I think i finally snapped Sup Forums

I think i finally snapped Sup Forums.

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Fagget follows lauren southern

You haven't snapped yet




>"Every Body is beautiful"

If you take a 1965 Mustang, smash it into the over passes of the freeway, light it on fire and then fill it with lard, it is no longer beautiful.


No you autist. I'm slowly going insane. I don't want to live on this planet anymore. It's like im homesick for someplace thats long dead.


w-what the fuck are those things user

there Dark Souls enemies

Looks like misshapen potatoes.

Please please please please please, do not let this be real

It doesn't even look human, it's like some sort of mound of flesh you'd see in a sci-fi.

They went from Butter Huffer to Butter Golems.

I used to think to myself whether it was God who abandoned us, or we who have abandoned him. We deserve the former, because we made the latter a reality.

Encouraging this shit is how you end up on My 600 Pound Life

Trust me that it's real. Don't click the links in this thread. There are more pics and you can't unseen them. I'm leaving now to go cry in the corner. Leave while you still can.

The key to being a good leftist is to convince yourself that everything is the direct opposite of reality:

Obese grotesque feminazis are beautiful.
Disease spreading insane faggots are normal.
Nigger dindus are law-abiding saints.
Whites are evil incarnate.

Leftism is the politics of Bizarro World.

Oh it is. Daily lurking /fph/ on /fit/, this is pretty old news.


wasn't this creature in dark souls

THICC holy shit. Do you have more of her?

What are they trying to do to us? This is as bad as glorifying a junkie with track marks all over their arms.


oh and another question

where's the head??? and what does it look like

i'm curious about this... thing

My eyes I think I'm blind from land whales on parade , time to drink the bleach !!


Anybody else think this shit looks like necromorphs?

Actually keked

I am always curious what they look like without clothes on.


they look like the pregnant ones from dead space 1

>there raw nude photos will remind you everyone is beautiful

it did just that it reminded me that fat people are disgusting as fuck SENPAI

It's from My 600 Pound Life, known on Sup Forums as fatkino. Pic related is from the same show and he is a living incarnation of an /r9k/ tendie greentext story.


Can someone please explain the fucking fetish. Please?!

Do you know the guys name? I've been looking for it but I can't find that clip of them cleaning him.


Steven Assanti

Didn't he make a video saying he hates taxpayers or something like that?

the farts don't escape an ass like that.

does being fat violate the NAP

That's this guy?

Yeah here it is, he probably baits wagecucks on /r9k/ all day too.

If you meant the guy in the gross webm I posted, his name is James.

Perfect, thanks!

This is the only time I've ever felt that freedom of speech ought to be stopped: fat enablers.

Looks like something that would chase you down a hallway in Silent Hill.

When the cops come, all I hear is BRAAP BRAAP BRAAP

I can't even imagine how bad that smells

They don't even look human. This is fake, right?



Who are the jews trying to fool with this one, show it to any sane man and they'd vomit.


What in the fuck is happening...

Silent Hill

The left pic looks like Assy McGee

thread theme


It's viral marketing for Silent Hills. The cancellation was a ruse. Hideo Kojima confirmed as a genius.

Didn't they do this last year?

>this is what the ideal female body looks like, you may not like it but

What's the yellow stuff?

this looks like a Silent Hill enemy that would poop boiling tar on you, symbolic of its inner hatred of itself and warped need to spew its decadence onto others.


That's implying the 1965 Mustang was beautiful in the first place.

Took me awhile to realize the first pic was its ass, I thought it was just legs and a cut with the top shopped off


you are a good leaf

I would have put more effort into the graphic but then I would have had to look at that even more

Nurse here; That's not a fungal infection. It's a sign that blood circulation is not flowing from your heart to your legs. I've dressed about 10 corpses that look like that. I'd give this person 4 months before their heart gives out.

For a Detroiter, yes, a 65 Mustang was sexy as fuck.

Fuck man, my sides

Every body is beautiful, we're all equal and diversity is strength. Failure to agree is a hate crime.


I unironically, and without saying this for effect, thought OP photoshopped in some Silent Hill monsters in place of the original image on the tweet

I kekked.

Git gud faggot

If you fart or smell bad

Looks like a Silent Hill monster.

How would you know if you didn't also, leaf?

the fuck am i looking at

>Silent Hill
There's a new meme somewhere here folks, let's think about it

We're well into wheimar 2017

Feel the glory of necrosis, and rejoice! Nurgle loves you!

If you had read your bible, you wouldn't have saddened, but happy to know that the end is nigh.

STFU and film Series two of Okkupert already, you fucking Saami genociding prick.


>Braaap on an ass like that
Nigger I don't think you understand the gravity of the situation


God this shit just makes my bones hurt

nice quads




Discovery Channel Wildlife


The monsters for the new Silent Hill game look great!
