GG America, GG.
GG America, GG.
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Fuck that bitch is stupid.
I bet he doesn't make a million in his lifetime.
All that work, for a useless child. They should put it all on him.
>Here's the $200,000 bill to keep you alive, now that you're an adult, time to start paying it back.
Fucking dumb.
>why is health insurance so expensive?
Because of shit like that.
It's his third surgery.
Keeping alive kids who should be dead is not going to be good for the gene pool.
Also, why does he have to have Obamacare? Why not just pay for Atena on your own?
If anyone thinks I have any desire to pay for sick kids because their parents are shit providers, they're mistaken.
If you can't afford to have kids, then don't.
>40k for anesthesia
God I love my job
B-but that kid is a burden on the system and he should have been euthanized years ago! Right my fellow Trumpbros?!
And I bet his parents are poor dumb beaner niggers too!
if you can't afford to raise kids then don't have them. fuck the welfare state. my mom grew up in a shack in the forests of puerto rico with 13 brothers and sisters and they never complained.
how much for euthanasia
>Charging $22,526 for a room for 2 weeks before including the cost of actually caring for the patient
How do we stop hospitals from charging dumb amounts of money for things that could be done much cheaper/more effective?
wait so she only pays $500? what is she bitching about
If that shitskin lives 1000 years he will never contribute enough to our society to repay this.
>open heart surgery
i agree it should cost 20 monopoly dollars at most
Shouldn't have smoked while pregnant.
Let the kike spawn die
>with Trump's evil health care bill I might owe the entire $230k
About 3 fiddy
That's OR Services you tard. Anesthesia is 2k.
Where do you work? I'd like to avoid it like the plague if for some reason I'm ever in the hospital.
Call Podestas.
Drumpf's death panels would've killed that kid. Did you know that Blumpf's health care bill allows insurance company executives to deduct taxes on lavish CEO and board member payouts? Obamacare removed it because it encourages theft from patients to pad the pockets of executives on the taxpayer's dime but Harrumph demanded it be put back in.
Google it idiots. Klumpfcare does nothing more than boot all of the freeloaders (YOU AUTISMAL NEETS ONCE YOU HIT 26) off so they can die like is done in literally no other 1st world country besides the U.S.
Don't subsidize it with government money.
See, normally, when you get a credit card and don't pay it off, they don't let you get more credit cards.
But if you get a hospital bill you can't pay, you can still get more hospital bills.
>lefties hate human race
>Too many people
> Loves abortion
>Wants to keep every unhealthy person alive
That must be why my health insurance premium went from $3,000 per year for a great plan to $14,000 per year for a shit plan. Premium went up 90% per year since Obamacare kicked in.
so your complaint is that the ACA does not have death panels?
Thank you, someone post Dwayne Johnson clapping here.
All they had to pay was $500.
That's good insurance.
What point are you making?
Trumpcare hasn't been passed. That bill is pure 100% Obamacare
>$0.89 has been deposited to your Shareblue account, with a troll bonus of an additional $1.50
Gee, I wonder why the prices are as high as they are in the first place.
Lel, maybe if you faggots actually let obama go with a public healthcare system, you wouldn't have had to pay 14k for a shitty plan. You would of had a public healthcare where you never pay a cent for hospitals bill.
>inb4 "free healthcare is not free"
Yes dipshit, it is free, since the money for that comes out of your taxes, which surprise surprise... you already pay. And if you're worried about an increase in taxes, then tell the mongrels in the government to take it from the military spending budget.
Also you'd probably still make more money with a public healthcare system with the taxes hikes, than keeping it as it is and pay for a shitty private insurance which will jew out of the bill half the time
You're not too good with the maths, are you sport?
Moron detected
Somehow you think that a non-profit public healthcare system will cost you more than a private for-profit system shows how stupid you are
You pay a high insurance fee, with high deductibles, for shitty coverage. If you're never sick, then good for you, you only pay the useless insurance fee every year, but if you do get sick, on top of paying the insurance fee, you pay for the deductibles, and what ever your plan does not cover.
Tell me how an average person making 50k/year and paying 15% in taxes, will lose by having a public healthcare system? And 15% is an example in the most taxed province in canada, mostly because people here don't fucking work and drove businesses out of the province because of their stupid french laws. Alberta has a lower tax rate while still having public health care. You don't waste an average of 10k per year on insurance on top of getting your income taxed at a higher rate and canadians in the same range
Unless you are very rich, you usually get taxed significantly more than canadians, and get less in return.
