My Solution to Israeli/Palestinian Conflict (edit with improvements or tell me who would reject/accept)
1. Demilitarized Palestinian state in West Bank and Gaza. Israel would be forced to construct convenient railways between to the territories to connect them.
2. 67' borders where Israel keeps largest settlements, however Palestine acquires Nazareth (largely Palestinian historically important tourist town in Israel).
3. Egypt controls border for 15 years to stop terrorists/Iranians, then transferred to Palestinians.
4. Old city is shared Israeli/Palestinian land, policed by neutral party. Al Aqsa has Saudi security.
5. Palestine has full autonomy over land and immigration and can resettle refugees in their lands.
6. Israel/International community will pay reparations to Palestinians.
7. Israel gives back Golan Heights to Syria, however maintains effective borders that are defensible. Those living in Golan will pay taxes to Syria, tourist visas will be handled by Syria.
Anything wrong will this. Who will fight against this?
Please bump and comment, this is an actual /pol thread.
Solution to Israel/Palestine?
>Who will fight against this?
Jews, including the msm jews that Israelis will tell you hate Israel.
Why who is it too advantageous towards? The Jews won't want to give any land away?
not getting a lot of replies. I guess only memes and larping get any attention on this board.
Donald Trump knows exactly what he is doing. He is currently in the final stages of courting Saudi Arabia and the new Crown Prince is his guy. Trump is the new Mukhtar and the King believes he has Trumps blessing to act within the region as needed. Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman is the heir and the Israeli intelligence minister Yisrael Katz is brokering a deal in which Benny Netanyahu will visit the King in S.A.. A deal to have more cordial future relations will be announced to satisfy Trump so he can talk of brokering middle eas peace. No real deal will have been made;just a show. Now this is apostasy on a grand scale. The extended royal family and the general populace will see this as such. The reaction will be negative to the point of national instability in S.A. and possibly a replacement of the heir. Yisrael Katz (IFM) will not be harmed nor will the Israeli delegation. Heat will rise after they leave. King of Saudi Arabia ramps up war with Qatar to show a strong national front and attempt to ease national tensions after visit. This will publicly be to "combat terrorism". Royal family will actually be at civil war. Qatar will require Iranian assistance to survive. Saudi Arabia will be weakened by internal divides. Iran will save Qatar to an extent. Iran will fuck up S.A. but itself be weakened. USA will demand Iran back off or we let loose as al-odeid airbase is major concern. Iran goes home after proving point. Region around Israel is devestated as planned. Israel now crushes Hizbollah as Iran watches unable to respond. Israel now has long wished for buffer around Nation. Palestinians go to east syria, west syria (nation soon to be officially partitioned) , egypt, Iraq, and Turkey.
Bomb the Jews
No he doesn't; Just today he literally backed out of the Peace Agreements for Israelis and Palestinians
But in all seriousness, return to the '67 borders. This has been the international consensus for some time now; Yet America and Israel were the only major countries to be against it because America is a puppet to AIPAC and its influence on the US Senators
Western cucks, please come with your modern army and save us from Jews and Muslims
Not going to happen; Our US government is cucked by the Zionist Israelis and AIPAC. If Ron Paul was president, we would not be having this
Nobody will agree to these terms.
That's because the Jews will keep Jewing. The proposal is too idealistic
Jews will never accept it. They're greedy fuckers who want to finish their genocide of Palestinians
1. Cut aid to Israel and start promoting leftie forces (parties and NGOs)
2. Promote and give aid to secular and leftie forces in Palestine.
3. Give it 70 years or so - few generation with new textbooks and stuff
4. Impose one state solution, which would be based on territorial nationalism (usa, austria) and not religious or ethnic.
5. Give it 70 years of so of new textbooks
6. Peace in middle east
The Jewish Lobby owns America. It will never happen. Look at all the kike propaganda.
>Who will fight against this?
What about the Christians?
You're only considering this problem in two dimensions.
