Magic jew h3h3

whats up with them

why does he get so much attention for no reason.
he isnt that funny or creative.

He says hes a Comedian. Ive not seen any Comedy on h3h3 for a VERY long time.

because other people think he is funny and/or creative

Because he stole Sam Hyde's format and made it family friendly

he stole sam hydes style

because faggets like you shill these fucks perpetually all over social media

His first reaction videos were funny, but since he blew up he's been relying on running gags and ebin maymays xDD for his humour. I think he's basically hit a creative brick wall (probably because a lot of what made him funny he had ripped off of other people) but wants to keep bringing in the jewtube sheckels. His channel is basically a friendship simulator for lonely redditors now

>131224511 That is a scary picture. Never watched till recently. 1Puglife is better, Ethan seems like a decent enough guy. How ever spell his wifey name is a doll.

le rational reddit centrist incarnate. comes with wife for pathetic neckbeards to thirst over in comments

Yeah he's basically a more palatable version of Sam Hyde with less existentialism and edge

He made funny videos at first, then he started cashing in on the drama craze with videos criticizing Buzzfeed and other Youtubers.

quite a humble fellow, but very lacking in creativity lately

You just know this faggot was crying and freaking out when trump got elected.

He's actually a funny person. Good content creator. Nonbias and objectively critical of all sides. Stop being such a faggot OP


shut up faggot, you should have been crying when trump was licking the scrotum of netenyahu the past 6 months

he's not the only one. in pic related, every time there's a major terrorist attack, it is rumored that pic related died a tragic death there


I've seen some funny shit. He was funnier in Israel desu when they were poor and their lives sucked.

Yeah it's all YT drama and shit


If his Tourette syndrome got far worse and he started swearing like a madman, I'd watch him again.

>Good content creator.
>literally just begging for money for their next trip every video

h3h3 stopped making decent content around the time he moved to California. He went from somewhat funny to not funny at all. Now he acts like a total moralfag and acts like he has the moral highground on you tube. e has also done many acts of Jewry. Now he invites people he shits on on previous videos to his podcast since he's so desperate to stay relevant. And let's not forget the constant e-begging because getting sued by a /fit/ autist made him so poor and made Hila cry over to despite owning more money the the average american.

Whys vape nation always hating on chris brown? he racist

Because back when he became famous, Youtube had a bunch of easy to exploit algorithms that made it really profitable to spam clickbaity thumbnails on your channel on a regular basis, especially if you operated in a network of Youtubers who would constantly reinforce your feedback as you accumulated more views.

Eventually, around mid 2016, Youtube got tired of that shit because this was basically an exploit that fucked up their monetization process entirely and changed the whole way their website operated and now all the faggots who became famous with the old system are struggling to stay relevant and are mostly abandoning the platform and maybe even sucking old men's pee pee for $$ as we speak

Did he lose the case? I haven't been following it.

The only thing I know is that he hired that whore of a youtube lawyer