One shot at life

>one shot at life
>tfw born in Argentina

Come home, white man

could have been brazil


At least you're white

>one shot at life
>born in denmark

Literally a joke country

> Oh no I was born in one of the only nice countries in South America and a place nicer than 75-80%+ of the world
> I was born in literally the nicest/second nicest country in the world
Kys even more

My ancestors didn't receive Switzerland as a gift. They had to build it.
Build your country. Make children. Perpetuate the white race. Never accept multiculturalism and marxism.



People already kill themselves because its so depressing to live here

Well sucks to be you , I like it


our country born by multiculturalism.

we are a open border nation since day one.

this. most people don't get how shitti the world is.


At least you're not german

This is your average Argentinian women, more white than your 56% white(sighly less colored nigger ) population

>tfw no argentinian gf

i want to castrate my balls

>one shot at life
>tfw born in Croatia

Not my fault a bunch of faggoty depressed cucks don't know how well they fucking have it
> Oh no we're only some of the richest people in the world
> Shit our healthcare is great and affordable
> Crap our demographics are among the best in the world and the quality of our people is probably tied for the highest on average

>our country killed by multiculturalism

I corrected that for u

i always thought it was funny chile stole the entire pacific coastline.

they could have at least given you a little exclave to use as a seaport.

but nah, y'all niggers gotta sail the long way around.

>one shot at life
>born in spicville


You don't know that for sure, maybe there is more then one life.

Maybe you already had a previous life as another person, and you were really bad during it.

Y'all should count your blessings I've lost count of how many itmes I've been robbed by a moleman.

>just imagined a small, chubby, middle-aged bolivian man with a moustache popping out of a hole in the ground and stealing someone's purse
made me kek

You'll never take our islands.
Once you understand that I would like to be friends

this is shit
our european identity has been desrtoyed by the jews after, it started with alfonsin
now every argie considers himself latin american
its all lost
we are flooded by spics by the hour
you should actually take a look at the border
we also import nigger from nigeria and senegal
no racial awareness
no far right parties
our president is a kike and last president was a kikess as well

i wanna die, i dont know why i was born here!! i feel your pain, god wanted to punish us for something i do believe

brexit is doing badly, jews are running your meme country to the ground, and niggers and shitskins are their weapon. once you're in too much of a crisis to afford maintaining our islands, you'll give them up just like the rest of your empire.
the eternal spic will strike again.

european multiculti at first which is GOOD, it got shit when the mestizos started to breed. Sarmientos mistake was not obliterating them when they were less than 1m. now they account for 70% of the population

boliviano de mierda inferior
sos un ((shill)) o literalmente te gusta argentina? me parece interesante decime que cosas te gustan etc, para mi este pais esta perdido en todo sentido asi que contame QUE LE VES

verte mezclar español rioplatense con lenguaje de meme de Sup Forums es patético.

Talk about stealing faggot

See that's your problem
>the eternal spic will strike again.

Where as your fellow countryman >this is shit
>our european identity has been desrtoyed by >the jews after, it started with alfonsin
>now every argie considers himself latin american
its all lost
>we are flooded by spics by the hour
>you should actually take a look at the border
>we also import nigger from nigeria and senegal
>no racial awareness
>no far right parties
>our president is a kike and last president was a kikess as well

You're divided already
You're worse off than us because you had a shitter base to start off with before the fall, in the end you won't even be able to defeat the farmers on the island

>One shot at life
>Born in the best country in the world

patetico era tu viejo cuando estaba tirado en el piso muerto de cancer porque no lo llevé a hacer la quimio y encima le faltaba una pierna creo que la tengo congelada en el freezer

Better than most of South America.

At least you have an attractive capitol in Beunos Aires.

Why do you have an Australian flag then ?

dejá de engrasar tu teclado más de lo que está, encontrá algún otro talento que no sea acuchillar a los rehenes del counter strike, habá con una mina por una vez en tu vida y entonces tal vez, solo tal vez, todo ese autismo dentro de vos pueda convertirse en felicidad en vez de odio.

I just read that Demark was the most successful country with the happiest population?


Is everyone on Sup Forums just congenitally sour?

>One shot at life
>Born in argentina
>But also born white, attractive and in a wealthy family
>Moving to western Europe before christmas this year
>Not even having to pay rent because I'm moving in to my gf's place
Feels good

You subhuman baboon. You literal nigger.

How dare you speak, you swarthy jungle monkey. How dare you open your big lipped, rim encrusted, menthol cigarette smelling mouth?

You are human trash, Diego Tyrone LeShawn de Maradona. Universally despised, derided and mocked. Your nationality and skin tone offers no hope to the world that South America can ever prosper. Crawl back in to the Brazilian jungle you came out of, you literal orangutan.