Gas them both
1. Stop funding Israel with weapons and defense; After all they need to be a soverign state
2. Threaten to arm Hamas with weapons if Israel decides to even occupy more illegal territory
3. Force Israel to comply with the two-state solution
That's it
stop stealing palestinian land and murdering them
Kinda over with the idea of giving countries to every whiny little shit group. There are separatist sami edgelords in norway that want their own country just because they are butthurt. It wouldnt make their lives better. It would just end their gibsmedats, subsidies and opportunities given to them by norsca. Its just tribal and irrational.
The shit in the middle east is the same thing. Tribalistic bullshit. They deserve each other down there.
expel the palestinians and annex the west bank and gaza and the golan heights
The solution would be to kill netanyahu and end the zionist agenda. Even the jews living in israel want this.
Wrong! You're so wrong! They can't give up Golan heights or West Bank for security reasons. You need to make a Compromise with the evil fucks. They will be allowed to keep a military presence in the West Bank and gaza, but have to remove all settlements! Yes, all of them. They also must give up Jerusalem. As well as Nazareth and Bethlehem. In exchange for all this, the arabs will agree to a 7 year peace treaty
This will work
Give Gaza to Egypt. Sisi will comply with the Israelis and work with them. Just get all forces out of the West Bank and leave it alone.
So basically we give alot of land, pay alot of money, and get literally nothing back from them out of it.
And you seriously believe this will work? We won't agree something that we'll only give things, but not getting anything back.
agree; while a lot of Jews in the US are globalist nuisances, Israelis are for the most part a good/decent people. The Palestinians should be removed.
Muzzkies don't deserve to set foot in Jerusalem
this board is full of retard nazis. degen culture in america + the tards on this board all contributed to my decision to make aliyah and join the IDF. a nice big fuck you to all the libs + neo nazis on this board who want to give more power to terrorists.
Where did you serve, mate?
i'm making aliyah this winter. 25, gonna volunteer for the IDF in a combat unit. went on birthright so i got the inside hookups putting a good ord in
That's awesome! Make sure you die in combat, otherwise no one will give a shit
>Palestine vs Israel
Fuckin nuke Israel into oblivion and let Palestine do what it wants. The only good jews are dead ones.
there's a pretty big muslim population in jerusalem bro lol
has to be way more nazi larpers than actual nazis.
That's fucking awesome. So you'll basically be a lone soldier? They get literally the best treatment, to the point that you can knock on random people doors and ask them to stay the night, and they'll let you, and they'll even be excited as hell.
i will! i'm not spending my 20s at a boring office job, would rather get some exercise and remain active before coming back israeli weaponry is awesome. stay mad fatty.
Kikes like you are the reason there will never be peace in the Middle East.
yeah i'm interviewing with the lone soldier program in july. pretty stoked.
no man... there's no way this is mass LARP. these dudes legit believe in their conspiracy theories / hitler did nothing wrong.
you mean Islam, right?
>in b4 islam is a jewish psy-op
quit screwing around.
i know; it's sad. but think how gloriously it would anger the muzzos if that golden dome of theirs got bulldozed
i never even knew about the golden dome / the fact that jerusalem had significant muslim / christian populations until i went there. it's almost as if those religions can coexist in peace and the media / Sup Forums is incredibly biased and hateful. i was really suprised when i heard the muslim call to prayer from the western wall.
You'll love it there. It's hard being in a combat unit, but it's fun as fuck. Andrenaline and action with your friends, while protecting each other.
You'll literally meet your best friends there.
Do you know in which combat unit are you going to serve yet?
one state solution
- Completely secularize Israel
- Destroy all "Holy" sites, stop holy land meme
- No more jews right of return to Israel, unless at least one of the parents is Israeli citizen
- Give Israeli citizenship to all palestinians including refugees
- No discrimination/affirmative action between jewish and arab citizen
- Everyone live happily ever after in Medinat Israel
3, make it 50
4. foreign police force? no way.
7. How the fuck Golan Heights connected to the Palestinian conflict? and the defensible borders you are talking about are the current borders. it takes one just look on the Israeli side from the Golans to understand that the Heights can't be control by hostile forces.
All the rest sounds like a plan.
