This black man says that "niggerism" is what's wrong with Detroit
Fuck off you basement dwelling Neanderthal...
I don't know what you're expecting us to do. Are we supposed to make fun of him cause he's a nigger? Are we supposed to call him a LE BASED BLACK MAN? Are we supposed be all "muh not all blacks"? There's not much you're giving us.
He isnt wrong
You know this is The_Donald's new forum, right? That's how I found this place.
BASED BLACK MAN, by the way
You memeing fucks are the true fucking bootlickers. Niggerism is one of the biggest fucking blue pills there is. Blacks in America are what the powers at be are trying to turn the whites into. Any man fighting against the niggerization of humans should be commended.
Not really true. Detroit has declined because of auto-dependency.
Don't believe me? Well that's a normal response to this, because it is such a strange and not often talked about phenomenon.
The fact that Detroit is a majority black city is not the cause of its decline, it is simply a result of the current policy paradigm.
What has happened in Detroit is that it bought into the american dream of suburbia. So basically, the city of Detroit has spent all of its money to build and maintain a massively expensive road network to serve people who commute in and out of the city, these people pay tax not to the city of Detroit, but to surrounding counties like Macomb county. So the policies that encourage sprawl and single family housing far from city centers has created the white-flight that has happened in Detroit, and is happening in the rest of the country as well.
Suburban encouragement -> White flight -> Declining tax base -> Majority black or hispanic population -> Democrats voted in -> Welfare benefit increase -> Perpetual cycle of debt and tax increases -> Continual decline -----> Detroit today. (future of most american cities, even republican cities like Dallas, Phoenix, Atlanta)
is he the real life uncle ruckus?
in other words when all the white people left the niggers turned it to shit.
relapsed after 2 years
getting slammed plastered retarded drunk right now.
might kill myself later. havent decided
op is a fgt
what does this graph mean?
Its old shit you fucking hacks
jesus christ post something good, new, or fucking don't
Pastor Manning counts as an e-celeb youtard.
Don't do it user. I had a bad night last week which made me decide to give it up again. I'm lucky I was in a hotel because I felt the same way.
Think of how far you came. We all fall off the wagon. Just drink some water, go to bed, and pick yourself up tomorrow.
There is beauty in life and it takes a long time to understand it. Did you forget you've come this far? Read some beautiful stories, and keep working to understand life.
stream it fagget
He obviously has just been affected by white supremacy and it is his internalized patriarchy leashing out. Stupid goy
But why do the niggers turn it into shit? Because instead of paying taxes, they depend on welfare benefits.
Look, beforehand I just want to say. I am not a SJW, I am not a leftist. I just want to challenge this Sup Forums or alt-right narrative that everything is the god damn niggers fault, or that everything is the goddamn jews fault.
You need to look at things from the top down regarding government created environments. Back in the 1920s, young blacks actually had a lower unemployment rate than whites at that time. Blacks were well behaved, well dressed and well adapted to the general society in america back then. But when the great society programs and the new deal were introduced, this all changed.
Blacks today are the way they are because of the multigenerational rot that happens after being on welfare for so long. You wouldn't tell me that white trash are especially intelligent would you? Neither blacks, rednecks, spics are very intelligent today because of welfare dependency.
What needs to be done in america is not to purge all niggers, or send them all back to africa (although I wouldn't mind it, haha). A possibility is to remove welfare, and they will conform to society, because if they don't they will of course not be able to survive.
What is that word he is using for bleak people? Hamite?
I've never heard that before.
>Scrolling catalog
>see thumbnail I recognize....
>Pastor Manning video!!
>Bump thread because this isn't an "Uncle Tom" or Coon-ass nigga
>PAstor Manning is the TANUKI PATRIARCH THOMAS OF BASEVILLE (which is full of nonnigger black people who contribute to society while building stable communities so they can one day be independent and prosperous allies with their white neighbors... on THE MOONS OF JUPITER!)
