I took a trip in a time machine and brought an image of Zuckerbergs win in 2020
Everyone say it with me President Zuckerberg
How did he defeat Kushner's data driven campaign machine? Certainly Zuckerberg couldn't have used the world's largest social media company to precisely micro target millions of voters individually..?
Just wait until we fire up the meme machine, they'll wish they never let a Jew run for office.
Wrote some basic code to make a year book online.
Became popular because MySpace annoyed college kids, but they still were too akward to get laid without social media.
Became cool because it was exclusive and college only.
Opened up to everyone once the scale up plan was in place.
Thousands of coders now (((polishing))) a turd into a diamond.
He is qualified to run the Executive Branch of the United States of America.
This, and he's a jew
>Zuckerbergs win in 2020
Never. Never. Never.
How much is Zuckerberg paying all these poster to push him as a viable candidate? Word to the wise - he is not a viable candidate, he is a joke, he is a pathetic, hateful human and a disgrace to our country. He needs to move permanently to China and run for Presidency there. He is a commie through and through so kick him out of America for good, he does not belong her.
No one cares abour cuckerberg
>This, and he's a jew
And he is a communist.
I would literally lose my shit and go down a gunfigher marauder if this happened. It would be the end of the United States.
hasn't got the large ego required to be president
just look at his wife lol, this guy clearly doesn't think much of himself
he'll pee his pants the instant trump gives him a derogatory nickname
>November 5th 2020?
>Waiting two days to publish the election
>Montana voting democratic
>Texas solid blue
>Indiana blue
>democrat congress mandate to pass hate speech laws
At least get your current info right. Supreme Court just recently said fuck you college liberals, hate speech isn't real.
Four (you) for (you).
No. I'll never vote for a career web developer. If they are complicit with any single pile of stinking shit they need to use to get anything done, they will have no understanding of what it is to engineer a system for thousands of corrupt-to-the-core human animals.
I really hope he or Hillary win the Dem nomination so Trump can do his take on 1984.
Trump only makes fun of people that are weaker/poorer than himself. Zuckerberg is 10x the businessman that Trump could ever hope to be.
That doesn't mean he's a Jew retard. It just means he didn't turn out all 1488 like you thought he would. Just wait till Eric Greitens runs. He just got elected governor of Missouri, and he actually is a fucking kike. He also got right-to-work passed in his first MONTH. Can't wait to see how Sup Forums reacts to him.
How much
>zuccbux per post
Are u getting shillcuck?
Never gonna happen bro
he made fun of that saudi prince during his campaign, granted he did make a deal with saudis during presidency, but it still blows your theory out
Hey OP, I took a trip in a time machine too
>A future where Zuckerburg hasnt become a trans woman
Yeah not the right timeline champ
Look at the bashing Hillary and Trump went through, especially Trump
Zuckerberg would fold under the pressure. We would learn about his college days, past relationships, money, tactics at Facebook, etc.
The investors at Facebook would flip out once shares in Facebook begin dropping because of this cuck.
If he does run, he'll dropout fast in the primaries
Trump is a coward.
The Rock has a better chance of winning then this kike does. At least people actually like Dwayne and he's one of the most charismatic people to ever hold a microphone
When the women voters realize how much of a manlet the Zucc is they'll suddenly act like Trump is so amazing and they were wrong about him the whole time.
>the side headlines
The Rock would run as a Republican.
Zuckerburg is a classic example of a guy that lucked out.. he didn't come up with anything new or creative. He came up with the next MySpace.com and just happened to have the right product, platform at the right time.. . that's it...
Add a bunch of investors, shareholders, and spinoff acquisitions like Snapchat,etc. . Zuckerbergs got nothing on trump.. . Trump is out in real life building skyscrapers and golf courses while zuckerberk is trying to bang his Chinese wife with his VR headset ducttaped to his head.
>Zuckerberg is 10x the businessman that Trump could ever hope to be.
