Saw this in the Toronto subway today. Welcome to Cuckanada.
Saw this in the Toronto subway today. Welcome to Cuckanada
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That is true if employment is based on meritocracy. If it is based on quotas, i doubt it.
oh, good, that means it doesn't matter and we don't HAVE to hire them then
Shit man, which station is that?
So there's actually no benefit to diversity hiring? Let's can get rid of it, then.
That sign screams designed by nu-males and women.
Those signs are just going to prompt people to make racist jokes.
Put this sign on it.
thats the scariest part anons
A single mother?
Its a paid advert but still, try and have a White Heritage Appreciation Society (or Wha's?.org) advert put up in that place and it will be rejected 10 times out of 10.
[employee theft intensifies]
meritocracy is flawed, as well. degrees adulterated by social consciousness and affirmative action is beginning to overtake the idea that an educated person is actually educated and not just a parrot of a designated stream of trendy thought. employees who exist because they say only the correct things but not do the tasks at hand due to the terrifying nature of being crucified by being deemed "incorrect".
the entire world is broken
Define a white man's job.
You have opened my eyes.
this is subtle mainsteam racebaiting propaganda
co ordinates pls
whats the name of this show desu, havent seen it in forever and wanna watch it again for the feels
What a fucking joke. Sorry you live in cuckland.. where nobody has the balls to say anything for the fear of offending someone.. your grandfathers would be very ashamed
You should find some black paint and cover up the bottom part. Let people answer it themselves. And you know exactly how they will (a worse job.) Though they might not admit it to anybody else.
>the right stuff
Yeah trade niggers for pedophiles nice choices I have here
Shin chan
Because the "white guy" you originally hired didn't do it either.
What do you get when black people commit more crime than white people?
The removal of race from public crime statistics!
Shin chan
absolutely bullshit
tear that down
greasy tools
Where's the checkbox for nigger wasted on malt liquor?
Such a bizzare thing to put on a poster
Like, its far too vague for me to even have an opinion on whether the statement is *correct* or not, but its just such a pointless statement in the first place.
I imagine that if I was a black person and I saw this it would just make me feel incredibly awkward more than anything
To any western canadians interested in joining a western Canadian independence movement, shoot an email to this address:
why is there so many racemixing propaganda in ALL media
No thanks, Big Daddy.
I know the CSIS looks after my shit, I don't need the RCMP to breath down my neck too.
Just go over the bottom with black paint, becuase that's what you get, nothing.
Jesus Christ man, what fucking harm will an email do...
It's pretty strange we need all this propaganda
to counter signal instinct.
It's ran by a bunch of sandniggers.
>This site can’t be reached
>’s server DNS address could not be found.
>Search Google for break behavior ca
Spooks indeed. Shouldn't have hired a black.
Someone should make a parody of this, "They Live" style, and change the question and the response to something non-brainwashy and non-politically correct
Fuck Us
Toronto needs to be nuked. I'm never going there again as long as I live.
>your grandfathers would be very ashamed
They caused this when they fought against the Germans
lol sure
Was a good post until you explained it.
So migeants really are taking ours jobs. At least they finally admit it
I saw similar.
i just got done playing an arena match on smite and saw this shit.
>implying the nigger will actually turn up to the job?
This is gold. This needs to be exploited more.
>shin chan
I thought it was a dumb kids show
is canada waking up?
Does it matter? It's like when you have horrible nightmare that you shat your pants, so you wake up and run to the toilet only to find out that your undies are already full of shit. Canada is gone for.
It is. has no future goals set for himself which is why he is tempted to slip into reliving the past for nostalgia. It's more comforting than moving forward and facing the unknown.
Dirty subhuman knife ears are bred for race mixing.
Honest question. Just how racist do they think the average Candian is?
>meritocracy is flawed, as well. degrees...
A meritocracy would mean it would be legal to give job applicants an IQ test. But that hurts blacks so its illegal now, so much for meritocracy.
>meritocracy is flawed because people are obsessed with equality
Here in Australia the train stations and trains themselves have posters on them about young male children abusing women and girls.
This is significantly more cucked. Why do men and especially women allow their own young boys to be insulted in this way? By complete strangers? By the state?
I've never seen a Black Veterinarian in my life.
Any cherries to pick?
That's what they say about marijuana.. if you inject it once you're plugged
>Define a white man's job.
according to leftists, white people exist for the sole purpose of killing black people.
so really the sign is true because black men have proved themselves more than competent in this field
More like amirite?
>not just writing "vandalism"
works on so many levels
if the black man is better than the white man, why didn't he get hired?
I thought so
>the faces on those dogs
Based nip with the bantz.
If this was the truth you wouldn't need a sign for it.
Jesus christ, you dumb niggers need to learn how to spell:
>hiring people based on merit is flawed
You know, you keep going down that line of thinking and you'll end up with a society where no one is able to keep the lights running
>this list of organizations at the bottom
>the OHRC
Please gas us, its long past due.
>What do you get when a black man does a white man's job?
South Africa?
Soo a white man has to lose his job to a black man..but I thought we're all the same? IF WE'RE ALL THE SAME WHY DO WE NEED DIVERSITY? ?!?!
Funny how it's never jews that have to give up their jobs or country,isn't it?
The thing on the right looks like a mongrelized nigger admixture already.
hey lauren, hows it?
I love how the sign is BLACK AND WHITE. Y'know, the Luciferian color palette.
That's credentialism, not meritocracy. Meritocracy is concerned only with competence, not credentials.
The new sincerity is here.
brown man here
so basically you get an entitled guy who just wants another person to do his job?
this is actually accurate
What exactly is a 'white man's job?'
luciferian is black white and red.
It's a trick question, black men don't work, they are lazy AF.
Theoretically, if a black man will do work he could do the same quality job but it almost never happens.
Even Dr. Dre and The Roots relied on Scott Storch, Jew extrodinaire to write all their beats.
>whats D12
racism will always be here in Canada and be funny...made racist jokes in high school, university and in the office...It's not going to change.
No one is overtly racist in Canada and will exclude people based on skin colour, but when whites are with other whites its fun to make nigger and chink jokes.