Jones Coverage:
Continuation from:
WH user confirms.
Lynch Lynch! Fucking happening!
Orig thread:
Alex Jones Coverage:
Continuation from:
I guess the left is going to have a progressive collapse.
basic gestalt?
The predominant shill narrative on this topic is to Appeal to Historical Precedent, aka. Too big to jail, aka nuthins gonna happen; Black pill. Just look at all the previous threads on this topic, they're filled to the brim with these type of posts
Catch it early and often. Shilling is shilling no matter what form it takes. Do not fall for this blatant demoralization campaign. Justice WILL be served one way or another. If the government won't, the people will.
The Clinton Foundation was more than just "Pay for Play". They were using their network of Democratically elected Sheriffs and Judges to pervert the justice system.
People would pay Indulgences to the Clinton Foundation in exchange for leniency or outright Exoneration of Crimes committed. (This is how they built their Blackmail network).
im too lazy to read. anons wanna summarize?
Seeing an odd amount of downplaying on major news sites of this, even more so than usual when Dems get exposed.
Does that mean it's worse for them?
After the 2016 Election, The Clinton foundation become defunct.
Though most of their employees migrated to the Obama Foundation. Where they are still accepting said indulgences to get people off the hook for crimes committed.
>Does that mean it's worse for them?
People who dwell in the past forget about today's technology.
Trump was right. I can't handle all this winning between this and Bernie "man of the people" Sanders being investigated for bank fraud.
It wasn't funny the first time asshole
It's still the truth
Now we are at where the FBI gets into hot water.
Every Now and then a Confidential Informant will get into Legal trouble. Comey Instructed (Shilled for the CF) his agents to utilize the Clinton foundation as a fast track method to get them off the hook, instead of using the proper legal channels
If anyone was in hot water they'd simply not attend. Lynch can not show up and nothing will happen, so if she does show up you can be positive nothing will happen. See how this works?
Jesus, is this for real?
>is this for real?
who doesn't want a selfie with shillary?
Anyone have proof of this?