Trump ran a multi billion dollar global real estate empire.
Zuckerberg made a website.
He'd only run as a Republican if Trump decided not to run for a second term. The Rock may be a Republican, but I can guarantee you the DNC will push him to candidacy if they think he can win
search "Mark Zuckerberg sweat"
Zuckerberg stole a website. He took ideas from MySpace and a college website that he was working on and kept the good ideas for kikebook.
Zuckerberg is worth at least 10x what Trump is worth. Trump is a failure. He inhereted most of his money from his daddy too.
Zuckerberg is way too autistic to become president.
Nice sources Achmed
I unironically believe you
I don't believe he would run as a Democrat. He's rich.
Zuckerburgs not a leader. People would never elect him no matter how much hes worth bro. Jesus the guy sounds like a mouse when he speaks . People want a leader that they can believe in. That can connect with them on a different level that they understand. Computer geeks like zuckerberg and bill gates may have billions but people don't want them as the leader of their country
I'm sure he wouldn't care what party he ran for if he's truly interested in running for President. Besides, aside from domestic policies, Democrats and Republicans are two sides of the same coin.
>President Chinkburg?...wtf?
Stole shit from white richbois because permavirgin
Still couldn't land the shiksa, stuck with fried rice
Goes to Iowa
Goes full jootard on Ramadan
Definitely the next Hillary Clinton
China took over. First Lady Mark looks lovely.
Trump, Kanye, The Rock, Zuckerberg. Meme presidents when?
Zuckerberg, more like Cuckerberg. Hahaha
Shills are out in force today..
Oy Vey the shoah is real goy.
a guy who comes off phonier than Hillary Clinton, which is fucking amazing considering how phony Americans found Clinton, somehow thinks he'll win the Presidency top kek
Yes! Yes please nigga, run Zuck in 2020! Woot!
My 2020 Dem Primary:
The Rock
Eric Holder
Please, please, please, democrat party, please run these winners in 2020. Please...
im not sure if he could legally run. facebook filtering news might have some conflict with campaign laws in regards to "equal time" which has mostly been overlooked simply because they didnt think about it but would if he was running
not sure if at a federal level equal time is still in play but in some states it is
Hey goy. If it's so easy, then why don't you start your own facebook?
>that primary lineup
Don't know if I could deal with three jewish presidents in a row.
>nominating a ((white)) male
>not a Muslim nigger bitch
God, I fucking hate American politics.
Why dont you burgers vote in an independent president?
Its like you goys love being assraped by elephants and donkeys.
Oh wait you obese fucks still vote like its 1769. Your country is forever fucked and will fall harder than rome.
You fuckers need islam
>Why dont you burgers vote in an independent president?
So Trump?
Typical Flip worrying about spacing.
Trump is a liar and is being fisted by the establishment. I swear yall too thick to realize it. Basically a George Bush 3.0
>no TPP
>Ramadan dinner is canceled
>refugee admission is lowered (would have been even less but cucked by the courts)
>Bush 3.0
He's not perfect, but he's basically a third party candidate with an R by his name.
>Trump is a liar
Oh, and Zuck is a scheming jew
When has zuuckerberg every cared about anyone but himself?
Just wait, In the next few months Trump will turn on against Iran / al-assad , followed by a false flag and lots of propaganda. This has already been discussed with SA
Hello Kimdotcom
The legal team are still making arrangements regarding setch rich . Sorry its taken so long, its a lot of red- tape
I can only imagine after pouring over all the data and statistics democrats come to one conclusion
>we need MORE diversity
OP here, He is obviously planning something...no one just gets up one day to go and meet different people from across the country and photo blog about it. Obama came out of nowhere and Trump was seen as such a laughing stock the pundits gave him an 8% chance of him winning the presidency ON election day.
Consider this a Man In the High Castle type warning.
poor murrican, you have never witness independent politicians.
>How did he defeat Kushner's data driven campaign machine?
