I will not deny an expectant person the healthcare they deserves.
Health care is a human right
There are no "human rights". Can people finally wake form their slumber when it comes to concept of natural rights?
scare good can't be right retard. If I have 4 bandages and 5 people with cuts whose rights are violated? no one's because you can't have a right to scare goods
Great, I guess you can pay for everyone's healthcare by yourself then.
why do they use words that have no meaning?
> health care is scarce
Not with the proper planning.
>health care is a human right
do they get this notion from their ass or something? The only right you have is the right to liberty
> muh objective meaning
You're so tied up in finding meaning in words that you fail to recognize the meaning in life.
> muh natural rights
Might is right, the government gives you rights, and can take them away.
>The only right you have is the right to liberty
What use is liberty when you are dead, or too sick to do anything?
>scare good can't be right retard. If I have 4 bandages and 5 people with cuts whose rights are violated?
In the short term you have to choose. But in the real world you also must ask why are there so few bandages? Is someone constraining production so that they can raise the price?
Agree. It does not matter if I have the right to something if I can't afford it. Heartless conservatives and their Darwinian desires.
>can't into abstracts
shhh the humans are trying to speak.
Read Hobbes.
All rights are contemporary privileges given by the state.
>socialized medicine
>not cheaper than skyhigh capalist healthcare
Stay pleb merica!
wow maybe people should get jobs and then they can afford healthcare like i have been paying since i was 19
Yeah, about that, we implemented it a while ago and now we have a huge debt. Most medias and politics tend to avoid the subject nowadays, so people think it has been fixed, but it's still there.
Health care is a service, you have as much right to treatment as I do being served a hamburger
>import 3rd worlders
>oh its our fault for being so white
I know the meaning of life, it doesn't include lying all the time.
Should practitioners in the field of healthcare services be forced to work? Do you condone slavery?
Healthcare won't be free, it'll just be payed for using tax-payer money. Then, the hospital won't need to work because the owners know they will still get funded
>I will not deny an expectant person the healthcare they deserves.
Nobody stopping you from using your money to buy somebody else health care.
>muh free healthcare for everyone
>keeps poor, niggers, beaners, and religion of peace alive
>now healthy enough to continue destroying society
>not letting them die off naturally
You make me fucking sick
Yes I know, giving a shitton of social aids while having a massive immigration policy don't work, what a shock. Same shit goes for the UBI. They want to implement it for people who have been naturalised for a while (5 years I think) but because we also have fucking activists they'll push for 2 years, then 1 year, then 6 months...etc.
But fraud is also huge, we have a shitton of regulations who don't work, I could ask an appointment to the doctor who knowns me since I'm born, lie about symptoms to get a precise traitment in order to get high, it's that fucking easy. I've even had talk with people who do these things regularly, some just call their doctor, he creates a presciption and you just have to pick it up.
Fuck off. You have a right to breathe and a right to die. That's pretty much it """"Bernie""""
Good Point. Sell those extra houses and buy health insurance for a bunch of morbidly obese, worthless shitskins.
>modern society
>natural conditions for humanity
Pick one.
Charity standards. Never cast pearls before swine.
>Health care is a human right.
it is NOT a human right. fucking commies, i hope you all die.
>Internet is a human right!!!
I will not deny an unemployed person the conectivity they deserve
Hey no hate-speech
They are beautifull
And cant help it if they were born
>as Land Whales with no self control
Pay them!
Pay debt bernie
American healthcare is corporatist, not capitalist. We're starting to see an emergence of cash only clinics and doctors offices whose profit is based on how well and quickly they cure you. As long as government doesn't interfere (ha), competition will force these businesses to provide better and cheaper service to stay alive.
oh hey its that dark souls 2 boss
Friendly reminder that Bernie Sanders endorsed violence against political opponents a week after one of his supporters opened fire on republicans.
What about their right to health?
I consider murder, suicide, obesity, and niggatry natural causes of death for modern society
Next will be
> education
Don't be mean rich people shouldn't be the only ones with stuff
> healthcare is the first step to equality
Exactly. We are far from achieving a fair distribution. Wealth is only held by the benevolence of those who don't seize it. And were becoming increasing malevolent.
On a side note, why do libs still believe Bernie is a true progressive?
He is DNC's controlled opposition to Hillary, endorsed her, took major $$$, bought himself new home after, and people still think he really gives a shit?
I don't get how people cannot see through this guy.
you don't have a right to someones service, that's slavery
Of course it's a basic human right, and nearly any civilized country acknowledges this. The idiot GOP refuses to accept this basic truth. Instead, they'd rather let massive corporations pollute the air and pay next to nothing in taxes. A single-payer healthcare system could be implemented painlessly by just having common-sense tax laws.
I'd rather live a short life free of tax theft than a long miserable life of socialist rule.
t. retarded ancap
human rights are a social construct
Healthcare is not a human right because you do not have it simply by existing as a human, unlike other rights like freedom of speech, religion, expression, right to self defense, right to privacy, etc.
>"""rights"""" that contingent on the slavery of other people are not rights....
The "care" is not a right but I would argue that "health" is a right. Without it, your life, liberty, and ability to pursue happiness are greatly limited.
This. Law is nothing more than a fiction we ascribe to until someone else with more swords presents their own.
You let the weak survive and civilization will collapse