>The costs are absorbed into thin air! Everyone in the healthcare system will work for free!
Just stop.
everything the government touches is ruined
i don't want someone telling me i have to have use the same service as cleetus the fetus when i can afford to pay for better things
i value my life and don't want to be dead by the wait times
>The costs are absorbed into thin air! Everyone in the healthcare system will work for free!
Lmao, way to show you didn't get a word of what I just said.
You pay an average of 10k a year in private insurance, and that's assuming you don't have to pay out of pocket for things that are not covered. Unless you're very rich, this 10k you're paying will be higher than any increase in taxes that would happen due to having a national healthcare system
>Everyone in the healthcare system will work for free!
No, not at all, but they will work for a fair wage
Your healthcare prices is seriously overblown. There is no fucking reason for a couple of pills commonly used by people to be in the range of hundred, or sometimes thousands of dollars. And that's not including some of them that range in the price of hundred of thousands.
>everything the government touches is ruined
Only the in the US since you have a political system with 2 parties trying to measure dicks and can accomplish absolutely nothing.
>i don't want someone telling me i have to have use the same service as cleetus the fetus when i can afford to pay for better things
If you can afford something better, then you can still do so. A public healthcare system does not mean private clinics will go away. We still have private clinics in canada.
>i value my life and don't want to be dead by the wait times
People don't die waiting for treatments. If you show up to the emergency room with a heart attack, you'll see a doctor right away. If you show up with a cold, you'll wait for 12 hours. You're a moron for thinking that people actually die waiting in the emergency room.
>everything the government touches is ruined
I imagine a 13 year old girl saying this
>MOOOOM, my birthday party is RUINED!!!!
>what is the insurance companies overhead
Trumpcare will allow insurance companies to bring back life-time caps.
Lol get a real job that has real insurance you pussy-fag.
People have been left on wait-lists for medically necessary surgeries for so long that some have died (see Canada, Scandinavian countries)
Your public clinics are terrible, people literally come across the border to get surgeries and even do their shopping.
Your system is garbage; the government cannot run itself, I don't want them touching healthcare. DMV's are miserable, all public spaces are disgustingly dirty, housing is garbage.
Let the private interests deal with medicine and it will be the best system in the world.
the insurance industry is literally owned by jews, meanwhile the concept of universal healthcare was created the literal creator of the German nation (Bismarck).
>everything the government touches is ruined
Why is it that no developed country that has universal healthcare ever went back to a private system? If you don't want government back health services under a single-payer system, you can just purchase private insurance ontop of it.
Why would this bitch lose her insurance under revised healthcare? Its basically the same shit.
You are nothing shorty of a mongoloid if you think a "free" healthcare wouldn't come off the back of taxing the middle class outrageously. To cover everyone like you dipshits propose would require more than taxing the rich or the defense budget (lol) could provide.
>No, not at all, but they will work for a fair wage
They already do, you stupid faggot. Then they get taxed to death just to pay for Bubba and his 20 useless kids to have birth control.
>Your healthcare prices is seriously overblown. There is no fucking reason for a couple of pills commonly used by people to be in the range of hundred, or sometimes thousands of dollars. And that's not including some of them that range in the price of hundred of thousands.
Guess what, retard? That is a result of price gouging from big pharma and medical supply manufacturers. Do you know why they price gouge? Because they know the government subsidizes them through forced insurance paid for by the taxpayers because idiots like you insist on easily gamed programs like Medicaid. You don't solve that by further subsidizing it. You solve that by ending the abuse of that system going after those companies and their patents so you can destroy the monopolies they hold on these products so the market will become competitive again. You also kick the freeloaders who have never held a job in their life and paid into the system (and never will) off. If you don't contribute to society, you shouldn't reap the benefits of others' hard work. Period.
What happens if you lose your job? Oh that's right, you lose your health care. And best part of this is that illness can be a cause for loss of employment. If you getting sick somehow prevent you from working, what do you do then? I know... employers cannot fire you for being sick, but that is not what I mean by this. What if you get sick and you can no longer work, such as losing limbs, or getting paralyzed or what ever. What then? Where is your health insurance coming from?
>Why is it that no developed country that has universal healthcare ever went back to a private system?
Citation or you're full of shit.
why would you want single-payer leeching your money and buying private insurance on top of it? don't you demorats complain that healthcare is expensive as is?
Why are we wasting so much time and resources saving defective people?
