I've been here for a few years, but nothing will compare to mid 2016-January 2017 Sup Forums. A good 70% of the time most users spent their time here United under a specific cause. Memes galore and Unironically doing the whole "Kek" thing.
What changed? Why is Sup Forums so afraid to have fun again? Is it because it became a mainstream thing so everyone wants to throw away that massive influence?
Why doesn't Sup Forums like to have fun anymore?
sussex_police was pretty fun.
>Sup Forums has fun
>redditors want fun
>come to Sup Forums
>Sup Forums goes to shit
Fun was a mistake. We will not repeat that again.
Shill's contracts expired Trump won.
>What changed?
the election ended
More influence means more people taking it seriously. Post election realities setting in. The one big goal done, now directionless. Pick any/all/add some.
#1: The user population decreased after the election.
#2: There is no big event to unify people.
For me as an white nationalist, things have never really been better. We never had NS general, right alliance general, paganism generals, or anything like that before 2015. The board is as "institutionally far right" now as it's ever been before.
>constant harassment by liberals and jews, using newspapers to label and paint Mussolini as some totalitarian dictator when it was more akin to having employer, employee work with the government to set the economy's pace
>which was displaced and being fucked by Italian Jews, just like Germany was
Which kinda sucks that people thought that winning the election would be the end of it. The right staying in power and shifting the country is the overall goal.
>mid 2016-January 2017 Sup Forums
That is undeniably the worst part of our history. It was when a bunch of shitposters invaded from Reddit. If you want fun, go back there.
Since I know you haven't actually been here for more than ~16 months, I'll just let you know: Sup Forums used to be fun before normies came. We found fun in intelectual discussion, conspiracy theories and information digging. Now "fun" is shitposting non-stop
Was about to say the same thing
There's still lots of fun here. You just have to lurk and look.
So I have a question for you, I consider myself more of a fascist rather than a natsoc because I believe that if we want fascism to gain power again, it'll need to be rebranded. If there's one thing Hitler knew, it was branding, so why do you choose to be a Natsoc when any party tied to it will never gain traction again?
you won everything you wanted when you never actually wanted to win
>We never had NS general
We never needed it. We used to have the entire board. Of course there were Libertarians back then, but we were all united on the Jewish question. To me, the NS general is a sign that the culture of the board has been degraded because of invaders who see the words "National Socialism" and then just spew out whatever Ben Shapiro says about communism
The esoteric blood and soil aspects of NSDAP appeal to me. Italian Fascism never really accepted race as a core principle. For me the biological aspects of race are more important than the governing principles of fascism, which for me are negotiable.
>because of invaders who see the words "National Socialism"
well to be fair national socialism is a pretty retarded movement
Point taken. I'm not sure which is better: NSDAP flag choice but no generals, or how it was before Hiro brought flags back NS general but no NSDAP flag choice.
The flag choice is a nice touch. I was glad the NS generals were there when there was no flag choice because we could gang up on the shills.
Governance is no fun.
Can't support the anti-establishment guy when he's the establishment.
mindlessly shouting faggy slogans isn't fun. Fun is engaging in intellectual pursuits and redpilling yourself to become a better man.
>its the off season
We must restore our power levels
Also influx of kids, leftists, shills due to the attention
or start it yourself
Before 2015 you could actually discuss politics on this board. Not well but you could.
Zimmerman and initial Ferguson chimpouts were pretty United but the end Ferguson riots brought in people that would shitpost in every thread and derail anything talking about Ferguson. The election solidified this place as an echo chamber where any dissent was crushed by people just calling them a shill and posting over them. This was worse than any JIDF posting.
Today, Sup Forums is the right wing social justice club. It organizes dislike campaigns against YouTube videos and gets offended by EVERYTHING. Any satirical element is dead. Any tongue-in-cheek humour is dead. Self-awareness is dead. Take advantage of the Kristan movement for trolling? Nope. It's cringeworthy! Run with 'white sharia'? Nope. It's anti-christian.
FOR FUCKS SAKE. People are unironically Christians here now because of fedora posting and an influx of new users who are literal Republicans. A fuxking Christian general thread. These idiots buy into the pedophile satanist hysteria that pops up every decade pushed by the same water filter snake oil salesmen.
Just look at the board - the threads that survive are baits, flames and trolls and retarded newfags respond seriously to them. Even when the thread is obviously ironic, you get fucking regards coming in calling the OP a "shill". This is a sign of the average IQ of this board just plummeting in the last election. We've hit peak influence and now Sup Forums will be slowly transformed into a social hangout for people as technologically and mentally competent as a boomer, that get trolled by the next generation of cool-kids-forum.
>Sup Forums is one person
Yes there is a lot more attention and a lot more idiots, but you would find interesting, intellectual discussions taking place RIGHT NOW if you would peruse the right threads. Fuck off with your "I'm smarter than everyone else here" bullshit. You're not special, you're just a huge faggot.
I don't know how you extracted that from what I said.
You're a fucking retard
I dunno man.. but I agree, I loved the numerological memery
God fascism is so fucking aesthetic...
I read your statements, interpreted them, and disagreed. You say there is no intellectual discussion here any more. That's false, considering I'm lurking threads at this very moment that have some great discussions. Sometimes a thread starts out as bait and a couple anons drop some huge redpills. The shill leaves and the discussion continues. Open your fucking mind.
The point was you interpreted my statements like a fucking retarded, you fucking retard.
And of course a genius like you, talking about huge redpills and shills, may be able to find substance in the conversations here (such as the definitive proof that the latest Islamic terror attack was secretly a Jewish plot) but I guess I'm just not intelligent enough to appreciate these topics.
I think "there is no intellectual discussion here any more because X, Y and Z" is a pretty fair characterization of your post. If you don't like the discussion here, fuck off to some other site. Except there's no other website to go to that doesn't suck more. You'll be back. We're all here forever.
Anyone have that infographic about how an inside joke devolves into an unfunny mess as more and more outside people use it?