Don't fall for the "Kushner is a super genius" hype - it's no more true than the "Faceberg is a super genius" PR.
That's not to say the Zionists don't have smart people working for them, just that neither Kushner nor Faceberg are.
That actually makes them more dangerous, however, since the Zionists will make one of them President (most likely Kushner, since he's far more willing to kill billions of goyim).
Zuck suffers from the Hilary problem, in that everything about him comes off as cold and inhuman. Along with his entire social presence being carefully calculated to an almost robotic degree. Even at Trump's worst you can still tell that he's human, that he actually stands for something no matter if you disagree with it or not (Dubyah and even fucking Jeb! also have this) He's simply not charasmatic enough to have actual public support that isn't completely bought and fabricated.
The Zionists have announced they are done with simply being the power that owns the throne - they intend to step out from the shadows and sit upon the thrones of the world themselves.
This started with WWI, and the shift from governments run by monarchy to governments run by finance, i.e., Zionists. (((They))) are very close to concluding their plan to take over all the governments of the world, and will shift again from governments secretly controlled by Zionists to governments openly ruled by Zionists.
you've had a salam sandnigger might as well have a shalom sandnigger
>Zuck suffers from the Hilary problem, in that everything about him comes off as cold and inhuman
That's because he, like Kushner, are the result of centuries of tribal inbreeding that has left them psychopaths.
>public support that isn't completely bought and fabricated
Zuckerberg has tens of billions of Wall St. debt-money with which to fabricate support. Kushner has billions of dollars of his family's money plus the Rothschild and Soros fortunes behind him. That the public rightly recoils in horror at both of these men will not matter when the "choice" America will be given is one of the two.
Yea run Suck Book sure.....lol
Yeah faggot, Trump is such a genius he bought a bunch of Manhattan real estate in the 70s with his daddy's money and he magically made it worth more. Had nothing to do with the fact that it's fucking Manhattan. Every other business he's touched has turned to dog shit. But cool try honky
Someone like Bill Gates would have much better chance to win, Mark is still a baby smelling like milk, besides Gates has a complete clean record and is known for spending billions into charity, both are boring and not charismatic at all thought.
>the result of centuries of tribal inbreeding that has left them psychopaths
Trump or really anybody would just play The Social Network and rest his case
He wears the same pair of jeans and gray tee every day. Though having the first Sperg president would be neat
He'll wait until 2024
Biden so they can get PA and the rust belt back
Trump caused quite a commotion recently when he cut the funding of holohoax museum. Too lazy to find sauce. He's not a full shill, he's a loose cannon and that's why jevvs don't like him; they want full obedience, not unpredictability.
>dat cringe
>getting lucky and founding the singular-winner-by-necessity
>managing a business empire that exists within a massive, established, highly competitive market and making it rise to the top
There can't be more than one Kikebook. It exists because everyone uses it. That's why Goygle+ can't usurp it. If something else were currently established as the platform and Kikebook were launched today, it would never succeed.
NO. Joe "based uncle" Biden should be our president NOW and should be our president in 2020. Fuck off you kike loving leftist bitch.
It's cringe because you know he absolutely fucking hates it.
Fuck off.
Joe Biden (Pres)
Mark Dayton (VP)
end of list. I'm tired of this kikery on the left.
Yea user, that's my point.
Texas is turning faster than you think mi amigo
>that's why jevvs don't like him
That's only because Jews are never satisfied with anything, whining is their life.
The Zionists are well aware of how Trump is their minion.
And by then Uncle Joe's girlfriends might even be old enough to vote.
He would be assassinated in a blink of an eye in every country but Israel. Not a chance a jew could last.
What's stopping you from doing the same thing if it's that easy? Are you a nigger?
I had to check something. According to wiki, Texas has a population of 28million giver or take.
According to politico, roughly 9million of that voted.
How come such imbalance? What would happen if the other 19million vote?