Is there anything wrong with being a slut?
Yes trannyboi
Fornication is a sin
Sluts hate themselves they just don't realize it
Who would refer to it as a "cunt" in the middle of sex?
>no reasons
I'm going to assume it's bitterness then...?
>needing a reason
Would you put your dick in a used pocket-pussy?
I wouldn't kiss a girl who'd had a penis in her mouth, even if it were my own. Rectums are exit-only.
>slept with an Aussie
No one. Obvious virtue signalling horse shit in an attempt create another problem where there is none. Ultimately, creation of such "problems" are merely attempts to benefit and gain sympathy for being the "victims" of these "problems".
Doubt it's tight. Shit is loose.
if she doesn't want to be called a slut why is she hooking up with a dude who so obviously doesn't give a fuck about her?
That's a pretty nice compliment
Or is it a putdown saying she's not trying hard enough?
men really need to make ugly women like this earn their keep by not fucking them
why would you fuck her? look at her.
There's the third way...
>hello cunt, I like your best mate, he's a proper cunt that one, anyway see ya next time cunt
The Australian way.
this is a great example of a "humble brag".
how would he know
stds that rot your body
spread through an entire community
see: syphillis gummata, HIV
>Dude tells her "Wow, your cunt is pretty tight for a slut"
Probable outcome at the time: sploosh
Not as long as you are honest about it and as long as you don't act like a cunt.
It was a compliment lighten up
Look, everyone enjoys having sex, but I'm going to enjoy it a bunch more if I don't have to worry about getting the clap because you can't go a day without taking a dick.
I would prefer also to date someone rather than have random sex. If someone feels entitled to fuck hundreds of people I'm going to trust them a whole lot less in a relationship than someone who has had few sexual partners. Because of this a slut has no use to me romantically, so why should I like them?
Yes, being slutty enables the proliferation of STDs
I would
>wanting a reason for why sluts are bad
you are either fucking retarded or a troll
everyone gave a reason, but ultimately being ok with sluts promotes cultural marxism and moral degradation.
most people here know that.
also, my pic
dear god this thread is fucking shit
aussies are great
second and last one
STDs spread like wildfire
i mean...
if a dude has some part of him in your vagina...
and he feels that the relationship between you two is comfortable...
but youre not comfortable...
but yet again, he is inside you...
you might be a little bit of a slut...
but if it make you feel better, we'll call them "mistakes" or "life lessons" or whatever makes you feel like youre not a slut.
>feminine penis
Was that guy wrong though?
A gf I had a while back preferred me call it a cunt instead of pussy.
Yes, it's pretty fucking obvious if you'er not retarded
really makes you think
he was just being nice
>i like your haircut
>are those shoes new
>your vag totally doesn't seem blown out
How would a different dick once a week wear something out more than the same cock almost every night?
Destroy your only hope at happiness and fullfillment chasing the dragons tail of that secret pleasure you had that first you YOLOed a chad?
Also you will develop a sperm allergy which grantees you can't even enjoy pedestrian sex with your cucked bf.
Is why sluts get weird with the leather the whips the shitting in mouths fast.
Most don't know this.
who wouldn't?Try it sometime you'd be surprised some women love it
Don't project, sweetie.
Seminal plasma hypersensitivity.
Women's immune systems are literally designed to rebel against sluttery.