I hope you decide to sail your grandfathers skip to the Falklands and rape some sheep, as is in the negroes nature. It would still be the whitest pussy you ever had. Give Nigel and Robert a chance for some target practice, your sole use to the world. Argentinians obsession with a few windswept islands in the Atlantic is hilarious but sad. Coincidentally its the only worthwhile contribution Argentina has made to the medical field. The MUH LAS MALVINAS sentiment in the average negro Argentinian is both an early warning sign of autism in children, and early on set Alzheimer's in adults.

Take your black hairy fingers off your keyboard, and never talk about the human species again, you mockery of our supposed shared ancestor.. No amount of olive oil and wheat flour slabbed on your face every morning will make you white. It's about as delusional of an idea as your daydreams of European heritage.

You nigger.

You make Bolivia look like a beacon of civilisation.

You are the Baltimore of South America.

Go fertilise the pampas with you and your families corpses, its the best you can hope for in life. For the first time in your life, nigger, you have a job making food for beings vastly superior to yourself. Uruguayan cattle. Coincidentally, it would be the first time an Argentinian "man" provided for a family.

Die, Diego. No one would miss you. Except for Australian Aboriginals, who now would have no one to make them look good.

Chile is so inconvenient to live holy fucking shit, everything is far from everything.

>patético..... is this 'pathetic' in Spanish?

>things that never happened.

Is your inferiority complex so strong that I have to post a picture of the plane ticket I bought?

>one shot at life
>brown skin

>inferiority complex

I'm not the one bragging about "muh rich girlfriend" and "im white and rich", but whatever floats your boat m8.

jajajaja siento que me conocés QUIEN SOS
encontraron a tu hermanita la celiaca esa muertita esa qe le faltaban las piernas??

lmao what a retarded country looks like a skinny benis

I know these feels. I hate this shithole as well.

Never cared about them. Fact is, I'm glad they don't belong to us otherwise it would be a shithole.
The Falkland is the only beacon of light in this cesspool.
I made a friend there and I hope I can go someday.

Now let's go for a pint. First round is on me.

I'm fucking peruvian

>moving to Western Europe

t. the world's only argentinian who wants to be around more brown people

Wouldn't that be a superiority complex in any case? I'm just enumerating the cards I've been dealt with, you don't have to be so salty about it.


>Born in NW ENgland

Not bad, could be better but it's right tup there, Norway would be nice 2bh

Ok, you got me to laugh. Well-done.




>one shot at life
>tfw born in UK and living in Canada
>tfw 100% european
>tfw 99.9% of people are inferior in luck and genetics

Stop lying! We all know you're Canadian!

Very cultural meme

>good genetics


we are good talking bullshit


Its ok user, one day you will find courage to get out of your room and build yourself a life.

>probably a mongoloid mixed with negroid and called Javier
>talking about genetics ever

che estos son insultos? pareces idiota man wtf

Whatever you think, kid

Pic related, it's you!

Greetings from another shithole.

Well the UK basically took over the world at one point.

are you leaving for good? user

es verdad lo que dice, no sos el user que se iba a francia? una vez posteaste en uno de mis threads diciendo eso jaja
jajajaja tu viejo el desaparecido se lo cogio massera en la ESMA 5 veces por dia durante un mes y despues le cortaron los dedo y lo tiraron de un avion

American who just got to Buenos Aires.
Its ok here. If it only gets worse outside this city then stay jealous of my American life faggot.

The OG shithole

I had to live in calama. Talk about some hillarious shit. The mining town of chuqicamata used to be a kickass German town and then the Germans left and it literally became a ghost town. So weird.

Why do you insist I give a shit about what you do, what you have or where you go?

Just pointing out that you are full of shit, thats all

you are going to miss this shithole. most people do.

calama is a literal shithole.

You mean

Jesus christ, is that really our flag

The fact that you refuse to believe it says a lot about you
My sister didnt, we dont really fit in tbqh

>one shot at life
>born Australian

Future Chinese colony :(

It could be worse. You could be African

>Average Argentinian male

>Average Italian male

>Average Greek male

>Average Spanish

>Europeans are white

Those "averages" are pure bullshit, Cuauhtemoc. Show me statistics.

>Denying facts
You'll never be pure white, compadre. It's okay though, at least you'll always be whiter than Europeans.

>1.5/7 chance of being a fucking chinese
>born in Brazil, the land of Samba and Bundas

I thanks god everyday for that bless

the chileans are based

>a few lines of altercation in english
>argentinians proceed to chimp out in spanish
every. fucking. time.

What a terrible picture, Jesus was against circumcision

But the Chileans also have to sail all the way around...
Argentina 1 x 1 Chile.

Right wing death-squads when?

whenever you get off your ass, pedro
ISIS is out there living the right wing death squad dream and here you are shitposting on the internet like a retard

At least you weren't born with aids in Africa.

at least youre tall