even black people are turning on the democrats..
Even black people are turning on the democrats
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This is weird. Satanists?
Hahaha everything's turning right! Muh pendulum swings back hahaha!
Just a few things...
1: The majority is in favor of free college
2: The majority is in favor of universal healthcare
3: The majority is and has been for some time against all the fucking wars in the Middle East
4: Bernie Sanders is the most popular politician in America
5: Donald Trump is still the most hated president in American history
Democrats failed my community not niggers!
Say what you want about the "Democrats are the real racists" meme; it's actually true.
Why can niggers only think of "muh coonmunnity". Why can't they think of all Americans for god's sake.
Some gay ass feminist stunt inspired by the book The Handmaid's Tale about a pipedream dystopian patriarchy written by a jew dyke
Yeah! Racism doesn't exist on the right! It's the LEFT (and that means Democrats!) that is racist!
Lol you fucking morons have only succeeded in saturating every environment you move in with enough right wing propaganda to make yourselves feel like you won. You haven't won shit. The population is becoming more liberal by the day.
Never said the right isn't racist, too. The difference is the right actually owns it and is proud of it, whereas the left represses it.
The right is far more obviously racist than the left. End of discussion.
>The population is becoming more liberal by the day.
Oh wow I didn't know everyone is turning into a faggot and rallying for Trans dressing rooms. Those are the biggest issues for dems isn't it?
>The right is far more obviously racist than the left. End of discussion.
And no one gives a flying fuck except you retards. Go fuck your pet nigger some more
You know what that is? That's one of the black men that become successful, but didn't come back to support the black community.
why ponder on black voter issues when you can pander to latino ones instead.
>The difference is the right actually owns it and is proud of it, whereas the left represses it.
So? It doesn't mean the right will suddenly get more epic based niggers. That guy in OP's picture is still going to vote Democrat or not vote at all, he's not going to suddenly vote for Republicans who are generally openly racist and hostile to black causes like BLM.
Pictured: Your comment
Keep deluding yourselves about what's really happening. It's good for us and bad for you.
>B-b-but the left are the REEEEAAL RACISTS!
(((You))) know none of that is true but you said it to cause a ruse and get a rise out of people. Go suck your mom's boobs, buckeroo.
1. Whos gonna pay for it??
2. Whos gonna pay for it?
3. What war is going on now?
Got a source on 4 and 5? Sounds like a bunch of bullshit rhetoric to me
is that why 95% of them voted for Dems again?
Those are some fat women.
whatever helps you sleep at night cuck
>hostile to black causes like BLM.
BLM is racist and a hostle cause to begin with.. Are you this dumb?
Everyone has failed the 'black community' because they never address the prime issue, which is that blacks are genetically predisposed to be inferior in western civilization. They will always fail because they're held to standards that their environment never selected for, or at least not the degree necessary.
>Whos gonna pay for it??
Funny, you dumbasses never ask about that when it comes to new wars, now do you? And the RICH are going to pay for it.
>What war is going on now?
This a joke? When is America not at war?
>4 and 5?
Yeah, pay attention to daily life, retard. This isn't exactly breaking news. Fuck even a Fox poll named Sanders as the most popular politician. That should tell you something right there.
>South Carolina
>Montana Republican body slams reporter and still wins
>ITT: So let me tell you how Bernie can still win
come back when you grow some pubes Jr. You obviously don't know anything except what your cuck daddy told you
Correction, the right has been pushed farther to the right and into racial self defense by the left and their relentless race bating and "hurr-durr-white-privilege" racket, violence anti-free-speechism. BLM has also poured gasoline on this fire.
Untill you fuckin faggots get this it's only going to get worse. Much worse.
I WAS a leftist and only hung around Blacks and devoted my life to social justice until it turned toxic.
Im one of millions.
Only the ignoramuses have remained brainwashed and weaponized against morality and western civilization.
The sad thing about Blacks is they alienated themselves by embracing BLM rhetoric and now that they are disgusted with the left they have nowhere to turn.
Maybe they will become self-sufficient for the first time in their goddamn history.
Now fuck off and sort yourself out.
>End of discussion
Yeah, goy, it's the current year, how can you not agree with this opinion?
The truth is that the left demands people fall into their labels or everything falls apart. The second niggers, spics, poos, ricefielders, and the rest of them start holding unique opinions or somehow side with the right or, God forbid, do not suck the Democratic dong, they tell them they're a freak of nature. In essence, your race determines your agenda and nothing more. Same thing for sex - if you don't believe in a wage gap or want to have/be a traditional woman, you're a mysogynist or have internalized patriarchy. You can't be unique. What you are is more important than who you are, and if you don't believe that then there's something wrong with you.
