>STUDY: Majority Of Female Joggers Experience Harassment While Running
A new Runner’s World survey seems to confirm what most women who run – or just most women – already knew: female runners are gambling with constant, widespread and sometimes frightening harassment from men when they hit a trail. The survey is part of a larger special report, “Running While Female,” which included anecdotes from scores of young female runners sharing their personal experiences with harassment. The findings of the report were grim.
More than 2,500 women were surveyed, and more than half of those under 30 said they’ve experiences harassment while running. A full 94% those women said their harassers were men. Female joggers reported that they’d been propositioned, followed or intimidated into changing their routes, and frightened of being assaulted. Sixty percent also said potential threats discouraged them from running at night, which feeds into the longstanding narrative that only men get to be out after dark, and that in order to not be harassed or assaulted, women should just go inside when the sun sets.
>Running While Female: More than half of young women joggers get harassed, study shows
>One in three women runners reported being followed by a person in a vehicle, on a bike or on foot.
>Jennifer Herr, 36, from Brooklyn, told the magazine, “A police car rolled up behind me and blared on the megaphone, ‘Stop running!’ When I turned around, I discovered that they were calling to a man that had been chasing me.”
Have men gone too far this time?
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