Anyone else notice a trend in leftists idolizing Alexander Hamilton?
Why is this?
Anyone else notice a trend in leftists idolizing Alexander Hamilton?
Why is this?
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Because a gay mullato made a musical about him. Seriously.
If i were alive when he was alive I would have mailed him letters with "KYS" every day.
You're welcome
Good musical desu
One of the finest americans in history to pioneer the destruction of traditional values and and the forerunner of American capitalism.
I'm glad he got shot.
>Aren't treasury guys so hip and cool?
This. He was super pro bank. The opposite of Jackson
Was he (((theirguy))) Sup Forums?
He was a bastard and a foreigner.
>moves from british territory to british territory
>is therefore an immigrant
>advocated a strong central gov'
>would therefore support muh commie daydreams
>conveniently ignore that he was pro gun and strict on immigration
This. Plus he was a bastard so they can identify.
Because Federalists were the Democrats of the 1700s.
Because they needed a reason to not kick Hamilton off the $10 when they wanted to add a new face to the money, and they chose Jackson instead in a two-for-one deal where they idolize the banker and demonize the man who stood against them.
(((Central Bank)))
Hamilton was just a little bit better than (((Lincoln)))
Jefferson would be proud.
>go to wikiquote to find a quote the left would hate
>first quote
>A national debt, if it is not excessive, will be to us a national blessing.
What the actual fuck?
They push that he was half black
Same reason (((they))) are trashing Jackson any chance they get. Taking him off the 20, muh slave owner, muh racist.
Jackson was put on the bill out of spite
banks wanted to piss on his memory
if anything they just showed how assblasted they are about him, and Jackson was probably smiling in his grave for a breif second before being dissapointed in (((central bank)))
Lincoln was fine. If it wasn't for that dumbfuck Booth, Lincoln would have sent all the blacks back to Africa.
Jacksfilms made a meme
Now people are Alexander praying him
Aaron Burr did nothing wrong.
>Heh, Jefferson is only on the $2. Hamilton is on the $10. Checkmate AntiFeds
Literally because the play Hamilton, which is not even based on reality
>Implying the $2 bill isn't the coolest bill
Hamilton advocated for a central bank so the US could actually become a decent trading entity, meanwhile Jefferson advocated for a bunch of unofficial smaller banks. Who was right? Hamilton. Jefferson didn't even go back on Hamilton's creations as President.
Jefferson was a faggot that was against having a constitution (the only thing that has banded this nation together) and would've caused the nation to Balkanize further in the long-term.
You're stupid
Because they don't understand history.
Hamilton was a fascist.
gay latino that LITERALLY has AIDS played him in a gay NY musical
leftcucks are suckers for gay musicals and AIDS
apparently they arent taking him off the 20 anymore, probably realized it was retarded and costly
It's a psyop. The put a rapping nigger in a play to glamorize him, pretty much making Jefferson as the bad guy. Hamilton was the first staunchest federalist and sought expansive federal powers and even advocated for a life term presidency. Advocated for a central bank. He is the forefather of the modern statists. It's all subconscious however, as 1/2 of the idiots coming to idolize him have no idea who he is. Aaron Burr did a beautiful thing, though he had his own issues besides.
He means as opposed to every state being in debt individually.
Jefferson wasn't against the Constitution you fucking moron. He simply did not think that the federal government should be near as powerful as the federalists were at the time advocating for it to be.
This, Miranda's family is connected to the DNC and the New York political establisment. It's a pretty marvellous multtilevel propaganda piece actually.
If Hamilton had been given the reigns, we would have had strict immigrstion policy imo
rich libtards went to see the musical in broadway with their mommies
He was a white supremacist, nationalist, basically a nazi that wanted to end slavery and deport all the nogs, ban immigration for all non whites, and use the US military to take over the Americas.
He was so fucking awesome and the niggers culturally appropriated him.
fuck off jewbergtardian
Not really. That quote means more along the line that Hamilton wanted the US to play the (((international))) monies game. By having a national debt, that means a country essentially is already on a good credit rating if not (((excessive))) which translates to more debt and more ability to play empire.
The states all already had varying debts and would continue to more or less. Their debts weren't absolved by the Constitution
>would've caused the nation to Balkanize further in the long-term.
Why is this a bad thing? America has been the most violent, belligerent country in the world. America has been at war non-stop for the last 75 years, murdering millions of innocent people.
Because nignogs do a musical about him on (((broadway))) and use it to virtue signal
>Hamilton was the first staunchest federalist and sought expansive federal powers and even advocated for a life term presidency. Advocated for a central bank
There was nothing wrong with that, especially since Hamilton's bank was a true nationalist bank and not a kike run puppet of wall street
Hamilton was literally advocating the same system Hitler used, only Hamilton didn't get the idea from Hitler, Hitler got the idea from Hamilton via Fredrich List, a German immigrant to America that later returned to Germany and brought American economic nationalism along with him.
>murdering millions of innocent people.
They were guilty of being non Anglos Jefferson was a fedora faggot that supported the French revolution
Because they aren't allowed to like Jefferson or Washington or any other evil slaveowners.
You're guilty of being a statist, xenophobic retard.
