How to fix Japan's xenophobia?
>Japan racism survey reveals one in three foreigners experience discrimination
How to fix Japan's xenophobia?
>Japan racism survey reveals one in three foreigners experience discrimination
Equity and diversity for Japan
I was there once, experienced no discrimination on the train
This. Let them develop and grow on their own
>don't take in refugees
>no terror attacks whatsoever
>maintain pretty landscape, lovely historic sites, and overall peaceful and fearless populous
What's there to fix, senpai? Sounds like a pretty fine exclusive club to me, you just gotta work really hard to get a membership card.
Japan for the Japanese, Europe for the Europeans.
if you dont want to be discriminated in japan:
- be white
- walk around with a white girl, stop stealing their women
Excellent nips are courteous enough to give stronk gaijin mails all the space they need to man spread
>blacks mad at whites
you lack soul!
>whites indifferent towards at blacks
we have brains rather than soul but its ok you dont know any better
>white women and black men
>black women and white men
Nobody touches that shit
>whites mad at asians
you lack empathy!
>asians indifferent towards whites
haha baka gaijin stop being so loud and go home
>asian women and white men
pls give QT3.14 submissive A V E R A G E A Z N girlfriend please!!!!
>white women and asian men
ew slutty whores
Spot the pattern
It will all (((change))) soon.
I will NEVER forget talking to some weeb about how they love BIG AMERICAN COWBOY in Japan. RED CARPET SERVICE EVERYWHERE.
The Japanese hate you almost as much as your parents hate you.
How to not experience racial or cultural discrimination in Japan:
Step 1
>Don't go there.
There is no step 2.
Fuck that.
World for Europeans, death to others.
Japan has a right to be japanese
Perhaps they shouldn't be there in the first place.
>colonial cucks not understanding that Europe deserves right to rule over rest of humanity
Don't fucking fix it you fucking retarded inbred subhuman monkey piece of goddamn shit. Fuck you. Burn in hell.
Let that race be free, free from the Jewry that infects and destroys a majority of the world. They have every right to discriminate against foreigners.
like this?
I often away from every person if space is allowed. But if train is full then sit next to anyone, even foreigners.
I was there months ago, and seats were always taken immediately if available. That guy probably smells like shit or otherwise has problems.
>watched footage of the disaster relief effort carried out by the US Military following the 2011 earthquake/tsunami (Operation Tomodachi)
>servicemen helping japanese
>japanese helping japanese
>everyone pitches in and helps unload helicopters
>japanese organize themselves
I saw a glimmer of what it is like to live in an ethnically homogeneous society. Why would anyone want to disturb that?
Respect the culture, respect the people's wishes. It is their country, not yours.
But that's not how it works at all.
Europe for everyone. Every other country for their own people.
this, Ive heard koreans will stare at you more than japanese. theyre all twigs anyways.
why do so many of them wear those masks?
Racism is just one of Japans charms
>TFW you regret selling Minecraft
It's for various things:
- Allergies (main cause)
- Sore throats - your own breath creates humidity in the mask and soothes your throat
- Women not wearing makeup wanting to hide their face
- Fear of air pollution
Human behavior doesn't need fixing, let alone by do gooder elite academic fags
You got it wrong.
>asian women and white men
Elliot Rodger
um... no, sweetie...
Fake SJW bullshit. People sit next to gaijin on the train all the time. It's considered COURTESY to give someone some empty space next to them. Fuck off with this nonsense.
This is what I don't get they aren't even fucking their own women.
>What's there to fix, senpai?
I can guarantee all of these people claiming "racism" are JET teachers who go there and regret it 3 months later.
I'm Japanese raised in America and Japan and I hear this from every moron American JET teacher.
No shit you will feel like an outsider going to the Japanese countryside without speaking shit and knowing nothing about Japanese culture.
... I dont see how having slanty eyed midgets be xenophobic towards you would be a major problem. I think it would be quite hilarious, actually. Then again, I'm not a liberal faggot.
If I pull their mask off, will they die?
>that faggot is still making my department look like total shit 2 years later
Holy fuck I hate that man.
They're petrified of dust. It's like a major mental illness/paranoia over there
He needs to check his privilege and stop gaijinspreading.
Good on them.
Been there, seen this, feels good.
Looks like the guy is acting emotional. Asians are notirious for not respecting others space but will keep their distance from someone they fear.
