What do we do about the magapede problem?
What do we do about the magapede problem?
Need ideas. I can't deal with these faggots, and I'm not getting a job, so let's have it.
Embrace us, you need us more than we need you
This is literally the shills' nu-Sup Forums meme reincarnated. Go back to pornhub you lifeless autist shill
Go and report Sargon's tweets for harassment and vids for copyright infringement, that's a start.
You have to be monumentally retarded if you believe that would scare off actual shills.
Here's more shill info, guys
I'm more concerned about what to do about people who's self esteem is so low that they need to take Sup Forums so seriously.
WGAF about some dumb "magapede" bullshit? Maybe go outside once in a while, and you won't be getting upset.
Thanks for expressing you concern. Now fuck off.
>people actually believe that people are being paid here to shitpost on a burmese anglerfishing discussion forum
t_d fags just need to understand that they're actually making this place worse just by being and posting here.
These non-stop shareblue nigger tears every day sustain me. Never change :)
Can I ask what you think posting that would accomplish, even if it's real?
You're a terminal retard m8
> :)
Back to r/the_cuckold
is it possible for someone to name everyone in this image?
I wish i knew how to deal with these retards. They are worse than real shills
Not gonna give them free publicity.
at least tell me why ramzpaul is a jew lover. i mean he has hinted that the holocaust was a hoax.
The OP fag posting this shit is way worde than any td supporter. Ill take them over thr constant shilling we now get
Go away achmed
What do we do about the divide and conquer shill problem?
Nice flag faggot
Pay attention to the memes, buddy. You can clearly spot that these anti t_d memes are spawned from withing Sup Forums and not by shills. Libturds are incapable of such memery. There is a difference between a guy telling you to go back to r/eddit for no reason or because of your shitty normie opinion.
The Donald cucks suck shit but so do the "shills"
Essentially, Sup Forums is pro-pre presidency Trump, pro-Assad since he's the only one stopping greater Israel from happening, and no niggs or illegals. Fuck nu-pol and fuck the shills.
epic win for kek my friend
fight the good fight!
This. Nonwhite subhumans them lot