Just humor me.
Racists are usually categorized as uneducated and ignorant.
What's your highest level of education?
On a scale from 1 to 10, how racist are you?
Just humor me.
Racists are usually categorized as uneducated and ignorant.
What's your highest level of education?
On a scale from 1 to 10, how racist are you?
Other urls found in this thread:
Medical doctor, which is classified as a bachelor's degree (bachelor of medicine, bachelor of surgery)
About an 8, I think racial differences in IQ have a strong evidence base but I don't want to throw Jews in the oven yet. Islam is a plague on the face of humanity though.
The fuck am i looking at in pic related?
Bachelors Degree and I'm about an 8
Why not throw them in the oven?
Current MBA candidate. 10/10.
5 bachelors
bachelors 9
In college, classic southern US racist with a dash of imperialist. I don't mind minorities I know personally but I wouldn't mind if they were all forcibly removed. they aren't real people like we are, they are beasts. Islamic holocaust would be great
maybe a 7 i guess.
Sherlock Holmes sooper power levul
That nigger's nipples gave me PTSD and AIDs.
Bachelor's, but I'm in a biology phd program for a good school.
9? 10?
I want everything that isn't White or East Asian to be killed.
Blacks, "Hispanics," Arabs, Indians, Southeast Asians (Viets aren't that bad admittedly), etc, should all die.
And East Asians should go back to their own countries.
That people can genuinely believe racial differences aren't real blows my mind.
Doctorate. 10.
I have a grandmasters in afro-celtic studies and exhibit a stinging hatred of the eternal Anglo. 3
Look, we're all holder of Phds and college degrees, why would we lie?
Also, 6 here.
High school diploma
Fuck you.
Partway through a bachelors degree, 7.
As a leaf, we get propaganda shoved down our throats 24/7 from the time we can talk, and our immigration policies ~mostly~ only take high IQ immigrants, so due to our sampling we get an unrealistic picture of what the races are like. Natives are still fucking trash tho.
Bachelors. 4
BS MS JD from highly ranked schools
Probably a 3
Masters in International relations and bachelor's in History
I am an Eastern European immigrant that studies at a majority black college in the U.S.
Double major in math/applied math
like a solid 7
If 1 is "everyone's the same, there is no race", 5 is "of there's differences, but they're still human", and 10 is "gas the kikes, race war now", then I'd imagine I'm probably around a 7 or 8.
I don't want a race war, but neither do I want demographic replacement via refugees/immigration
That's a lot of work. Fukofme.
Finished with the top of the year note in high school ("Abitur") in my school, won several competitions in math, physics and chemistry. Now holding a aster degree in CS.
10/10 "racist" whatever it would mean. Races are different and non-equal, period.
Bachelors criminal justice
over 9000
Have a bach and an associates.
Unlike many Burgers I am also well travelled internationally.
How racist am I? I think Hitler was far too kind.
Bachelor, Computer Science.
How racist? Really depends on the ethnicity. I'm 10/10 against gypsies, 8/10 against Mudslimes, 6/10 against niggers (there aren't that many of them here, but recently a nigger came and asked me for money and that fucking pissed me off).
B.S. in engineering pending two classes.
Very racist against collective identities (i.e., I think multiculturalism is the plague and sand niggers and nig niggers should be separated from other races).
Multiculturalism destroys cultures.
Bachelors in Psychology and Marketing. Masters in Business Administration,
only hate niggers
unlikely seeing as how you got the capitalization wrong. Doctorate's recipients tend to be sticklers about their achievements.
You want to murder people?
polen immigrant, mech eng bachelors, 8-9 (based on stats and personal experiences of city living)
this morning, was puting my bike back into this locked off fenced area and a little spiclet was walking his dog (kid was like 11) and the dog shits right in front of the gate, and the kid just walked away. Who RAISES this trash?
High school education
Not really racist but I do accept the fact that their our differences in race and I do prefer to be with white people 9 times out of 10
I fell for the MBA jew. I hate everyone except asians. totally going to marry one and put a few babies in her belly, fuck the white race, the USA wont even be here in another 100 years.
>got the capitalization wrong
You do know that the first letter of a sentence is always capitalized?
Bachelor's of Science in a STEM field.
What do you mean by "racist"? If hatred is implied, I'm a 0. If your definition of "racist" allows for facts to be "racist", then I'm exactly as racists as the facts.
Bacherlors degree.
The extent to which someone is viewed as racist is often different for each person, so I might see myself as like a 5-6 but others would see me as a 10 I'm sure. I would prefer to live in an ethnically homogenous society and don't think all cultures or peoples are equal. I do think all people are capable of reaching an equal level of intelligence/civilisation but they require the same moulding/development over generations.
that doesn't make his point less true.
I'm not a PhD recipient and therefore I'm not a stickler about it.
Try and keep up next time, you're making us burgers look bad.
>Doctorate's recipients
>mech eng
engineers are homos
but jews are what turned Islam into a modern plague by pushing for conflict and destabilization in the middle east
>hahahaha idc fag
Kys too
same pic without that 9gag watermark
halfway done with bachelor of law
9/10 racist
high school is out for the summer eh bud?