They want to see if youre courteous enough to offer your bonus seat for that mother of 2 or elderly couple if they board the train. It's a shit test for foreigners.
It's a courtesy. if you are sick, you wear the mask. To a lesser extent germiphobia etc.
I just spent 2 weeks there with my family, all over the country, and never experienced the "Gaijin seat" thing or any real prejudice.
>when your pussy gook genes can't handle the pure white power
>How to fix Japan's xenophobia
Why fix what's not broken?
Stay strong nips, we too are full.
...So you know, don't think about coming here again.
That's not really a thing. Having lived there for 3 years, Older generations hold a grudge still. Everyone else seems to love/be curious about Americans. A majority will go well out of their way to help you if you have any questions, or are lost or anything. I had a middle age man get on a train with me and ride to my stop 30 min out of his way when I first got there and spoke zero Japanese.
those slant bastards try to stare me down over here.
You will never fix it.
I've been coming and going in Japan since 1995, and living here sonce 2010, and I've seen thing get both better and worse: better because you almost don't get called a fucking gaijin on the street anymore; worse because the japs still think it's perfectly fine that all countries should buy their products and let their companies in but they shouldn't have to return the favor and import foreign products, and vote accordingly.
One very good example of that is Calbee, the main (and probably the only) potato chips maker in Japan, announcing that since the Fukushima incident viable harvests from Northern Japan aren't sufficient to sustain any kind of production so they won't be making chips anymore for an undetermined period.
They're not even trying to import potatoes to meet the demand, and supermarkets/convenience stores aren't importing foreign chips either.
As a result, since last month the only thing you can find is Pringles as it's the only foreign brand well implanted in Japan.
The same thing happened with butter 2 years agos...
So right now you have to order chips from abroad through amazon if you want some variety or sizeable quantity.
That's how fucked up Japan's way of thinking is, you can't fight it, just go around it and use it against them. It's a lesson they need to learn by themselves...
It will be very painful
>How to fix Japan's xenophobia?
No need. Xenophobia serves a purpose. Of course it's unpleasant and rude, but if I'll get to land of tentacles and I'll be discriminated, I will perfectly understand. Besides and really want to get yelled at me me with "WHITE PIGU GO HOME" that fucking kills me.
Nice fake news. There was some potato shortage yes, but I haven't seen any change in any of the stores here. You seem like one of those butt hurt gaijin who believes that Japan should adapt itself to your personal demands. Get the fuck out of here and never come back faggot.
This. Everyone was extremely polite and welcoming when I visited. They only avoided my chinese friend but that's understandable.
I dressed and acted respectfully and in turn made some pretty solid friendships and some on and off relationships.
Yes ive recently suspected this is their achilles heal and a great business oppertunity.
>No need. Xenophobia serves a purpose. Of course it's unpleasant and rude,
It isn't even that, though. FUCK all you people have such a wrong idea of japan and how people are treated here. goddamn internet foreigners who get all their info from rocketnews and sjw blogs and shit.
Sad that most bluepilled faggots on here don't have this proper mindset. Why can't they see that non-whites are deeply inferior?
Not fake news, and from your post you're the butthurt weeaboo here.
I presented tangible facts, deal with it.
>Wearing crocs in public
Understandable, not even i would seat besides that abnormality
>As a result, since last month the only thing you can find is Pringles as it's the only foreign brand well implanted in Japan.
Well that's literally fucking wrong but you're an idiot so I'm not surprised.
"visited" being the operative word in your sentence.
When you start living here people keep asking you when you're going back, and when you tell them you're not they start behaving differently toward you. It's not everybody and you will always find some open people, but the majority are a bunch of selfish racist dicks, even if they don't look like it when you talk to them.
You sound like a fragile pathetic beta.
And you have proof to back that up ? Anybody can check what I said by just googling it, unlike your butthurt argumentless rant.
I can walk to any of 200 convenience stores in a half mile radius and take a picture of a shelf full of potato chips, are you fucking retarded?
I have the opposite experience. qt3.14 japan school girls literally chat me up if presented the opportunity. If my Japanese wife wasn't with me everywhere I go, I'd probably get myself in trouble. I asked wifey about it. She says I'm basically a Panda there. Rare, cute, and they want to learn more about me.
Of course, OPs gaijin is having a bad time. He is obese. Look at him. Fat American lardass. Japanese have no tolerance for that, and they certainly don't want to sit beside a sweaty, bad smelling, obese person. Obese people are understood to have poor self control, low intelligence, and low economic class there. Nobody wants to associate with a person like that.
