>very sweaty principle exits through a window at lighting speed
Oy vey gays are tools of the jews for some reason because jews organise through men and not women and elliot shimon is muslim
How should I root for?
There still hope for Canada
no one yo ufucking piece of shit fatshit ill knock you out if i ever peep you in the street
The Grim Reaper
bumping for possible progress
>support the kiss of putin youtube video
>down with the sign of the covenant reeeee needs more greater isisrael and 20% muslims reeeee
>Leaf acting tough online
>My sides
Jews are pussies, the fags are going to wreck them
I talked with a guy from jdl. Very uneducated group of people. Its lile the jew antifa or pretty much the idf marching against islam during the pride parade. I hope some pagan god comes down and destroys everything.
>I talked with a guy from jdl
Back to kikebook with you
>i said steamed hams
>A diversity budget? At this time of year, at this time of day, in this part of Europe, localized entirely within your Bataclan?!
No, mother, it's just an Asian!
why dont we get a muslim countermarch
and i dont mean like lgbt whitey wannabe muslims i mean true muslims to march and beat the shit out of them
>“We’re going there to cause some shit,” said Doc von Lichtenberg, who was standing beside Weinstein at the podium of a JDL meeting.
>Von Lichtenberg is also the president of LGBTory, a queer organization affiliated with the Conservative parties of Canada and Ontario.
Is this satire?
>Some of the signs that the group intends to carry include:
>“Defeat the Islamist death cult.”
>“Where are the voices of moderate Muslims?”
>“Stop mutilating your daughter’s genitals.”
>"Islam is flawed by intolerance to others”
>“Qatar rips and hangs gays.”
>“Saudi Arabia stones gays to death.”
>“Toronto imam says punishment for gays equals death
am i being jewed here
well, last year BLM sat their fat asses in the middle of the parade and wouldn't move until the organizers promiced not to let gay cops march in the parade (which they kept their promise, Toronto cops are travelling to New York Pride Parade to be able to participate)
>BLM got a specific group of gays banned from gay pride parade
so, if it worked for BLM, why not everyone else? Pride gets a lot of media attention, so I guess this year its getting hijacked by another radical interest group
Maybe next year, moslems will catch on and get everyone who isn't Sharia-compliant banned from Pride parade
I saw some jews on friday.
I wonder if this is why I saw some jews on friday.