Yeah but we're smart and make good money.
A chemist and I literally want to wipe out nonwhite races with biological weapons
Associates degree...three year progrom condensed to two...
stfu manlet.
that's mostly the same for us
we mostly only take the ones that aren't completely terrible, usually still terrible though
then we turn them into consumerist garbage, rather than Islamic garbage in a single generation
hispanics are an exception, they are almost all bad when it comes to immigrants, legal or illegal
Me btfo
How will I ever recover?
Bachelor's in Computer Science. Seig Heil.
i also make 6 digits.
Biopharm in college, fuck niggers
PhD in Physics
Master's in Engineering
I am extremely racist based upon life experience.
People who aren't oblivious to the animalistic nature of subhumans are usually pretty intelligent.
You can be a left leaning communist and still acknowledge niggers are stupid. Today's day and age a lot of the anti-racism shit is pushed by the same fourteen year old kids who thought they were the smartest ones in the room because they were atheist, they follow trends and cannot think for themselves.
What separates humans from animals is that we are aware of our own existence and we can think for ourselves.
Bachelors and tertiary diploma.
8/10, race realist, while there will always be outliers not all races are equal in intelligence nor capacity, and some races clearly have a richer and more accomplished history than others.
bachelor's degree, like an 8
nice to see vegan gains and kali muscle on good terms
New High Diploma
Education looks like a scam, might just wageslave till I figure out what I'm going to do
I think minorites can still be useful but they are easily manipulated by (((them))) because of their low intelligence with exception of non chink (cause chinks are basically jews) east asians which aren't that easily manipulated
Also I want to turn destroy Israel, which would fix most of the problems in the middle east
Here are the ranks of races by IQ:
1. Ashkenazi Jew(Mean 115)
2. East Asian (Mean 105)
3. Western European (100)
4. Eastern European (95)
5. Amerindians (85-90)
6. Sub-Saharan African (sub-70)
7. Pygmies, Aborigines(sub-60)
college and two trade schools,
I'm working on another book
Bachelor's. 8/10.
dropped out at 13
1 year of middle school 1/10 :^)
CIA thread
God dammit Australia, shitposting isn't education
master's in law, 10/10
yeah but thats all verbal not like the Asians who have good math skills, but no spines
Bachelors in STEM field, 4
Studying my second year of advanced science majoring in biochemistry and genetics.
Unironically fantasise about murdering all of the subhumans in my classes.
I got my grade ten.
MBA, 10. And getting worse after watching Sam Hyde comedy stand up
Racist scale : 8 (racialist, hates niggers and likes East Asians)
B.A in Psychology
M.S. in School Psychology
I test kids I.Q.s for a livingand know that there are fundamental racial differences, and that niggers are subhuman.
College degree
Post grad.
Maybe 3.
Americans, would you rather
>1. kill all niggers in the US,
>2. kill all niggers in Africa
Working on a Bachelor's in Petroleum Engineering.
Education nowadays is overrated. I am 10 on your scale. Racial hierarchy and purity is one of the most important things in the world.
Studying health science full time and working full time.
Just finished my associates at a shithole community college in NYS
maybe a 9, i think that the races should all be sent back to their home countries, and separated within our country. Haven`t encountered enough spics to really hate them, and I don`t want them all dead, except the kikes. I`ve befriended all races and creeds, but i still think they need to go back.
and eurofags, would you rather:
>1. kill all muslims in Europe,
>2. kill all muslims outside of Europe?
Kill all jews.
Exile the mudslimes.
Almost done with my PhD.
I'm about a 7 as far as racism goes.
I recognize the fact that blacks are more aggressive and dumber ON AVERAGE, but I don't hate them all because of it.
I to be ironically racist on the Internet though.
>What's your highest level of education?
Cisco Mod 1-3, Sec+, A+, Net+, and working towards my Criminal Justice degree. I will have a bachelors in about 3 years assuming i can keep up the work/school game at the rate i am. Shit costs money m8.
I don't want to use my certs and continue in IT. I want to go into Law, Criminal Investigation, or something private with investigation. My long term goals are political.
>On a scale from 1 to 10, how racist are you?
8, i am a jew as well. No african, aboriginal, or south american race got out of the bronze age without the push of Europeans.
I believe if you remove affirmative action, and other crutches and create a truly equal playing ground the black population will drop to less than 2% within 100 years. Some blacks do fine in European societies and the USA. Notice how no black people live in South Korea, Japan, or China? They can move there and work, but they don't. Asians act how whites should act. Ethnonationalism for 100 years would clean the US and Europe.
I also want a civil war between Right and Left. I want to remove the weaker men from this country by force.
Bachelors Business Admin
On the net with the niggers you find online with all their gibs probaly an 8.
irl with black people I see and work with which arent chimped out and shit a 1.
The internet gets all the fucking worst of the niggers. It's like an 8th continent of the fucking worst of the gibs. I hate sjw's as much as the internet nignogs btw.