Leftwing and rightwing racism both stem from someone not following the predetermined goals of their race. At least with the right, the extreme racism is meant to uplift your race and propel you further. Some races, namely whites and asians, use racial pride and power to move forward while niggers use it to wallow in their own failures. Leftist racism is about dragging us all down the same hellhole where no one wins and everything sucks. The end result of leftwing racism is miscegynation and decay of the strengths of individuality. Rightwing racism seems to be more positive in the long run but can end with stagnation problems down the line. I honestly think if every race did its own thing, we'd stand better by working with each other rather than muddying each other's water. Two football teams might be great on their own and can teach each other new things, but throwing incompatible team members and tactics together haphazardly does little good for either party.
I don't really have a point to make here, these are just idle musings. I'm probably fucking stupid but this just came to mind.
Doesn't matter, I'm still right.
Yessss... division .. yes, goood :)
The slaves were freed by a Republican if I remember correctly.
Sounds more like you're left there bud c|:^)
>You haven't won shit.
You are the kind of leftist faggot that thinks there are 31 genders.
>South Carolina
Everywhere you named is a total shithole. Kansas is in economic crisis due to its retard libertarian governor. Even his legislature has to override him to fund basic services because he refuses to stop tanking the economy. If you think Kansas is so fucking great, go move there. They'll literally give you free land.
You're already outnumbered. I know exactly what's happening right now. Why the right is so vicious and vocal now. This is your last gasp. And you're right. You'd better lock down power into an outright totalitarian state, or you'll lose it forever. Either way, you're going to lose. You can't stop progress.
does it even matter. why are they here?
Why don't you back up your claim with some sources instead of using le bad draw straw man?
Why would they when they are trading them in for the spics?
>Either way, you're going to lose.
based black man!
Good luck winning an argument this way you child
No, that's your wholly unrealistic view of the left and it's going to get you literally killed as a movement entirely. You're so biased and shortsighted you can't see the tide coming in to wash you out to sea.
Dude, if you're going to deny basic knowledge everyone has already learned, then no amount of data will ever convince you of anything.
Keep ignoring reality all you want. The truth is, your current tantrum is causing a simmering backlash of ACTUAL liberal sentiment in America. When it goes off you'll never have power again.
So no source for your bullshit claims?
democrats have always hated black people, they feign sympathy while forcing them into ghettos and pouring cocaine and liquor into their neighborhoods and promoting gangster culture
>being this utterly clueless
What's weally happening, sweetie? A dem party so fractured that it'll take a decade+ to regroup. All the idle talk of wholesaling all the senior dem leadership....it's a fuck show and you're along for the ride. Especially since the Russiagate time sink fiasco is finally unravelling, makes you guys look less than incompetent. Voters will remember this wasted time and resources.
When your enemy beats you in elections, you win
Democrats fucking destroyed black people. People forget that the DNC is the party of slavery, the KKK, Jackson, LBJ, Margaret Sanger and Hillary Clinton.
The DNC and its government handouts were intended to keep blacks poor, ignorant and dependent. Basically modern day slaves to the party. LBJ even said as much openly and was caught on tape saying " he will have this niggers voting democrat forever."
Okay, so when I provide it, you're totally not going to scream "FAKE NEWS!", right? Right? I mean this isn't even a debate. Donald Trump was the least liked candidate that polls have record of. His popularity is also the lowest of any sitting president.
A FOX NEWS POLL showed Bernie Sanders as the most popular politician. And others have restated the same.
>Shows statistics that insinuate that you're wrong
>Gets defensive and attacks Kansas
I mean I agree with the outcome here but the only one who failed is the actual niggers. My mom got some food stamps at one point and I went to Northwestern. This is what white people do with socialism.
95% of them dont vote
Except you're all turned around about where the progress is coming from. It has always come from conservatives, all the left has ever done is pollute and muder every culture they have ever infected.
What you are witnessing is an opposite and equal reaction to your own evil.
You are clearly baiting or just stupid.
either way, you're just worthless.
>most hated
Maybe in cities like LA or New York, but I've actually seen Trump bumper stickers and MAGA hats in public a lot more over in Minneapolis of all places.
Ok got it youre just talking out of your ass like the rest of your movement
This is why there are no niggers on debate teams.
Liberals are out numbered. The DNC is in a death spiral. The last special election was supposed to be a voter report card on Trump, and the dem lost by a wider margin than Hillary. The DNC is dead as of now.
Here, I'll give you some (you)'s if you fuck off back to redit. Don't spend it all one one place, kiddo.