>for so long that some have died
I bet the number is vastly inferior to this one
>people literally come across the border to get surgeries and even do their shopping.
50k Canadians, literally 0.1%, a drop in the ocean.
And your source says that those 50k Canadians received heathcare abroad, not necessarily in the USA.
Meanwhile Americans go in the millions to Canada for cheap pills
>Let the private interests deal with medicine and it will be the best system in the world.
Then why is the american one considered the worst?
"You're not pro-life unless you're forced to pay for my kids medical bills."
That's what Medicare is for, which you earned by paying into before you got injured.
"Further, over a 15-year period from 1994 to 2009 changes in wait times
for cardiovascular care are associated with approximately 662 potentially
avoidable deaths (with a 95% confidence interval from 35 to 1,289)."
Here is a whole study for you to look at.
But you're missing the point, "The Fraser Institute, a Canadian public policy think tank, estimates that 52,513 Canadians received non-emergency medical treatment in the U.S. and other countries in 2014, a 25 percent jump from the roughly 41,838 who sought medical care abroad the previous year."
25% increase in one year is quite significant for something like healthcare, don't you think?
American healthcare isn't fully privatized LMFAO. Have you seen Obamacare? Regulations on regulations on regulations, disallowing companies to fully provide the most they can without losing money; the best part, the burden falls on the average citizen. Premiums and deductibles go up, and people lose their doctors. Sad!
Medicare spending (as in universal healthcare for only 1/5th of the country) is already twice the size of the military budget. We could eliminate our military and still not cover everyone.
26% of surveyed American adults said they waited six days or more for appointments, compared to Netherlands (14%) and Britain (16%).
Only an estimated 50,000 Canadians come to the US every year for medical tourism, while for the US, the number of Americans that go outside the country for care is 750,000. We had a free-market system, but people regulated it because it will shit, and it will remain regulated.
Then get a different insurance company that doesn't.
>room and board is specified down to the number of beds in the room
>we dont use wards because we'd need to make it cheaper
>you have one other person; some guy determined this is worth not 21K but 23K; you're already starting to sound like a car and the car insurance we buy
>we're sorry but we noticed your heart was in another room the whole time so just your heart needs a special bill; your kidneys never functioned but they did so can we charge you for a urinal? we'll see; your heart beating has nothing to do with your bedroom; which we already established; mort with the huge nose says this is worth 47K please give him a free manicure before his hang nail kills the president
>these drugs aren't included with anything; they didnt do anything for your heart; it included kleenex and a tylenol; maybe some salt water; this costs 8.2K
>nothing was sterile in your 23K room so steam costs 11K; hydrogen peroxide is also very expensive
>sterile supplies are not implant supplies; implant supplies are not sterile; they cost even more though; twice the cost at 43K
>general lab cost followed by 12 duplication lab costs; the word lab costs $638 nobody knows to what that is referring; why the FUCK should we add these up?
>the second entry for our special usurious money laundering "blood 'lab'"; the chemistry part; costs 15K; does this include machine maintenance or just the chemicals? The staff? Nobody knows
>third special lab charge; non chemical non lab immunology; immunology is separate because white blood cells need no lab or chemicals; each cell type has a charge; $344
>blood cell lab components; 6.6K
>bacteria need their own charge; some guy said bacteria are more expensive when God buys them; 1.1K; the sterility charges didnt help with this; we cant kill the germs we're studying in the multiplex moni "lab"
To be continued
>662 in a period of 15 years, vs 45k every year
I'l stick with the Canadian one any day
>25% increase in one year is quite significant for something like healthcare, don't you think?
Could be a fluctuation. i dunno
And don't forget that the 50k Canadians are the ones who went abroad for healthcare.
It says nowhere that they went to USA, we are just assuming.
You have to be over the age of 65 to be on Medicare, and it only covers 4/5 of the costs. A lot of seniors are on both Medicaid and Medicare because of that, and 60% of them who go to nursing homes are on Medicaid. Cutting medicaid would disproportionately affect them.
>Citation or you're full of shit.
provide me for a citation or news article of a developed country that went back a privatized system to prove me otherwise, fag-boiiii. >Have you seen Obamacare? Regulations on regulations on regulations
Which will still exist under Trump-care.
There is no redress for this other thank skipping the bill. Rates are not disclosed beforehand, there's no negotiations on the bill short of filing for poverty assistance, and if the services are not performed correctly or treatment is ineffective, you are stuck with the bill regardless.
