Heritage thread? Heritage thread

Heritage thread? Heritage thread.

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>tfw inbred


>Yugoslavia, France
Unless Slovenia/Northern France - absolute garbage
Nice. Keep it pure Northern European. Genetically proven that homogenous races and people are the best

>Northern European


>unironically using the yugoslav flag
Your grandmother is either a Slovene, a Croat or a Serb. Which is it, faggot?

>Moselle, Ireland
>not superior Northern European master race

Lol no

Mosellans and Alsaciens are your average central euros they have nothing to do with Scandis.

damn so uk being half polish isnt a meme

Northern(Northwestern) European = Celtic-Germanic in race = English, Scottish, Irish, Welsh, Scandinavian, Flemish, Dutch, German, Austrian, Swiss German, Normandy, Bretony, Alsace, Moselle

can i marry your sister?

>Do not include French
>Swarthy breton manlets are included
>Swarthy normand are included
You ghave no clue what you're talking abotu am i rite ?

Yes. Occitania/French Switzerland are special places

>The * in Switzerland indicates that the three populations available from this country have variable estimates: Swiss-Germans show no evidence of African mixture, Swiss-French 0.5±0.2% and Swiss-Italians 1.6±0.2%. The ‘+’ sign in Italy indicates that multiple samples were available but all show evidence of African mixture.

Northwest France, vaguely Yugoslavic.

No idea.

Shit quotes

We have less subsaharan than Germans dp


Pick one. Love paint too


pls r8 and be nice


Don't mix it with anyone who's not a full blooded Northwestern European.

>A study in Iceland showed that 3rd cousin marriages are the most fertile and successful. Suggesting that mating within one's ethnic/racial group would be more beneficial than outside of one's ethnic/racial group.

It was real in their head


>mayflower ancestors
>from the UK
Are you like 200 years old?

Go check K15 Eurogenes :)

Anyway, you should just accept that you're an inferior breed and that your women love niggers

No, I have ancestors who came over on the mayflower on that side. The person with the UK flag is American, I just did that to show their heritage.

ew gook

why do you mark with the flag of nm, are you of nm native descent or something?

I'm sorry, my Jew/Portugese/Berber/Italian admixed manlet friend, but in no way amateur shitskins with their blog beat a peer reviewed evidence to support my claim
>Occitan """""French""""""

That's not how it works. If they were American you use an American flag.

States flags are where they were born in the US.

hitler had an eastern/north african haplogroup.

Then they could be a nigger for all we know. I just want to show the ancestry of my different lines.

No. You just fucking suck.

OP forgot to post a blank.

>American intellectuals
He didn't and there's no DNA of Hitler

All those people had to habe sex for you to be born.

And here I am, a fucking degenerate loser posting on Sup Forums

Maybe someday

All I need is my waifu pillow and I'm good.

You could always jerk off at a sperm bank, at least your genes will go on for another generation.

Every single ancestor of mine dating back 1000 years is English. I moved to the USA and I can unequivocally state that I am the whitest person in this entire country.

My kids are American.

nah, too short (both parents were

i'm not even Occitan, i'm just pointing out your fallacies


Looks like rape is your only option.

eh, enough sluts around her giving their holes for free, or at the very least for a bowl of MJ. I just really don't care enough.

What a fucking waste. Could have been a nice bloodline

My ancestors were black, asian, hispanic, and Jewish. Sup Forums hates me but i don't like hate.

Dude your garbage

Your literally Russian, you aren't even European

>not european
unless hes from siberia or some shiet he probably is

can I classify as an honorary white?

I don't consider Russians white, and im Hispanic.

Am I white, Sup Forums?

even if that had been true, it doesn't invalidate my statement. Ethnic mixing or mixing outside of Celtic-Germanic group is objectively bad

Probably no

Why do you mericans have to complicate everything?

You'll have to endure the rigorous "loo" test, first devised by the British. If you pass, we'll stamp your papers and you have to serve three more years on pol before honorary status.


you forgot to include your boyfriend, dutch.


To any western canadians interested in joining a western Canadian independence movement, shoot an email to this address:

[email protected]

My mother's side vastly consisted of upper caste Indians, mainly wealthy landlords - so they didn't really shit on the street. That's mainly lower caste Indians.

You are not Huwhite though. Almost all indian ethnic groups are aboriginal and gypsy admixed on top of everything

Mother did charity work

post pic

This isn't real, is it?

I've never seen a mix like this before.