How do we fix black people?
How do we fix black people?
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smartest leaf on Sup Forums
You don't. You just put up with the token niggers that liberals force everywhere so they can make it seem like they're helping niggers, and then laugh at the fact that the majority of niggers live in poverty and will continue to do so for generations. You can't fix niggers, they can only fix themselves, but instead they'd rather collect gibs and hate whites than do that, so just laugh at them.
>niggers used to be based!
No. Whites were based, and held the niggers down. They were always savage animals, we just finally let go of the leash.
Blacks need to find their roots
Return home black people , be all you can be
buy them all a ticket to africa and leave them alone forever
Like children, niggers and women need to be "oppressed" if society is to function correctly. Egalitarianism has been a huge failure
for starters we can stop giving them free shit.
Why hasn't Sup Forums memed this?
>pic related
Reviving the Liberia project
>How do we fix black people?
By "fixing" black people.
Please don't send them back here.
Fucking racist
Too bad.
Without communism.
i guess that explains his fascination with nuts
This is all the work of LBJ and the Democratic Party.
Get blacks to start voting Republican and they will recover.
How does castration helps with numbing down the sexual urges? don't they still feel the necessity to rape?
More abortion with free chicken coupons to Popeye's.
There is nothing wrong with niggers, they are wild humans meant to live in the african wilderness.q
Yeah. Big government jews will help
dead nigger forest
modify hiv to make it more deadly
Give them the world's entire supply of crack and heroin then sit back and watch them all OD
Black people are currently enslaved to white Democrats.
They need to be freed.
We need to end welfare.
>the democrats are the real racists
No we are. Fuck off plebbit
Have a 90% white population again so that they can assimilate, if barely, to white culture.
But we know that wont happen so they are fucked
Black people were better when they were suppressed.
Who cares? Not our problem.
No clue.
The smallest period for black imprisonment (by percentage of the total population), was the great depression. There is no link to poverty and crime, not all poor people are degenerate blood-spillers.
Black people will never move forward in America until they realize that they are propping up the status quo by clinging on to tribalism, identity politics, and victimization fantasies.
>How do we fix black people?
Banning rap music is a good start. Those lyrics are destroying all ethnic groups. Pop culture overall is a mess. Or promote civility through music not some retarded tunes and lyrics.
Take away their fucking health care
Send them back to Africa.
They were fine. Black wallstreet was thriving. Racists got jealous and burned it down. Sooner or later blacks will be given reparations.
The zoo?
The democrats fought for slavery as the confederates, they created the Jim Crow laws, they created the KKK, and until the 1980s you couldn't be a democrat and hold office unless you were a member of the KKK.
Democrats are the real racists. They discovered that welfare works MUCH better than chains, sorry.
Eradicate the niggers, problem solved
>Culture reform
.>Bring back relevant conscience Hip-Hop
>Rejection of degenerate "nog" culture.
>Economic knowledge & empowerment.
>Stop embracing victim culture.
>Somehow get them "woke" to the JQ. >Traditional values AKA Nuclear/Extended family
Destroy black feminism.
School choice
Ban rap
Ghetto purge
Legalize Drugs
I agree except for the part about banning rap.
Hip-Hop needs to be reformed to make good rap more mainstream. Only problem is the (((merchant))) is the gatekeeper to pop culture.
End welfare and "hospitals must treat people" laws.