You Americucks thought you could just come into to Canada and spread your hate and bigotry? THINK AGAIN...

You Americucks thought you could just come into to Canada and spread your hate and bigotry? THINK AGAIN. Canada is diverse and you will just have to accept that.

based Canada

this is borderline idea control. wtf is going on?

Now I have to hide my iPad in my anus next to my cocaine when I cross the border.

Fuck you canada,


Digits decide how many months before canada implodes on itself



So apparently the guy tweeted while get arrested at an airport that hate speech on his iPad got him arrested. More likely, he got arrested because he is trying to organize an anti-Islam march in Canada.

Now if someone could actually find the real story, maybe this is interesting, but probably not.

>45 months
Plenty of time for white flight

Removal when?

WTF how can you smuggle hate speech?


Nobody worth while lives in Ontario, Quebec, Alberta, or BC. Real Canadian are going to be fine as we have always been.

As ridiculous as it is, I have a Canada laptop and tablet. I have to travel to Canada with some frequency, so I actually have these two dedicated and sanitized devices just for my trips to Canada. There is no fucking way that I am going to get denied entry because of "hate speech"...I need to go there for business.

I find it appalling that I have to do this.

Can you just imagine having a laptop without a single image of Hitler on it? Disgusting.

Proud of you, Canada. Hate speech should be given absolutely no platform in a civilised country. You have no right to hurt the feelings of your fellow human beings. I just wish Americans were mature enough to understand this. Maybe one day.

Canada has no free speech :( Wild Bill For America (the guy arrested) doesn't even speak very harshly; he's quite reasonable. Scary times, lads.

Meh god Americans really go to Canada?

Hahaha canadians you have just downloaded this hate symbol, i have notified the authorities enjoy jail lmao

Classic fucking leaf.
Fucl you faggot. My hate knows no borders.

so these laws do not apply to Albertans? Man it sounds like Canada has lost the plot. pretty much this

The canadian flag is a hate symbol. Hate crime is a capital offense requiring cropping at the neck.

You should go around posting pic related everywhere. See how big of a bounty you can rack up before they arrest you


Who's that sexy daddy in the OP?


>smuggling hate speech
So if I have a txt file on my computer named nigger and inside of it is nigger 50 times and I go into canada, I'm smuggling hate speech?


I haven't been able to find a news article about this man's arrest.

Anyone else?

please annex us


Far less than that

If you are jotting down notes of your travel and type "I had to use those new 'pronouns' I keep hearing about, this morning...ugh, it felt funny, not sure if I can get used to it"

That will get you arrested

I see the Sussex Police have arrived.

>hate speech on his iPad
pic related

>leafs have "blasphemy laws"

fuck off fascist commie scum

You're smart.
Do you guys think one should do this just to drive into BC for a weekend trip? Are they getting that psycho up there?

Nuke Canada



Whenever I'm in a bad mood I go on FB and give them shit. So enjoyable. I hate those motherfuckers so damn much.

somebody please nuke us

its the only way to be safe

inbound on my pause,
expend all remaining munitions inside our perimeter
I say again
expend all remaining munitions inside my perimeter

>Think what I want you to think...or else! REEEEE

I'm sure you're a troll, but you're a fucking naïve idiot if you don't think control of speech is anything short of a nightmare

But you just hurt my feelings and the feelings of others on this board.

You best turn yourself into to the local Magistrate.

>Smuggling hate speech
What, is that a new street name for weed?

not to worry. he's izzy-first. the gheydl and the assplc with provide all legal needs from the offices of nongoyimowitzsteinbergengoldowitz

they even own the pink part of his lily white ass. he LARP's as patriot numero uno

i thought canada as open and tolerant of foreign people's cultures hmmmm?

Bin that thought.

How exactly did they find out he had anything on his iPad? iOS encrypts everything so is it a requirement to open your device and show them what you have on there?

Why has this not happened with the Koran yet?

>Canadian cop attempts to arrest you
>laugh in his face and walk away

Koran is a religion of peace you hatespeaching subhuman white scum

>Read the news
>Multiculturalist Propaganda
>Go see a movie
>Multiculturalist propaganda in the preshow
>Listen to the radio
>Multiculturalist propganda ads
>Go to supermarket
>Rainbow of races everywhere
>Get hire at new job
>Please fill out the diversity form where we still use the term "visible minority" and pretend that Canada is still predominantly white.

It's too late for Canada. All the major cities are completely multicultural.

Americans have freedom of speech and you as a fellow Canadian do not have freedom of speech, yet you call them cucks..... I've lost all hope in this country and these liberal faggots who've infested it.

we dont even want you syrupfaggots

so how long before the US demands his relief?
Fuck Canada

Looks like a manly harper

War on hate speech, it's the new war on drugs.

Thought police are doing god's job, keep going.

>Who are my sources?
>you are

Just wait...

Quite the opposite really. I long for the day that I am put out of my misery.