Hey Sup Forums, I have short time to post this, but I am from 51st state of Puerto Rico and wanted to let you know of my state becoming part of the US in the year 2020. It is coming up and relevant now so I think it's finally time. I may be punished for posting this, but I hid myself pretty well. Currently it is 2051 and current tech (limited to the extremely rich) lets me post into what are basically archives of the past internet to me, in real time. Ask me anything about the political future. I won't say anything that will get me in too much trouble, but fuck this corrupt society anyways. The salary gap get's much greater, by the way. Those that still need money, that is.
Hey Sup Forums, I have short time to post this...
Fuck off. PR will never be the 51st state.
Late 2019 Trump sees the high number of Americans and Puerto Ricans who support joining the union and uses it as a last ditch effort to improve approval ratings. Pretty sad looking back now, because that presidency was fucked from the beginning. I'm still amazed that I can do this.
Would there be World War 3?
No, a few conflicts in Africa with their development and America goes there for capitalistic reasons. Can't say much more about that.
Somewhat large conflicts, though. Oh yeah, Britain also leaves and then goes back in the EU like a lost kid in a store a few years later. Taught as what not to do in European history classes now.
What should I invest in. Be vague
Will both Koreas unify? Korea will be communist or capitalist?
Trust me, don't. Chances are you'll lose most of it, but safest option is developing mobile markets. Literally no one uses a big internet device like you had in those times. In fact they're so specialized now that we don't even call them simply, "computers."
are they forcing genetic manipulation on everyone yet or is it for the elite only?
Both are capitalist now, some shit went down that brought it to that; but I think saying any more would be illegal. Internet law is like the last thing the developed world can make crazy laws that put people away for a long time. Drugs are legal, that might be interesting to you. Similar thing.
No. Puerto Rico is full of welfare niggers who all vote democrat. Stay in your quarantine zone.
I think people are so scared to talk about anything genetic that maybe it never happened? Was this an important issue in 2017?
What happens with the space corps and those ayys
I consider myself elite, but genetic science is solely to prevent or be proactive about certain ill things you may be prone to having.
Last thing we need is more spics to drop our demographics
Ahh, finally something relevant to my time! Really need to be careful what I say here, but something incredible happens which improves knowledge all around the globe. Nothing crazy, but just makes people smarter because something so large is now common knowledge.
Does our hat become one with us
Could you explain what kind of knowledge, again be as vague as you need to be
No, but they join in our incredibly stupid (in my unpopular opinion) fascination with celebrities and now Toronto is similar to what Hollywood was in 2017. I just watched a documentary on this. Supposedly it's because Canada was cheap to film in? Media starts to develop so much in a few years. You'll soon never have to see anything you disagree with. Not everyone agrees it's the best for knowledge, but it's incredible the genres we have now.
Turns evolution into a theory similar to how gravity is looked on. Obviously known as fact and can't be disputed. Can't give the specific incident which made it so, though.
>Currently it is 2051
How do we trust you?
I tried proving it to you in particular. Did you notice anything strange just happen on your device? ;)
What about countries like Syria and Venezuela? Have they finally found peace?
Will my country win the soccer World Cup before 2051?
I know this isn't political, but are there any new smash games?
What is Australia like? If you say it isn't like mad max I'll know you're a LARPing poofda
>I'll have them monkeys voting Republican for 200 years!
isn't puerto rico a defacto colony?
PR cant even handle money for 5 min.
Is Bolsonaro the president of Brazil in 2018?
Has the Catholic Church fully recovered from modernism and become traditionalist or does it suffer from it?
Also is Europe Islamic in 2051?