This is the only way forward for EVERYONE!
But sadly... will probably not come to pass... I'm an idealist nice-guy-NATSOC however. I want all people to have their clearly defined space and cultures therein... and all peoples to have the freedom to mix (or ABSTAIN) therefrom AT THEIR WILL & LEISURE!
Such is Heaven (on Earth) to me.
I looked it up as well. It's biblical apparently.
Ah the graph is the life cycle of a city's maintenence budget. When a developer moves in, they pay for the roads and the sewers, pipes and electricity. So the city reaps the reward of this growth for around 30 years, and then the maintenence bill for all the infrastructure comes due. As you can see, the roads cost more to repave once than 30 years of property tax payments from the home owners have generated. Leaving the city with debt and unfunded liabilities.
B-b-b-b-but that's RACIST!!!!
Dont fuckn do it user buy a hooker for a few hours
I grew up in the wrong generation
I'm home and sober again now. It's we're keeping alive tonight, but thank you.
buy me some ammo and stuff before you go, user. will me your firearms
>muh based nigger thread #1250156
It is guaranteed that at least one of this nigger's family members is in prison or has had several children with multiple women.
The nigger problem can't be addressed on an individual level, surely there are less niggery niggers but that does not excuse the race, the race is poisonous, it has problems no other race has, this needs to be addressed on a racial level, not an individual one. You can not insist niggers are not inherently flawed just because flaws are less evident in one member of the race, you need to look at the race as a whole, and the trends are clear. MOST niggers are despicable, it would be utterly foolish to assume you are dealing with a reasonable nigger when this is the case, even if they use seemingly friendly language or share seemingly agreeable opinions.
Never relax around blacks, this is a law of nature.
take out the ones who did this to you, (soros and friends)
>take out the ones who did this to you, (soros and friends)
You are not allowed to take your own life as a Christian.
We still need to Deus Vult.
So niggers being niggers and opting out of the workforce via welfare is what turned Detroit to shit. Good to know.
I know it is user, but stay with us. Right now, go pour out what you have left and we'll shitpost until you are sobering up.
before you become an hero, at least make sure to make the news by blasting pissbottles at some politician. doesn't matter which one, it'll be lulzy anyways
that's what i've been saying and i'm glad i'm finally hearing it from mouth of another black person
>You are not allowed to take your own life
as a raised roman catholic who lost the way, this is probably the only reason im still around.
nah im gonna drink it dude. i already fucked up, so, im going to fuck up properly
Trust me, I know the feels of needing to drink it down. How much do you have left, and of what?
Indeed. Lower IQ people will choose welfare over work as they will generate more revenue from the welfare checks than they will through the job market.
Still it's not their fault, they're just responding to incentives, which is human nature 101. I don't feel bad for blacks. I'm just saying that blaming them will get you nowhere. We need to dismantle the welfare state to get anywhere with our goal of saving the west.
Saying that niggers destroyed Detroit because of taking welfare is like me saying you destroyed the UK for paying taxes to your anti-white government. It just doesn't make sense, because everyone responds to incentive. Blacks respond to the incentive of taking welfare over a job, you respond to the incentive of paying taxes over getting jailed. Neither of you care if you action is actively destroying society around you.
Proof that not all black people are niggers
I hate the new slide technique.
Good, because your soul does not belong to you, it belongs to the Lord.
No way man, that's too much. It's just Beam, so go ahead and pour the rest away. Trust me user, you're better than a bottle of whiskey.
What is this movie called?
don't be a fucking degenerate, grow a pair and find something that makes you happy faggot
You and I fucking talked about this the other night. You fucking faggot. I felt for you. I felt actual compassion for you. Nice bait faggot.
Actually kill yourself.
>you ain't no build no city. You ain't no build no city...