$500 is a problem? Do you grown adults not have more than $5000 in a savings account?
good goy.
keep letting illegals and fat asses use your hospital for free.
Where the fuck did I strawman anything dipshit? A false accusation of logical fallacies is not an argument. KYS
>People have been left on wait-lists for medically necessary surgeries for so long that some have died (see Canada, Scandinavian countries)
The first article doesn't say shit about people dying on the waiting list. As for the second one, she was waiting on a transplant list. They cannot do shit if they don't have donors. This has nothing to do with the public healthcare system being ineffective, it has to do with people being too selfish to donate. quoting from the same article:
>The Fraser Institute, a Canadian public policy think tank, estimates that 52,513 Canadians received non-emergency medical treatment in the U.S.
Read it faggot. They went out for non-emergencies. That means they can wait. If they are not happy, they can get private insurances and go to a private clinic. They did not die from their condition, nor did their lives were ever at risk.
>Your system is garbage; the government cannot run itself, I don't want them touching healthcare. DMV's are miserable, all public spaces are disgustingly dirty, housing is garbage.
Funny, because over here, the DMV is just what it is supposed to. You walk in, get a number, and wait for your turn. Then you do what ever the fuck you want. Once again, this is a problem in the US only.
Besides, public services are always gonna be crowed, because they are supposed to serve the whole population. Short of turning every building into a hospital, with 1 doctor for each person in the country, or a DMV office around every corner with an employee for every person owning a license, there is nothing that can be done.
Privatizing it doesn't fix the problem, it just hides it. It prevents people from seeing their doctors, which reduces the amount of people hogging the emergency room. The problem is not only still there, but made worse.
>You have to be over the age of 65 to be on Medicare
It also covers people with disabilities and renal failue.
>the secretary thought after all this that "other" should be a legal charge; this is a common law country we can do whatever we want; your "other other other lab lab other" services are $82; CEO's daughter's tuition fee
>we had to look at you in a machine; there are many types of machines here is first charge; 3.5K for radiation; any staff involved? We dont need to outline that
>here's another scan for $1200; first one didnt work
>one big general charge for most important part; no specifics; sterility charge doesnt count; we operated on you in the courtyard; 45K
>we dont put people to sleep here for surgery; anaesthesia is not a pharmacy charge; 2.4K
>blood is stored in the employees' break time fridge here; the labs dont count; $6K for cold air; ice doesnt work; too lazy; janitor would bankrupt the company
>your lungs were kept in a dumpster; 6K for room air
>we charged you for coronary "care" so now we charge you for cardiology "care"; 3.4K
>when you put the word echo in front of what we just charged you twice for, we can charge you again. Yodelling at your heart cost us 5.7K
>special detail requiring drugs as opposed to robot drugs and the pharmacy we already charged you for; you dont need to know its name or our methodology; 4.6K
>echo cardiograms and echo cardiology and coronary and cardiology are all different; $361
>coronary care
translation: fat ass almost died and he wants us to PAY for his healthcare
You mean the company that stopped providing healthcare in 11 out of the 15 states they were in as a result of $200,000,000 loss thanks Obama care?
Not as big as mine bill. Insurance paid over a million dollars on my cancer treatment provided by the county hospital where my parents work.
>You are nothing shorty of a mongoloid if you think a "free" healthcare wouldn't come off the back of taxing the middle class outrageously. To cover everyone like you dipshits propose would require more than taxing the rich or the defense budget (lol) could provide.
If it does come back on the middle class, it has nothing to do with having a public healthcare service, but with the morons who you put in office yourselves. Every fucking first world country managed to figure it out. You're the only one who didn't and that is because of your stupid political system, with only 2 parties, which can't get anything done. That's the only reason why you need private companies, because unlike your stupid system, they can get shit done. But this is not the case anywhere in the world.
LOL. Find a lump, go to the ER and see what happens. Hint: They will tell you to get the fuck out, book an appointment with a specialist and wait 100+ days for an MRI.
First of all, Trumpcare hasn't even been passed yet. Second, $500 for how much all that other shit cost is fucking nothing. If you're a grown-ass adult and can't even save up that much money you should probably fucking kill yourself.
>forced to do more business thanks to republigoyim obstruction
>still closes
Tough. Might make things cheaper now. Oh well. Trump has steamrolled all his supporters and blind sided you all
No one admits that or just ignores it when someone posts a hospital bill after 2009.
>They already do, you stupid faggot. Then they get taxed to death just to pay for Bubba and his 20 useless kids to have birth control.