The 47 lines and the 67 borders are one the dumbest I've seen. Who draws up a map and puts some land for a state/country up north, then some on the east and then some further down south on the west? What kid f country is that? Little blobs here and there. Fucking ridiculous.
they can't coexist tho. Muslims have never stopped trying to kill Christians/Jews. If the Israeli army/police left the city, it would become entirely Muslim pretty quick.
no idea. i was inspired by the culmination march i saw the IDF complete at the top of mount masada. fellow jew bros pulling and pushing eachother to the top of the mountain carrying 90 lbs of gear, a 45 km hike. sounds so awesome. and it seems decently safe too, there arent deaths that often. do you suggest any units? what should i ask for? the IWI tavor is an awesome weapon....
The borders were meant to destabilize.
they can under a heavily militarized state xD
Well, the IAF have the best bases, best food, best beds, etc.. If you are not interested in being a pilot though, then try to go to an elite unit. If you are fit enough, aim towards Givati, Golani, or if you're exetremly lucky, Sayeret Matkal.
Fuck the Palestinians, nigga. Israel will wait until the upcoming Palestinian generations of Israeli citizens support a one state solution. Every new Arab generation in Israel supports the one state solution more because Israel isn't a backwards shit-state like Mudslime countries.
Palestinians go clubbing, fuck hot chicks on the beach in Tel-Aviv and get drunk at pool rooftop parties, live a fucking modern life, unlike faggots in Saudi Arabia. Israeli Arabs basically realize their lives are better in fucking Israel than under some dumb Arab prince, even though they low-key hate Jews. So the trend towards the one state (Israel) solution, fucking grows with every new generation.
Armed Jews were created to kill kebab. Only reason Israel can't fight is fucking Holy War would start in the Middle East.
Source: My dad used to sell .50 caliber sniper rifles to the Israelis.
No, America Interventionism and Israeli foreign policy has been what's fucking up the Region and making enemies in that region. And it doesn't help that Cock Sucking Kike lovers like you fully support destabilizing it more and making Radical Islam more prevalent
what are the fitness requirements? i'm in better shape than most of the IDF soldiers I saw whle in israel
Muslims invaded in the 6-700's and have been ruining the area ever since. Equation: Nuke + Muslims = peace
yeah god forbid jews get their own land right? cant wait to have 5 Jewish kids
The Brits, in opposite to Americans, are actually understood their colonies and the cultural of their mandate territories.
The borders de jure were drawn by the League, but de facto drawn by the Brits. they wanted to come back as the saviors after the region go to shit.
And they were right. as soon as they left all kind of shit hit the fan.
They just didn't take in to the account that their position in post WW2 politics will be much weaker and they will not be allowed to come back. and that the Jews could enforce borders of their liking.
To back up my "conspiracy" that the Brits always wanted to come back is 1) their build huge infrastructure (you don't build infrastructure just to hand it to idiots)
2) Brits are cunts, it is known.
For the elite units you have to be exetremly in shape. For the special forces (i.e Sayeret matkal) you also have to be one heck of a smart dude.
Actually, to build up a country and then leave it is the British style, like raising a kid. They build it up so that it's a good ally, like them, and then they set it free so they don't have to pay for it. e.g. Canada, Australia, SA, NZ, Israel.
When did Sup Forums become a place for jews to mingle?
>2) Brits are cunts, it is known.
I'll agree on that with you. See Rhodesia and South Africa for prime examples.
Any link to the fitness requirements? And as for the Sayeret Matkal, do I need to know arabic? They go behind enemy lines often right?
i can mingle with nazis too, here's my favorite pic of hitler and his bros
Palestine is not Australia or NA.
As i said, they understood their controlled territories.
Never have I stated anywhere that Israel doesn't have a right to exist, but Palestine also has the right to exist. A two-state solution would be good but scum like you want a fucking Israel takeover.
PROTIP: You can't have a one Jewish-state of Israel when Jews are the minority
Real solution
Nuke the entire Area
no islamic countries are peaceful
palestine is islamic
long term peace can only be achieved without palestine
nah it'd just be better if the palestinians merged with Jordan or Egypt. But when they tried that they were cast out. Yeah, that's right, their own people treat them shittier than the super evil Jews. Bet you didn't know that did you?
You stole the land you dense fuck, you already got the lion share.