>young blacks actually had a lower unemployment rate than whites at that time
You're probably not going to believe this but this is almost solely because of minimum wage
im 100% sure you are mistaken.
i was never a binge drinker. i would coast on a few drinks a day for months at a time. the people working the liquor store all know me by name.
i fucking love how he says it
Based on the fact that niggers will work for pennies and whites are too good for it?
I hear you. I was usually like that too, but then I'd ramp up, slowly drinking more. Then I said fuck it and stopped cold for 5 months. I decided I could ease back in, and the cycle started again.
You did 2 fucking years, dude! You're better than this.
Are you telling me that the minimum wage is the reason that blacks had a low unemployment in the 1920s? First off, that doesn't even make sense. How can a government regulation that puts a strain on businesses and makes it more expensive to employ people increase employment?
The minimum wage was introduced in the United States after the 1920s anyway, making your argument invalid.
If the case is that I completely misunderstood your comment and you actually meant that the minimum wage destroyed black employment, then I will fully agree with you on that. Although it is only a factor among many other reasons.
yeah every now and then id guzzle my heart out to blackout state. but that was rare,
2 years that flew past in the blink of an eye. it is the time progression that (i hate the word) 'triggered' me. today is the anniversary of my fathers murder
>Back in the 1920s, young blacks actually had a lower unemployment rate than whites at that time
This was prior to the min. wage -- put into law by a Democrat.
What else has hindered blacks and caused their dependence on welfare? The creation of the welfare-state -- pushed by... LBJ, another Democrat.
Who has run Detroit for decades? Democrats.
Who keeps voting them in? Niggers.
It IS their fault and they will NEVER take responsibility for it due to their culture.
I can't begin to know how you feel, user. I'm sorry to hear about your dad. Know that he wouldn't want it to end this way. Live a good life in his honor.
i appreciate your genuine care on this anonymous platform.
my father would be disgusted, and he would literally beat the fuck out of me if he saw what ive become
Same deal
>Who keeps voting them in? Niggers.
That's in the later stage of this paradigm. Read my first post to see what is the main reason for this happening.
Don't worry about it man. I've been there, recently as I said. I texted my dad the day after and told him, and he was understanding and reassured me he loved me and always worried for me. My girlfriend stayed on the phone with me the next day when I was going through panic attacks from the booze messing with my meds. This all happened a few days ago, so I know how you feel.
Like I said before, live in his honor. It's clear you respect and love the man, so put the booze down the drain, get up tomorrow and start bettering yourself. If not for yourself, for his memory.
I'm stoned off my ass and tipsy don't do it user we need your help to build the black city
Detroit. Love tigers games but jesus why do they let panhandlers breeze through the crowd before they open the gates? I mean their are 100+ on any given game day, just sitting on the curb, and then bam,, they move through the crowd and beg. Hocky town is cool, but damb detroit, every other building is burnt down.
worth the watch, it's a good redpill if you can manage to get a normie to sit down and watch a docu about a chinese concrete company
Don't do it user. Don't succumb to niggerism.
Lololol basedblackman.jpg its true though
test post:
so is "faggot" flagged now?
t. Cynthia G
to be honest, only reason I havent.
We need toshut this guy down
let black people kill and destroy their communities
This is the kinda thread T_D fags are just dying to be able to post over at Reddit but they have to larp as not racist, so they come here and fag up this board with their keyboard farts.
Live in his memory, do stuff he's always wanted to do. He would have wanted you to survive.
Looked up highest city murder rates all majority black in america
But wtf is wrong with brazil?
Latin America is literally a warzone
jesus christ....
in other words,
Manning is never wrong about niggers. it doesn't help you have union mafia's that egg them on, but at the end of the day Detroit can't recover b/c its infested with niggers who don't want to rebuild it. Imagine if you replaced every nigger in detroit with polish people, largely considered some of the worst migrants in Europe b/c they're low IQ and trashy, they don't send their best.
I bet you'd see a massive improvement in everything. They would turn that city around quick.