Lel, how is 100k for 20 pills fair? Canada managed to significantly reduce the price of medication and its healthcare system by cutting the 2 fat ceo's on top of the industry who choose to turn life and death into a profit
>Guess what, retard? That is a result of price gouging from big pharma and medical supply manufacturers. Do you know why they price gouge? Because they know the government subsidizes them through forced insurance paid for by the taxpayers because idiots like you insist on easily gamed programs like Medicaid. You don't solve that by further subsidizing it. You solve that by ending the abuse of that system going after those companies and their patents so you can destroy the monopolies they hold on these products so the market will become competitive again. You also kick the freeloaders who have never held a job in their life and paid into the system (and never will) off. If you don't contribute to society, you shouldn't reap the benefits of others' hard work. Period.
Now don't be a retard. The companies will always try to make profit. You thinking otherwise is you being naive. The only way to make healthcare affordable is to make it non-profit. As soon as you have your so called free market or private companies, you have a for-profit system, which will always result in a higher price.
$500 isn't that much for an open heart surgery.
And America is one of the only countries where you can get high quality same-day treatment for just about anything and it will cost less in the long-run than what you cucks pay in taxes.
>land of the assholes
>cheap hospitals
Hi mr magoo
And you die three years sooner on average for three times more money per capita and innovate nothing
That's niggercare, you faggot.
>accusing other people of being useless
>while shitposting on a Vietnamese puppeteering forum
He was inquiring about assisted suicide, not a young Thai boy. Though I can understand your mix up.
How the fuck is that different from a single payer system, where you pay into it when you work, and you can use it whenever you want. Either you go private, or public. Having pieces of both scattered all over the place is one of the main fucking reason why your government is so inefficient.
I want to see his legs get scrubbed with steel wool
Still waiting for that ronald trickle up piss leg shit. Just like cheaper trump anything costs. Why do you think you have so much debt? Shit like this
Exactly, this type of stuff is going to bankrupt us. If a human has a medical debt that’s a result of shitty genetics and is heritable they shouldn’t be allowed to reproduce.
Jesus Christ. Leftists have no concept of competition since their party became the "stamp out competition with regulations" party.
>fiat money circumcised me and took my balls away
Keep paying interest on air to the nose im sure you dont mind that; yay fertility cults; only i get to have erections
Why hasnt it worked yet? Is privatisation something new? No. Youre filled with buzzwords and lies and imported refugees and psy ops and youre just too far gone smelling your own ass all day
>If it does come back on the middle class, it has nothing to do with having a public healthcare service, but with the morons who you put in office yourselves
No, it has absolutely nothing to do with that. It comes down to simple fucking mathematics. You cannot sustain something when demand is higher than supply. Middle class gets taxed out of necessity in this scenario and you are absolutely delusional if you think that's not the fate that awaits these healthcare utopias (that don't exist) you speak of. Demand for healthcare is only going up because of the rising population and that population realizing they don't have to work a day or take care of themselves because the gubmint gon' pay all dey bills. This is only going to get worse the more you subsidize healthcare and drive costs up. Eventually, demand will outgrow supply to the point where no amount of taxation or money siphoning can fix it. You want to fix the problem? Start at the fucking root. Get rid of patents for medical and pharmaceutical supplies. Let the freeloaders die off.
>energy is not conserved
>because all energy comes from another source
Why are you arguing all this? Tell us why that bill is sensical or should be legal
You're no Republican.
Because the government and the corporations work together as one entity to consolidate power and wealth via eliminating the free market/choice/competition.
>And you die three years sooner on average
Nope. I'm white. Control for niggers and see what happens. Hint: Niggers massacring each other before their balls drop skews the results. America is also one of the safest countries in the world in terms of violent crime when niggers are not factored in.
Welcome to psy ops you do it all the time. You love big government so dont worry
Nigga, you talking horseshit right there. If every other country can achieve public healthcare, then so can you. Also the US government spends 57% of its budget on military, I seriously doubt they spent twice as that on medicare.
It's different because in order to be able to use it, you have to have actually paid into it to begin with, which universal healthcare would not require. Again, this is pretty fucking simple.
Truth hurts, huh? Stay triggered, snowflake.
Why should people with heriatable diseases have children if we are going to have to pay hundreds of thousands on them? You can still have erections after we sterilize you
You can negotiate with hospitals though. The price listed is 99% of the time not the price you'd ever even come close to paying, that's the price for insurance companies and shit. self paying get actual prices.