Muslim's celebrate in Moscow

Уpaзa-бaйpaм (i dont know how it named on english) is general summer celebrate for russian muslims. For they russian government closing several roads in center zone on Russia's capital city.

Welcome to Russia, country for white men or how say russian propaganda on this site.

B вocкpeceньe мycyльмaнe oтмeчaют пpaздник Уpaзa-бaйpaм. B cвязи c этим в poccийcкoй cтoлицe oгpaничивaют движeниe. B ближaйшиe чacы нeльзя бyдeт пpoeхaть пo нecкoльким yлицaм в paйoнe Mocкoвcкoй coбopнoй мeчeти y мeтpo "Пpocпeкт миpa".
Taкжe для aвтoмoбилeй пepeкpoют Бoльшyю Taтapcкyю yлицy и pяд пepeyлкoв вблизи Иcтopичecкoй мeчeти. Пeшeхoдным cтaнeт yчacтoк Южнo-Бyтoвcкoй yлицы oт Бyнинcкoй aллeи дo Ocтaфьeвcкoй yлицы.
Кpoмe тoгo, движeния нe бyдeт нa oтpeзкe Mинcкoй yлицы и нa yчacткe пpocпeктa Aндpoпoвa. Ha чacти yлицы Хaчaтypянa пepeкpoют кpaйнюю пpaвyю пoлocy. Bce oгpaничeния oтмeнят в 11 чacoв yтpa, cooбщaeт тeлeкaнaл "Poccия 24".

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All the roads that were occupied for 7 hours?

litarally savages

A peek at your future Germoney

I dont understand you.
Several roads and streets will closes for muslims may pray on ground, roads and sidewalks.
Only one day for seven hours.

Any amount of time is too much

Tell me some good news

Many muslims in Germany is refugees, they may kick out.
Mony russians muslims are russian's citizens from kavkaz.

I thought you guys were supposed to be smart and know your history
A metric shit tonne of Russian clay was populated by my muslims and islam has litteraly always had a place in russia, this is no where near the same as europe and the commonwealth circle jerking about brown people

I thought Russia would be the place to go as the last Christian stronghold -HAHAHA - seems old Putin has the commie mindset the western Europeans and has sold the Ruskie soul to the muzzies and diversity - Moscow had the largest Muslim population in Europe after Istanbul. Revelation has begun to make sense the muzzes in Russia will nuke Israel

Many men from kavkaz have bad behavior: they sell drugs, do robbet.

And many men frome kavkaz are muslims.
I dont know whot you told.

I thought Russians were supposed to be tough, why are you such pussies getting cucked by muslims?

There are other places you can go to that globalists aren't promoting multiculturalism onto the people

Switzerland is protected
Antarctica is protected
Greenland is protected
Luxembourg is protected
Vatican City is protected
Faroe Islands is protected

What's your point? Your country sucks muslim balls? Then by association so do you.

I wasnt trying to glorify them im just saying islam nothing new in russia

Lol they taking that sheep back to the mosque so they can rape it

Бoжe мoй! Stay strong, rusbro, among the mongols and muslims, the ethnic Russian carries on

Hичeгo хopoшeгo в этoм нeтy. Этo дaжe cтыднo. He нaдo гopдитьcя в этoм.


Switzerland is cucked even tho. They have anti racism laws which is absolutely absurd.

You will laughting but i hame parents from Kazahstan. They are moglos-asians but non-religions. I have grand-parents were muslims.

we know chink nigger

Yea but the migration laws are more stronger than those like Sweden

Probably because Switzerland has a lot of powerful technology there.


oh fucking you

> putin is the savior of the white race
> white race
> look at this dude
> pics


>9,400,000 Muslims in Russia.
>9,400,000 million.

The fuck, Pootin. You're just another (((cuck)).

We Europeans have to take matters into our own hands now, gas the kikes & race war now!

This is bullshit, muslims on Russia fucked, cuz russian people white people.

he said muslims are closer to orthodox than catholics also russia has more mosques than some arab nation sadly they are lost as well wish it was not this way when arabs become majority in the west and east with all those modern weapons we will live in interesting times as the chinese curse goes

I've never met a slav in real life so I don't have an opinion but these trips must surely hold within them the truth

In English it’s Eid Mubarak, the end of Ramadan.


>white race guardians

and some retards believe Russia is a saviour of christianity top kek. They will be islamic before France

why are so many polish women hookers?

cuz polish is slav
All slav-women is a hookers
Its doesnt matter - russian, ukraian, polish, belorussian etc. they are all slavs

Yeah who the fuck eats meat ?

Yeah who the fuck eats meat

Do Muslims in Russia breed like rats? What's Russia's population going to look like in 20-30 years?

>Antarctica , Greenland
Population : 20
Only inbreds and rich bankers from the rest of europe that come to luxembourg to work live there
>Vatican City
>Faroe Islands
Its Denmark

Can you preteens stop being retarded ? You are the reason why no one takes us seriously

Proportionally, basically the same. Given current thread muslims will become even lesser minority over the decades.

trend* of course. this thread, just as it's op, will stay gay regardless

Because stupid cunts can only think in this binary way you don't see that the actual thing that's happening is how they are showing the rest of the world how to actually live side by side in harmony

Muslims in Russia are mostly Tatars who were forcibly absorbed into the Russian Empire. Russia is their home for close to a thousand years. We subjugated them and took their land. You, in western Europe, cannot say the same thing. You are the ones being invaded. Don't worry about us. Worry about yourselves.

Well, you do have a lot of Muslims that are ethnically identifying as Russian. It becomes a problem when they start opposing the country they're in.

Russia will be fine. Their Muslims are assimilated.

yeah sure they will

All I see here is the perfect target for a napalm strike.

better an A10 gun run the Death Fart

Nah, I love to hear the BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR as much as the next guy but that wont't kill as many of them. Now if they were all in armored vehicles that would be a different story.

Why in the city though

I am Russian Muslim, and I'm ok with this. We Muslims love Putin and he respect Allah.