Why is this allowed?
Why is this allowed?
that's a commie block, just a bit fancier.
Because running off all those stupid peasants is more time consuming than you'd think. But don't worry, those stupid poor fucks will get what's coming to them.
Why the fuck should rich Brazilians, etc. be forced to live among the shitty, dirty, crime-infested parts and put their children and families at risk of exposure to it all if they have the money to avoid it?
Honestly, because Jews have no shame about taking good things about the west whereas Arabs are so arrogant and insular that they'll fund international anti western movements and even fund a bit of that sjw shit because they know it's harmful.
If you think you're better than westerners, you do not deserve western shit.
im more interested in how the right side keeps the scum of the left from invading their property. that fence looks shoddy
50k killings by fire guns for year son... if you come in here you better have some money to protect yourself...
Because it is illegal to kill the poor.
Dont you live in a democracy? Convince the people that that is wrong.
Fucking communist
Socialism vs capitalism
>50k killings by fire guns for year son
how many by water guns?
poor people in here steal a chicken and are fucked for they lifetime...
rich corrupt people dont face jailtime in here
Is it really that bad? What are the chances that I'd get mugged/killed if I came as a sex tourist?
You're right. They should flatten those slums so that the well to do people in that tower don't need to look at them.
I know, right?
The view of that poor community is driving down the value of the apartments.
Me on the right
id jump from the roof into the top pool then keep jumping down to the ground floor via sick bombies
Yeah, you would.
yo can I come chill
where is this place actually though
Because you play Tropico rather than Ceasar III.
make sure you know where're you going and you'll be fine
you better know some people. don't come alone boiii. by example, you wanna do some cocaine. you are alone and rich as fuck. probably they are just going to steal you, and kill you, fuckin gringo son of a bitch. just so you can know: if you live on welfare in here, the goverment says that you are better then 50% of the population. sex tourist? get to know some people. dont come alone. but if you are a "nigga" you may buy some simpathy.
you mean cannonballs?
One of these days I'll be jumpin this fence son... zé buceta hue
Get on my level
>left: lazy niggers who don't work, are constantly violent and blame their problems on others
>right: hard working, industrial whites who built their wealth from the ground up
Better question is why isn't the left just burned to the ground in a blazing purge as they should be?
I think with a few matches that whole neighbo(u)rhood will go up in flames in 6 seconds
>Better question is why isn't the left just burned to the ground in a blazing purge as they should be?
Where would rich people get organ harvesting victims and selection of would-be sex slaves for kidnapping then??
I'm sure there are plenty of those to get by on even with that one ghetto burned to the ground.
>Can't tell it's Brazil
>Assumes the rich people are white
Better question is, are you automatically white if you're rich and a nigger if you're poor? Why does Sup Forums obsess over race when we have a perfectly good indicator of net worth to society, namely FUCKING MONETARY NET WORTH?
Underrated post, El Presidente.
Because race correlates to net worth
And the left is probably mostly nogs. Brazil imported more niggers than the US did, wonder why crime is so bad there
>my life is limited to misery if others aren't forced to subsidize my life
Liberals straight admit they'er worthless leeches on society with their own arguments.
>Jew detected
Fuck off oven-dodger
Spain has two enclaves in Africa, and a golf course was built along the fence just for the bants.
Also, my hometown, not even people from Spain know about this.
Cool flag
And political parties pretty much tell neighborhoods who to vote for and they'll vote that way; bribes, promises, threats all do the trick.
Because if you don't let the people who've actually accomplished something live in something better than a corrugated metal shack, they'll find somewhere else to move to, and then you'll have nobody on the shit side, no jobs, and even deeper poverty.
i wonder how often that building gets shot at
The whole world is like that though. The reason it's allowed is because the poor are still able to provide for themselves to the level of their own satisfied comfort. Revolts don't just happen now-a-days because the rich prevent it. Why do you think this mass migration into UE from Africa happened? They saw the rich got it sweet and they wanted a piece of the pie, and the elite feel guilty and allowed it to happen. Same goes for the rewst of the poor, just go up and take what you want in mass, they won't stop you anymore, they will probably welcome it and virtue signal their way through it all. Wake up.
>that filename and flag combo
Wait a second.....
man how great must it be to live in that tower with all your friends
a bit eh?
