Traps aren't gay.
Traps aren't gay
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If you like penis and are male, you are gay. Traps are not women. If you think otherwise, you are lying to yourself.
>it's a womans penis
>suck a dick
>not gay bcuz QUEER theory
Get aids you fucking sodomite.
The only difference between a trap and a tranny is a few months of hormone replacement therapy.
BACK TO nigger faggots
What a bunch of degenerate freaks.
Huh, I always thought that might be gay, guess I was wrong. Good to know I'm still straight.
if can't reproduce, it's gay, unless related to fertility issue
"Woman's penis"
There is no such thing. God please end it all now
>My gender is different than my sex!
>But my sex is the same as my different gender so it's not gay!
I'm gay and I hate transexuals.
I can't believe we're actually having conversations like this. Just stop for a minute and process how unbelievably surreal it is that THIS was a real exchange between two adults.
This is why culture is so important. Culture is the mechanism by which we transmit and preserve our values. The Jews knew exactly where to attack.
discord d0t gg/hxYhbY
Everything left of "born with XX chromosomes" is fucking fag territory.
Repent or burn in hell faggot.
what's the difference between a tranny and a trap?
>woman's penis
> woman's penis
Why are those people not in concentration camps yet? We need to end this.
Traps and trans aren't the same
Traps are men who enjoy tricking straights into sex with them
Trans are men who believe they're women and want to turn their penis inside out
Transitioning. Whether through augmentation surgery or HRT.
Traps simply cross dress but won't go all the way with HRT. They're feminine guys.
Burn yourself, you deserve to die painfully.
Tranny is trying to transition to opposite gender.
Trap is crossdressed femboy.
Trust me, I'm a fucking degenerate.
They're both degenerate faggots.
I dunno, sucking a dick sounds pretty gay to me.
>Hitler posting
Still upset that you were a joke in WW2?
It's not gay if the trap sucks your dick tho.
*both world wars.
>lalala Italy sucked in WW2
>trying to trigger with something that has nothing to do with the thread
How does it feel to get anally fucked by the same traps you love so much, degenerate?
discord d0t gg/hxYhbY
Holy fuck I hadn't seen this one, TOP KEK
I prefer my guys to be guys or boyish at minimum, project elsewhere kiddo
Pathetic to the end, flag checks out, even if you ironically have it.
Just like how Ossoff won because he lost, right?
It all makes so much sense now. Thank you for educating me, enlightened lefties
2D traps aren't gay. Fucking 3DPD degenerates need to die, it's ruining traps for everyone.
>It's a woman's penis.
>woman's penis
>No movement
r/eTarD detected. Go back
Trap being less disgusting, fucking disgusting scarry meaty vaginas with actual semen ugh yuck. Mutant pussy
>femboy more gay than tranny
Holy shit this autism is hurting me to the core.
I just learned Keanu Reeves is dating a tranny Anand now I don't want to watch John Wick 2, which I've been looking forward to, or Speed which I've been wanting to put on my 90s action queue.. :(
>implying I wanted to post a gif in the first place
You actually clicked the image, couldn't resist watching some sexy brit LARPing as a roman, uh you little faggot?
im a trap and i think its pretty gay to fuck me, but then again im femine and qt so its less gay than doing it with normal guy
Hang yourself.
Why are you so angry Italy? Wanting to be cute boy too?
>implying I'm angry
You see, the concept of someone finding traps disgusting is alien to you because you're lost, you reached the point of no return. You cannot bear the fact that there are people who find degeneracy disgusting.
the more angry peopel about traps and gays are in generally the more of a repressed homosexual they usually are.
How am I angry? Is that the best you degenerates can do? Basically yelling projection.
>hang yourself
>how am i angry
Hang yourself. It's just an instinctual response like a sneeze or yawn.
These people truly are mentally ill
Because apparently I have to be angry to tell someone to kill himself. Flawless logic krautbro, never cease to amuse.
>t. Repressed homo
its okay italy, just come out of the closet.
discord d0t gg/hxYhbY