I can't wait til 2018 when the supposed "blue wave" happens I hope some lefties live stream their suicides shit would be cash
But the polls said Hilary was the most popular candidate in the election, and yet Trump still won. By default, he beat Bernie as well when you realize that Bernie couldn't beat Hilary, but Trump could beat her. Hilary didn't steal the election from Bernie by the way, just so you know. He practically gave her his car keys and when she drove off reported the car stolen. Every Bernout knew what was going on, even Bernie himself. But nobody stopped it, nobody fought it, and now look where you are. Bernie is not the most popular politician in America, especially not middle America, Trump is. That's why Trump won the election.
I voted Dem when I was younger. But after this election cycle and the russia probe, I'm never voting Dem again, even if I have to vote for Satan. They lost me and will never get me back.
It's because they're centrist as all fuck. People don't like the middle Americans want XTREMES. If the DNC woukd adopt the Berniepolitik then they'd be cooking with gas. People generally dont think full employment is possible and that they have any hope of equity and comfort without heavy intervention.
Mine Got! Look at those digits!
This message was obviously directed by the speaker to other blacks. Whites are almost all already aware of the failure. The problem is that there is a taboo about pointing that out; because to do so would imply that blacks are too stupid to have figured that out on their own.
So no Republican cuck has the balls to tell blacks that they are clearly not voting in their own interests. The moment a right winger says that, the left immediately gets the "evidence" they need to maintain the myth that the mainstream right is racist.
Of course, any meaningful understanding of fraternity requires one to acknowledge that race is very real thing and impacts behavior. Thus any non-cucked right wing movement is proudly racist because they understand why race matters. But the cucked "right" still fears the implication of racism.
We are the jew now
I was at Occupy wall street and I got a preview of where the left was heading with identity politics noped the fuck out and never looked back
>nigger with blue eyes
Fucking disgusting
HES FUCKING BASED!!!!!!!1111111 ASSEMBLE PEDES!!111111 MAGA PRAISE KEK SHADILAY!!111111°°°°°°°°°!!!!!!221111111
She's cute but very naive about her identity which is what I would expect from a mixed girl.
1. Sauce?
2. Sauce?
3. Sauce?
4. Sauce?
5. Sauce?
Works cited is the author's ASS
the prayer that saved the ethnostate
I'm sure to the baiting user, that "wave" is just one last slew of violent acts and shootings from Antifa.
Look at how he doesn't want to discuss anything. Any person with common sense has to wonder: how can such a person garner support this way? Additionally, how can he expect to after being beat down so hard and is now bleeding followers? He's not going to impress anyone to the right of his politics (left or right wing), centrists, apathetic, or undecideds with that lack of bite to his pompous, bourgeoisie bark.
He's hoping for violence and that the MSM will carry their narrative of being infallibly virtuous while doing so.
only took what.... 60 some years... to figure it out?
I don't see the logical connection between liberals"concerned about Black America" and "failed my community." Is he talking about politicians?
I think it's comical that Africans think African Americans are dumbasses.
even the huffinton post agrees that the dems are fucked
"Besides, even if the Democrats by some miracle were able to take the state governments of those Midwest and Rust Belt states that went for Trump in 2016, their majorities would be so slender that they would probably be just as gutless and weak as ever. In fact, gutlessness and weakness you might say are intrinsic to the Democratic “brand.”"
a quote from the article
Kill yourself shill
forcing social inclusion on someone just because they are black is just as demeaning to black people as exclusion
exploitation is every bit as vile as segregation
the double standard you set is as obvious as it is hideous
one day it genuinely won't matter what colour your skin is, but not as long as people like you exist
He's still blaming other people (white politicians) for the barbarism of niggers.
>Why can't they think of all Americans for god's sake.
You are amazingly retarded.
Racist shitbags like you are so fucking lucky that all you are getting is peaceful protests, the occasional riot and sniping on the internet as a response to the mass incarceration and racist murders of black people since the 90s. In a just world your cities would be filled with the black version of pic related and you damn well know it. So stuff your whining up your ass.
>Literally (You)
The voting doesn't show that.
Two words:
>Black People
No, Black Men are slowly thanks to the a lot of old black celebs talking shit about the liberal policies like Charles Barkley.
Black Women voted 94% for Dems, and their pressuring the DNC to give the more and more control. So, look forward to more horrible DNC decisions as black women take control.
>So, look forward to more horrible DNC decisions as black women take control.
the party will just collapse
I live here, did I miss something? We are a blue state now sadly.
Technically not even a majority of democrats supported Bernie. It doesn't seem like Bernie will be able to get through the center left party. They're already starting "investigations" on him and his wife. I like him but it appears he is going nowhere.
Most blacks are fat, dumb, and diabetic. They're not rising up against anything but their blood sugar.
black community failed me by making shitty music and fucking my wife
The real irony is that the black community doesn't own up to their own failures.
I'm %100 nigger