>you stole land
nigger all land is eventually stolen, that's an unfounded argument
Nuke Israel, back to the stone age and never let them come back, or better yet
> Survivors = slaves
have 5 jewish kids and keep them in america, amirite? coward.
>Treats them shittier
>Doesn't realize Israeli war crimes which have done far worse than the Palestinians have ever done with its own citizens
Oy vey you really are a useful Jew :^)
not if the original owners are still there, America took the land from the indians, but they also erased the indians and made sure they're weak enough they can't fight back.
isreal is playing with fire, the Palestinians make up more than 1/5th of the isreali population and if we count WB and Gaza, you're looking at a 1 to 1 ration, and they have a higher birth rate.
israel is fucked.
yes i agree palestinians should be eradicated
>tfw when the Nazi is more sympathetic to the Jews than the Jews are to the Palestinians
Hitler should've won desu
>sympathetic to suicide bombing terrorists who air shit like this
hitler should've won bro!
why the fuck should we care about this piece of shit land that barbarians have been fighting for it for millennia its time too end it once and for all and just go full nuclear. No more wasting money on funding a parasitic state, no more sending our fellow brethren to die for these monstrous races all so that they can replace and rule us, no more having be enslaved to a religion that encourages a slave like mentality. I want to put whites first, last, and always I'll never care about any other place in the world that isn't white just as they don't care with us. Its time to end the cycle of idiocy and do what is necessary once and for all
I have a better solution.
Make the Pali's go live in one of the many Muslim nations that exist in the world and let the Jews have the one nation in the world they can call their own.
>Stealing Palestinian land
They got there themselves by stealing it, all's fair in love and war.
Short term solution, in my opinion would be to simply give a sizable chunk of coastal land to Palastinian culture within Israel to alleviate the immediate cultural war en mass. Long term Solution is no longer in sight, US has massive problems, Russia and Europe are weakened.
Israel has griefed to many cultures in short order, as crazy as it sounds, I think a "controled Color revolution" in Israel may alieviate the long term danger it now faces as a result.
>1. Demilitarized Palestinian state in West Bank and Gaza
wont work, territories aren't continuous so unless you wanna build gigantic walls around all Palestinians and huge walled interchanges that will still need militarization for security then no,militarized west bank is simply cheaper.
>acquires Nazareth (largely Palestinian historically important tourist town in Israel).
you know there's lower nazeret(arab) and upper nazeret (jews) , lower nazeret want nothing to do with the fucktards in the west bank which want nothing to do with the fucktards in gaza.
>Egypt controls border
AKA let all terrorists in, fuck no . israel permanently controls all borders otherwise there;s terrorism
>4. Old city is shared Israeli/Palestinian land
AKA terrorism 24/7, not gonna happen
>reparations to Palestinians.
you mean they pay reparations to us right ?, its their official 'state' policy to support terrorism and murder of civilians .
>Israel gives back Golan Heights to Syria
wont happen, the whole reason for it being ours is that after syria gave it to us it was assumed that as tome point they'll answer our request and negotiate for terms for its release , we basically wanted a peace agreement like with jordan and egypt . syrians did not come to negotiate which basically means they dont want it .
My final solution: Israel and Puerto Rico switch homelands. Put (((them))) on a fucking island so they can't cause trouble. The PR is hot and has beaches, that's the environment they like, also see Miami. The Ricans are brown and breed with anyone.
Yes, this means Israel will be closer to the US, but that means NYC (((Yankees))) will move there for good, since God "promising" them land and the "Holocaus" hasn't convinced them. Of course, the US will need to oversee Israel's 400 nukes at Dimina aimed at Europe, those can't be moved, but yet another upside. Syria, Iran and Russia no longer threatened by their (((hegemony))).
I've spent two years thinking this out. It's genius. We can't allow PR to become a 51st state, so Israel would just get their usual gibs.
>1. Demilitarized Palestinian state in West Bank and Gaza. Israel would be forced to construct convenient railways between to the territories to connect them.
Why should they do it if it makes no economic sense?
>2. 67' borders where Israel keeps largest settlements, however Palestine acquires Nazareth (largely Palestinian historically important tourist town in Israel).
