How deep does the rabbit hole goes?
Ayn Rand = Lauren Southern?
this is young hillary
this isn't a coincidence
Both are jews
incoming finntard
I'd let young Hillary do something illegal in my bathroom closet
Ill marry her tomorrow if she is and make a bunch of AnCap Babies
to herself?
Why do people keep saying this meme, she only worked for a Jew, she isn't actually Jewish.
>inb4 she's a coalburner too despite having no serious evidence
Lauren looks extra jewish in that picture
no shit i just say it to summon finn and if the other guy is who i think he is he just shits on every single alt right/lite figure every day from spencer to peterson to lauren and everyone else
There's literally nothing wrong with being Jewish.
Lauren isn't Ayn Rand, she's Dagny Taggart.
I fucking hate Canadians and Kikes, you dipshits should be like the nips and get your own internet and stick to it.
Ayn rand is 101% based.
ALL of the parasites she describes in her novels are exactly what are defined in this board as the meddling, commie, collectivist Jew. She was one of the few based Jews.
She realized that the constitution was incomplete and flawed, the left is actually right when they say this. But the -ONLY- thing that the founding fathers were missing was a rejection of the primordial evil that is Altruism.
Ironically enough for the left, the person that completed the advent of the American constitution (by hetero, white, cis, men reeee) was indeed a woman; just not one of their women.
She was based.
This motherfucker gets it, Taggart is my bookfu.
Is Lauren making these threads or some beta orbiter?
I like Lauren, but I'm a Faith man. Gotta have Faith.
Me too
My boner just became a train
They're both trash, so I don't see why it matters.
goddamn i want to fuck lauren so hard.
Hillary is not a kike.
She fucked a kike and made Chelsea.
Not a kike though.
yeah that dude
his twitter is cringe as fuck too
Difference is that Rage is a vocal race realist:
She is not a Jew
>She fucked a kike and made Chelsea.
Coincidence that Chelsea is Laci (((Green)))'s twin sister?
No, Lauren is a pretty Danish girl who's nationalist and traditionalist.
Ayn Rand is an ugly Jewess who would support open borders and destruction of Western tradition because she has no attachment to it and she only cares about money, and not having any regulation on acquiring it.
And despite all the shill memes, Lauren isn't Jewish, and she moved on past her libertarian phase (which was never really Randian anyway), like a lot of people in the last years.
Lauren went to Europe to stop NGO boats. Ayn Rand would probably support NGO boats because it's the "free market in action", and "a totally free market will have open borders and that's why we should let in millions of Muslim and Africa migrants".
kill yourself jidf
Uh oh looks like I made the shill angry
They really need to be exterminated, tbqh.
>shill that shows up in every thread with keyword lauren in it is calling me a shill
And you wonder why she quit the jew run Rebel.
>implying I need scripts or keywords to find you rats
If you wouldn't lie so much I wouldn't post so much. Simple.
Both are filthy kike zionist yentas
That's because it's a shoop, she doesn't actually look like that.
Get out of here you lying heeb
Ayn rand didn't only work for a jew, her parents were. Learn your history
He's talking about Lauren, not Ayn Rand.
For some reason, shills are obsessed with trying to convince people on Sup Forums that Lauren is Jewish, despite all evidence to the contrary. They're getting creative.
Millennial Woes just did a video where he implies Lauren is going to become alt-right.
Most likely
I don't even know if I watch Lauren's videos for her ideas or her beauty anymore.
Read my post
Lel. I've met her, she's been 'alt-right' for a while now. Knows the score but won't quite print it because she knows what's up and doesn't want to get totally excommunicated from society, so she's been hinting at it for a while. That stunt with the Identitaire people should have clued everyone in to where exactly she stands.
Given that we have Faith Goldy talking about White Genocide, Lauren probably red-pill her coworkers before she quit Rebel media.
>Knows the score but won't quite print it because she knows what's up and doesn't want to get totally excommunicated from society, so she's been hinting at it for a while.
I figured. Leave it to autistic Sup Forumsacks to dismiss her because she isn't shouting SIEG HEIL though. Nuance is a real problem for some of the morons on here.
Libertarianism was created by the Jews as a method of controlled opposition to communism.
It's engineered to lull people into a nihilistic slumber of apathy as they watch their nations fall apart before their eyes and let the Jew-run banks, corporations and open borders run amok without any sort of maintenance or control over it.
It's why you have right-wingers not caring about all the leftist, anti-white, pro-immigration propaganda in media, or anything politically incorrect being censored on websites and by megacorps, or all the degeneracy because that's "the free market" and "liberty". It's all about money and freedom of the banks. Almost as subversive as the neo-Marxist think tanks.
Rand actually had a working brain and was a Jew
Southern is a retarded whore and part honduran
She's 1/6 Honduran but so ugly it might as well be Jewish blood instead
So who will be the Adolf Hitler of our time?
what's wrong with being a jew? I'm an ancap as well.
I want to be her John Galt
kys retard
>everything I don't like is the jews
You people are worse than the Russian conspiracy tards
why is Faith Goldy so brown?
Greek/Anatolian blood? Pretty sure she was born into an Orthodox family.
i think they make these threads just for you
I thought it was a tan, but Canada has no sun wtf
Greek, 1/4th Ukrainian, and with a last name like Goldy...
If so they're retarded because these threads don't hurt her reputation at all, they just give her more exposure.
I really think Bernie is the antichrist. I really hat eyou leftist scum. Granted if we dont do something we will become totalitarian under you. My idea is simple.
Authoritarian rule
disband all social programs.
end voting
execute all communists
make it illegal to protest capitalism
So you're gonna tell me it's just a coincidence that Ayn Rand, Ludwig von Mises, Friedrich Hayek, Milton Friedman, Murray Rothbard, Lew Rockwel, Walter Block, etc. were all Jewish? Or that part of their philosophy was incorporated in the neoconservative movement?
Or the fact that the ideology is all about letting (((greedy bankers))) like the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Soros, Loyd Blankfein or the Federal Reserve do whatever they want under the guise of "free market", and barely offer any strong opposition to leftist authoritarianism because "then we would be just as bad as them"?
She's average looking at best and sounds like a man.
also you neo-nazis and your bashing libertarianism because of muh jewz. Heres a thing we should actually run the ovens one last time and throw you socialist cucks in it. Maybe ill throw in soros with u as he is more of an athiest marxist than an actual jew. People actually think i am one of you imbeciles with ur muh hitler just because i dont have a poster of stalin on my wall.
What a fucking joke. Ayn Rand at least had a brain, Lauren I can't say so much...
whats the economic difference between bolshevism and national socialism. Let me see.
Gov control of markets
hatred of jews (reds hated rich most rich are jews. marx was of jewish ancestry but was a satanist who wanted jews exterminated). Stalin after ww2 was planning to kill all russian jews before he died
free healthcare, housing, welfare programs for ethnic majority
There is litterally no difference between you so hop in your precious little oven so i can call it a day.
This tbf. I mean it's obvious where GI stand.
user you need to dial your obsession with eceleb thots down a notch
lol this site is fucking garbage and co-opted by cucks
o kurwa.
lauren certainly comes here, among others. as close as I can figure there's some people pulling pr duty.
like I said, pretty sure there's people pulling pr duty.
>Both are filthy kike zionist yentas
Southern isn't fucking jewess. End of story