There is literally no reason America shouldn't have just cleansed South America
a central banks finances anything from public infrastructure to a military to education to. The only thing that stopped America from completing dominating their neighbors was the retarded slavery question.
>murdering millions of innocent people.
Only because neocon kikes run our foreign policy today.
I'd be fine with an American Empire that only operated in the Americas, didn't get involved in the Middle East, and made its first priority turning the Americas white.
There was literally nothing wrong with the French Revolution.
>statist, xenophobic
how are these bad?
They were going to replace the $10 bill with a black female (Harriet Tubman) if it wasn't for the resurgence of his name from the musical
You really dodged a bullet, Sup Forums
>There was literally nothing wrong with the French Revolution.
might as well have called in the Fedora Revolution
>statist, xenophobic
now they want to replace Jackson with a nigger
Fedoras would demand a lot more respect if they rounded up and executed the entire ruling class
He was a proponent of a strong central government and supported the creation of a central bank. Meanwhile small government conservatives and libertarians like Jefferson because he wanted the federal government to be extremely limited.
>executed the entire ruling class
not if they replaced them with satanic kikes
Small government conservative is an oxymoron. Conservatives are just as statist as liberals.
>unironically using the term statist
There are conservatives who want a small government. That's why I made the differentiation in my post.
Napoleon was fighting the kikes
Jews have always sided with the aristocrats, the church, and the monarchs in Europe because they allowed the jews to exploit the peasantry and shielded them from public backlash.
>Napoleon Bonaparte of the First French Empire enacted laws that first emancipated Jews in France, establishing them as equal citizens to other Frenchmen. In addition, in countries that he conquered during the Napoleonic Wars, he emancipated the Jews and introduced other ideas of freedom from the French Revolution. For instance, he overrode old laws restricting Jews to reside in ghettos, as well as lifting laws that limited Jews' rights to property, worship, and certain occupations.
I find it funny because Hamilton was the one who championed the electoral college and the trend among all the liberals that love him is to get rid of it
He wanted to integrate jews into France and abolish jewish identity. This was a common enlightenment solution to the jewish problem that was shared by both the right and the left.
Everyone recognized what a huge problem jews and their financial schemes were.
>I wanted to make them leave off usury, and become like other putting them upon an equality, with Catholics, Protestants, and others, I hoped to make them become good citizens, and conduct themselves like others of the community
>I have undertaken to reform the Jews, but I have not endeavoured to draw more of them into my realm. Far from that, I have avoided doing anything which could show any esteem for the most despicable of mankind
Rothschilds financed the Anglos, not Napoleon.
>He wanted to integrate jews into France and abolish jewish identity.
Jews had always been able to convert and enter society
>"I'm not throwin away my shot"
>Gets shot
Was going to post this, thanks for beating me 2 it, have a fed reserve meme :D
Napoleon had an active policy of attempting to abolish jewish identity in order to stop their financial trickery.
>[It is necessary to] reduce, if not destroy, the tendency of Jewish people to practice a very great number of activities that are harmful to civilisation and to public order in society in all the countries of the world. It is necessary to stop the harm by preventing it; to prevent it, it is necessary to change the Jews. [...] Once part of their youth will take its place in our armies, they will cease to have Jewish interests and sentiments; their interests and sentiments will be French
prior to the revolution the aristocrats and the monarchy openly encouraged jews to exploit the peasantry.
literally raped one of his child slaves and had children with her
>jewish identity in order to stop their financial trickery.
How was he going to get them to give up their satanic religion and come to Jesus?
Because they made a musical about him, and they can virtue signal that they don't like Andrew Jackson. That's literally it, they don't know any of his acomplishments or what he did, they only know that he is (theirguy)
Jackson would not smile about a negress replacing him.
Replace him with John Quincy Adams or Henry Clay, Daniel Webster, or James Madison if you're that autistic.
>how is abolishing jewish identity going to stop jews
You should be able to figure that out.
>hurr durr muh racial equality
also housing costs aren't controlled by the FED, they're controlled by loose credit regulation and mass immigration which is only tangentially related to the FED (because the FED is run by the banks and they can lobby congress to relax credit restriction and immigration laws)
housing costs were much lower before wall street deregulation and mass immigration
Only Presidents should be on our paper money. It should be a federal law and amended. Take Benjamin Franklin off the hundred. But leave Jackson on the twenty.
If you don't like our history, move, don't even try to erase it.
Honestly he probably wouldnt care, him on the 20$ is a "big fuck you we won" to jackson. And ya she shouldnt be on the bill as theres a metric fuckton of people that should be recognized eapecially over her but fuck the fed reserve in the first place shits retarded and shouldnt exist.
>Take Benjamin Franklin off the hundred
wtf why?
>If you don't like our history,
Why are you trying to erase Ben Franklin
fine replace him with someone else, but not a nog
I want Nicholas Biddle or Henry Clay on the $20 bill
or Daniel Webster
leftists hate trump
trump likes andrew jackson
leftists hate andrew jackson
leftists suddenly like hamilton
hamilton liked julius caesar
leftists had trump as caesar assassinated
leftists killed hamilton's hero
All these artsy fags should be gassed in the next civil war. They are seriously fucking up this society .Along with the bankers,marxists,elites,NGO's,antifa,feminist fucks.