They keep forcing the snitch
Watch distortion
Remember that I'm always mint if not mintee
You're much better off going to SE Asia for sex tourism. It's still dangerous, but much safer than Brazil. Girls are younger over there, too if that's your thing...
fuck you, don't force that commi shit on us spics
but the girls have penises user
>elite felt guilty
You aren't redpilled yet user.
3 of the pools are empty, but they are only jacuzzis anyway.
two balconies are covered in glass.
what you would do is sit in your tin roof shack next door and beat off to the saggy tits on the old woman who bathes naked
Just fucking stay in your own country or go somewhere that isn't a 3rd world garbage dump.
To make poor people work.
Enlighten me then.
>degenerate poorfags steal from and kill people who are more successful
>all those successful people build tall towers and gated communities to keep themselves safe and happy
>poorfags and their liberal media guardians cry about the rich people being insular
>build apartments
>favela moves in next door
>everyone talks shit about you being cruel for building there next to these people
The only way these people will be happy is when we are all poor together
Brazil is white
Who the fuck would even buy such an apartment lamo.
>Wake up, see shithole.
>Go for a swim, see shithole.
>Go to work, see shithole.
>Go to bed, see shithole.
Would literally not live there, even if you paid me to.
Probably Rio
Fuck you Jonescleyson
Why it should not be allowed?
I live on the left side of the picture, and I'm not complaining. I fully understand that I just don't work hard enough yet. But it is a matter of time until I jump to the right side.
Unfortunately, most people who live in the left side doesn't understand that it is their fault they're there.
What we need is just education. We don't need any commie shit I know OP might come up with.
YOu can only imagine that occasionally a drunk angry Brazilian from the slums would fire up at the rich people condos randomly out of anger and jealousy.
Aren't there lots of whores at least in the major cities?
take a wild guess who was there first
Is this Brooklyn?
Brazil is a shit hole, that said, everyone is easy going so they are cool with it as long as the rich are peaceful and leave them alone
>More inteligent = Higher chance of success/being rich
>More inteligent = Most likely to be White
>White = Higher chance of success/being rich
Are you the average american m8?
Valid point. If I need a new liver or heart or something then i'll probably go to Brazil, but other than that I would never go to such a crime ridden hellhole.
I'd love to use a funnelator to launch dog shit up onto those balconies.
Imagine living on the upper floor of the right side, and jumping into the pool of the guy below, and then the next one and the next one all the way down.
Or pooping in his pool.
Or jerking off into it while "enjoying the view".
Hahaha shut the fuck up Brazil with your bullshit, I've been there and fucked plenty of your women, never was in danger once, trying to scare whitey off your girls won't ever work, we come to colonize bitch, BRAZIL GETTING BLEACHED
Most Brazilian women are ugly as fuck
Whats it like there assuming not a proxy? Is summer even a thing?
>non-white trying to insult someone by calling them non-white
It doesn't get any more cucked than that...
What is even this post you macaco?
I'm literaly a white dude, do you not understand what averages mean?
You might actually be a Tyrone
Even brazilian whores are better than australian women, so I actually understand why you would come here to fuck our whores.
You can have as many brazilian whores as you want. We don't give a shit to these women.
Eh... It's nice enough. lots of rain all year round. In the summer temperatures will vary from 5-10 degrees up to 20 degrees celsius The sun sets at midnighy.. In the winter it might snow a bit but still mostly rain. The sun sets at 17 o'clock. Very dark. Temperatures from 2-3 degrees to maybe a bit over ten degrees because of the gulf stream.
Love it mostly for the majorly red pilled population and super majority white people. If a sandnigger tried any shit they'd get BTFO off this country. My ENTIRE family is white as the driven snow. None of the women in my family are blacked thank christ.
The only thing that makes a fire feel warmer is seeing someone else who is cold
>Why is this allowed?
I wonder the same. That wall is way too low and thin
Because we like cyberpunk architecture.
It's horrendous, and be glad it never passed. We might not even be able to go against it had (((SOPA))) passed.
I know right? Don't have a sweet ass sky pool if you're just gonna let it get all green.
Since when do hippies support murders like you just committed?
goddamnit, i just want to go in that slum and make a building project that makes all these huts into apartment building. More room for everyone and could have tenniscourts like those rich people.
but nooo, poor people are also dumb.
Shit view for such nice balconies
I don't know, but it's pretty inconsiderate allowing their purview to be obstructed by those awful looking shanties. They should really be legally required to tear the shanties down and put in a golf course or something.
because the world aint always fair and never will be, it will break the balance of the force.
friendly reminder it was the capcucks that brought them there to start