Any one else getting a weird vibe from the "China hate" threads? They appeared a couple of days ago out of nowhere with masive, labeled, structured content.
Is this a psyop? Are they trying to survey the site's view of China? China related happening soon? Testing memetic data?
What do you think?
Any one else getting a weird vibe from the "China hate" threads...
Other urls found in this thread:
This whole board is one big data pool of the thought patterns of the mentally ill. Not much use to governments to know what their losers think.
>what should the self driving car do?
stop existing
Losers are easily manipulated to spread ideas to their peers, posibly off-site. Maybe someone wants to paint the chinese as brutes begging for an invasion or other (((methods))) of coercion.
The self driving car should come to a complete stop before the stop line. FFS even a Human could do that.
Interesting, will read more about this new satelite. Thanks for the info, straya
they've been a staple for a while now. fuck off chink, go make an economic dick-waving scaremongering thread
China hate is more logical than Jew hate(>inb4 kike lover, jew hate is well deserved too)
the next century will see the chinks do the same as what the kikes have done but you are all to hung up with the past to see it happening before your eyes, but never mind because
>muh anime board
>Asian waifu best waifu
you're a bunch of fucking idiots if you cant see it
>post whatever you want on the "internet hate machine"
>if spooks come crawling out of the woodwork to defend it you know you've hit a nerve
>it's that easy
The next and last world war before global takeover will be America against China.
In Hitler second book, he predicted a war with America and one with the asians for the global takeover. Hitler lost, that let the Soviets to fight against the Americans, and the Americans are now left to fight the Chinks.
It's the last showdown.
Fuck China. Long live the God Emperor.
>Is this a psyop?
Probably some asspained autists making rounds again. There was a time last year where there were daily/weekly the exact same OP shitting on China.
Be ready to get bombarded with WebMs.
>What do you think?
why does the times write about war against china in opinion pieces?
(((they))) would love for us to go to war against china or russia
Be a loser
Go on Sup Forums
Be the person im liking to
The elite are gearing up for WWIII against China.
The amount of webms and pics just seem out of place to me, but maybe you are right and it's just some mexican dude whos oneitis got RICED
>group of dogs
>group of people
The car should ask what color the people are.
How new are you? Anti-hate China threads have been common since /new/. China moderates their internet services, so NO Chinese citizen can access Sup Forums at all, no matter what. The only people who can access Sup Forums? Chinese military and government. If you ever see a Chinese flag, its a proxy or a Chinese military fuck being paid to subvert opinion on China.
meant to quote:
I sometimes come here to vent about chinks because they are terraforming my nation to suit insectoids.
Clearly there are trends (a little while ago it was pro-race mixing threads, pro-"White Shariah" threads), and clearly a structured effort behind.
Idk China runs Shareblue so it's not that. I don't care about China either because they are all soulless locusts. They are slant eyed kikes who won't hesitate to stab people in the back if it benefits them. Sounds like you are a colossal fag with a Big Jackie Chan Cock fetish OP. Rush Hour 2 was great but it wasn't that great.
Yes, but it looks like a new wave of this types of threads. Daily threads with 200+ replys? Named, NUMERATED webms dumped by the same ID/Flag over and over?
China is blocked by Sup Forums to prevent ad spam. Chinese citizens can access the site if they buy Sup Forums gold.
I sometimes think the jew hate shit is pushed by the gooks, same as all the clickbait Asian sluts
we are getting moulded the same as everyone else on he internets
So Hitler was subverted by the Chinese? Are you retarded?
>a couple days ago
Newfags out
Are you surprised? Anytime there is discussion happening about a country, there comes further discussion of the people, etc. on Sup Forums. Notice the constant nigger threads? They died off for awhile until the Asian guy went to prison, or other judgements in the news. It happens in waves. People lose interest after some full threads, they stop for awhile, then they come back when something related to it happens again.
Some people absolutely hate the Chinese for how underhanded and shitty they are, so are you really surprised people want to others to know how shit they are? Just like niggers, cartel fucks, Muslims, etc. We have organized threads/posts about them all the time.
casing point about being stuck in the past and not seeing it happen again in front of you
they never said the car was moving. the car should just not move, since it's already not moving.
Look up Internet censorship in China, then realize even VPN use has been blocked in China. They cannot access outside of their own internal internet services.
Chinese Australia and Chinese Canada can access Sup Forums.
How the fuck have I never seen these? I've only seen a slew of China redpills in the rpg's a few times and thought they were uninteresting for how many there were. Hm I wonder what this is all about
Exactly, i see a free and effective OC meme factory with an excellent testing ground for those memes. Is it so far fetched that some organization seek to harness the volatile autism of Sup Forums?
Fuck China and the Chinese, I dont know why they have this stereotype of being smart and civilized they're a shitty selfish people with no imagination or intuition, they're basically robots
It's a spic who wants to distract from the real enemy.
You ever notice there are no spic hate threads? Ever wonder why?
>casing point
English isn't your first language then Bruce?
>Casing point refers to the time when a well has been drilled to objective depth. It is a location where the casing is set for the purpose of drilling. The operator notifies the drilling parties of his/her recommendation with respect to setting of casing for the completion of a well.
my point is a hole
the car should hit the people
the dogs are innocent, while we all know those people arent
Fair dinkum ಠ_ಠ
I shouldn't worry too much about China. Their internal stresses make the West look like a Utopia. Even if they do successfully convert to a domestic economy from their current model, their neighbours on all sides will keep them 24 hours away from chaos in perpetuity.
They also have a steady stream of half niglets from Africa to contend with in a few years.
That'll be a clusterfuck for the ages.
>Chinese developers bought almost 40 per cent of the total $5 billion spent on Australia’s residential development sites in 2016, with a clear trend towards buying up land in far-flung Sydney and Melbourne suburbs, new research shows.
Knight Frank’s report, The Rise of Chinese Developers in Australia, found Chinese developers bought $2.4 billion of residential development sites in 2016, or 38 per cent of the total value of sites sold.
In 2015, Chinese developers bought 12 per cent of the total value of sites, Knight Frank head of residential research Michelle Ciesielski said.
With (((American))) money.
You're right to be worried in Australia, but we aren't locked in with China, they are locked in here with us.
Same goes for the Arab oil money. When the US finally falls on its sword all that bricks & mortar will default back to wet ink & paper.
Then some cunt in a wig will rattle on about Maritime Admiralty Law & how they're worthless under the new system.
We'll all be dead so it's kinda moot. All hail WW3.