What do you guys think of this fag?

What do you guys think of this fag?

If more people listened to him Sup Forums would be a better place. The MGTOW menace is too real here.

He's a big guy

He's not glorious and he knows it.
Watch his steroid video, see his shame-faced weakness.
Pretty good guy overall though.

>projecting your latency on everybody

4U :^)

For you


the only e-celeb i dont mid, he actually tries and encourages young men to read and get involved in physical exercise and movements

I feel bad for him
he is so ugly, but acts all "glorious and wise" all the time
I kinda just want to let him have his delusions

A man who owns that many fantasy books should not be putting his bookshelves on camera as if it gives him intellectual credence.

Lots of swords and sorcery and dragons and made up battles on his shelves, not much political philosophy.

Looks like Brad Pitt with down syndrome. That said, he's glorious and pretty good.

swedish cuck/10

His heart is in the right place, but all this "Greetings valiant men of honour" etc is a bit cringeworthy.

Also Fetal-Alcohol Syndrome

Sounds like projection if you think the only reason someone would show their books is for "intellectual credence".

>heavy metal listening high fantasy reading gymwhore
I dare you find someone that is more of a faggot

>I dare you find someone that is more of a faggot

Still better than Varg.


MGTOW is just a male form of cultural Marxism.
It's cancer.

Why do so many people consider him to to be ugly? Just a normal looking dude, if you ask me.


Fuck em.

It's the hair. It looks like it bothers him so he makes squinty faces.

Should go vegan, like me.

Truly ascended
Emerald pill

did I hurt your feelings insulting your e-celeb?


I think all these threads about slagging off white advocates are being orchestrated by our opponents.