This was "news" two weeks ago and I haven't seen a shortage of chips in any store I've visited since then, and I travel a lot for work. You probably aren't even in Japan but using a proxy.
I sound like someone who's lived here for a long time, I'm not a weeaboo going woooooow about every shiny trinklet I see and ignoring all the bad stuff because "everything in Japan is wonderful".
It's not, there are good and bad things like everywhere else, deal with it.
Please do, let's see them chips.
white people dont experience racism, because we dont see ourselves as victims. When we're unfairly singled out its because the other people are subhuman assholes. Get on our level.
Why would they want to import niggers and white monkeys they're already the chink super race
Japan's xenophobia is primarily concentrated against Chinese and Koreans.
What kind of self-respecting person cares about how a bunch of other people think or look at him?
Do whatever the fuck you are doing in Japan and then go to a place where you are accepted.
I an't care less i some dude doesn't wants to seat beside me in a subway.
What an idiotic thread.
Picture and timestamp of a store selling chips then, let's see some proof of what you say.
this. zainichis are second class citizens
Burack cocku.
can't fix what isn't broken, Japan is preserving its culture and ensuring a future for itself. I commend Japan for this.
Good, chips are garbage.
You sound like a fragile pathetic beta leftist who attributes everything that goes wrong in his life to "muh racism". Please leave.
you eurocucks would simply move refugees there and enforce Sharia law if you had ""conquest"" over Japan. learn to handle your own cucked nations before you start worrying about fucking with Japan aka honorary aryans. as long as they stay in their own fucking country, I don't care.
Don't fix it, because It's not broken.
Japan is very culturaly beautiful and forcing diversity will muddle it up just like the rest of the diverse 1st world countries.
You sound like a weeaboo who can't accept that the land of Pikachus isn't as sparkling and shiny as they expected. Attacking me won't change the facts I presented, but definitely proves how butthurt and little witted you are for not even trying to refute them.
Honestly i am learning the language just to laugh at them for saying this to me.
It's not even an insult. I would say to them "or what going to screem at me for 10 mins while you power up"
The idea that this hurts white people is laughable. Shit even the black have got one over on the nips in that regard with the shit insult cracker.
>australian flag
>american education
Saw a video of an entire street cave in, they fixed it in a day.
>being so bald people are literally too disgusted to sit next to you on subway
Tell me again how we need to cure benign shit like AIDS or cancer instead of this eternal plague. Being bald is worse than death, it's worse than any other disease out there. At least death is merciful because there is no more pain, but baldness leaves you the options of either killing yourself or living the rest of yoir life as a freak shunned by society, a hideous little creature lurking in the shadows, an abomination. Being bald is the worst affliction that can beset a man. It's a death sentence for your soul but your wretched body lives on. It kills everything that is human inside you. I'd rather spend an eternity in hell than go through a lifetime as a bald man.
>Attacking me won't change the facts I presented
Leftist fee-fees aren't facts, go cry yourself to sleep until you get sent back.
It's not worse than gyno.
Except they treat every shortage this way. Butter and milk products were in the same situation 2 years ago.
And yet you present no evidence to refute what I said. Do you have any ?
I bet half of these nips aren't even nips, but aussies. Hi Sam!
You didn't present any evidence, you just cried like a little sjw bitch. Go home and lament the fact you'll never get a white or a jap woman to touch you, loser.
It blows my mind that we waste billions researching cures for nigger diseases like Malaria and HIV to boost Africas birth rate yet not a penny is spent on trying to cure baldness.
Can you provide proof you aren't using a proxy first
someone take pictures of chips im curious which weeb is full of shit
This is the inevitable outcome, if we can eliminaye the weak cucks being herded by Jews posing as whites.
Then we resume the domestication of the rest of the planet, something Jews themselves are trying to do RIGHT NOW except on their own terms, pretending to be the friends of humanity while they leech upon the hard work of everyone else.
White men will keep the peace, while we unite the world under our guidance and wisdom, and inseminatng the lesser races with the eternal fire in our genes.
Well english speaking nips are scarce at best so you wouldn't be wrong. I've been living here for a long time but I'm no nip, frenchfag here sir.
Women dont give a shit about this.
What do Japanese people thing about exchange students?
You're the one making assertions, idiot. You bear the burden of proof and as a man stationed there for six years I say you're full of shit.