Historically speaking, Israel belongs to jews. It is not an argument in this conflict
>3. Egypt controls border for 15 years to stop terrorists/Iranians, then transferred to Palestinians.
Why do you think Egypt will want to do that? They are muslims too so can't be trusted even if they don't chimp out now. And you mean Gaza zone here?
>4. Old city is shared Israeli/Palestinian land, policed by neutral party. Al Aqsa has Saudi security.
Neutrality can be sustained if all respect it. It won't happen
>5. Palestine has full autonomy over land and immigration and can resettle refugees in their lands.
Gaza zone is fully managed by 'palestinians' and it is terrorist lair.
> 6. Israel/International community will pay reparations to Palestinians.
What for? Israel won wars again arabs fair and square. Israel is the best country to live in Middle East. There is no better place for arabs to live in
>7. Israel gives back Golan Heights to Syria, however maintains effective borders that are defensible. Those living in Golan will pay taxes to Syria, tourist visas will be handled by Syria.
Again - Israel won Golan Heights in fair battle. Why do they need to give it back? After they established relations with Egipt and Jordania it was shown that in order to make peace with Israel, you just don't attack it.
>on Sup Forums, not /x/
>the whole reason for it being ours is that after syria gave it to us
You kikes are full of shit, as expected. The reason why you're illegally occupying the Golan Heights is due to oil. Your country's founding family the Rothschilds, specifically Jacob Rothschild has oil dibs on the Golans via his exotic company Genie Energy, with Rupert Murdoch, Dick Cheney and other CIA Deep State kikes and Shabbos goya on Genie's board.
Correction: Dimona, not Dimina is the HQ of Israel's 400 illegal nukes pointed at White Europe aka the "Samson Option" -- newfags should read Seymour Hirsch's book "The Samson Option."
While you're at it, look into Urban Moving Systems, the Mossad front company out of New Jersey that had a rubbing hand in 9/11, namely employees Sivan Kurtzberg, Paul Kurtzberg, Dominik Suter, and Oded Eillner, all Israelis arrested and detained by FBI on 9/11.
We will Napalm you
We won't give a single centimeter to those monkeys.
Work camps for both sides. keep them separated though, wouldn't want them to injure the merchandise.
Powerless Nazi thinks he can force us to do anything
And Christ will destroy you for good. But do convene with your homie Jared "Cadre" Kushner and shiksa Ivanka regarding "peace in the ME." Faggot. Your Bolshevik ancestors didn't succeed and neither will you
This is true.
Its funny how Russian troops moved on Raqqa last week (where 1/3rd Syrian oil reserves are being drilled) blocking off SDF and than shit all of a sudden gets shot down and the Innitiative all of a sudden stops, S-300's are being shot...
Its about oil short term, yes indeed.
This is the most Jewish answer I've ever heard.
"You're asking us to do something altruistic and give back land for the sake peace? And I get NOTHING out of this?! Fuck you!"
The day the truth re: 9/11 and Israel's heavy involvement comes out is the day the world realizes Hitler was right and finishes the job
Then renounce your U.S. citizenship you traitorous piece of shit.
Your solution to the conflict is literally Israel giving everything to everyone and having a knife to its throat for eternity and getting nothing in return and you expect it to work? Especially considering you can never trust a mudshit with such a big knife to your throat?
Nice digits. Notice how the Israelfags ITT disappear when we specify and name names. Happens everytime. Name the Rothschilds are their founding family, who funded their Knesset (Jimmy) and Illuminati pyramid Supreme Court (Dorothy) and they slither back to their JIDF regroup meeting.
After 9/11 Israel only deserves to be nuked
Palestinians get everything leftover so long as they destroy every last zionist
> oil reserve found in 2015 has anything to do with why a country that never taps its oil wants to keep the golan
The golan heights were legally conquered in a defensive war. Also, they are a strategic asset and having an enemy control it is literally suicide. So fuck off, ahmed lovers.
How about just send all Jews from all over the globe to Israel, and send all muslims to Arab countries, let them solve their own problems & keep them away from white countries. And while we're at it also send all blacks from South & North America and Europe back to Africa.
Not trying to be edgy but if all people were placed where they belong its more convinient for everyone
Shhh, they're gonna call you a shill for suggesting it.