6 Oscars
6 Oscars
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Jokes on them. No matter how they present it, it's still gonna be accused by BLM of racism and misstating facts.
Cool. They can wallow in their lies and hasten the arrival of the Second Civil War which they will lose.
i hope it's written like groundhog day
wtf I hate capitalism now
holy shit i just cant even right now
Yup, they can't win no matter what. Gonna be hilarious if it happens.
audible kek
How do they explain this?
Please win this one, give me a rifle and ill chip in.
Ayo man
I wuz just tryna get sum cigarillos
Why u gotta be raciss
>10 Oscars
Will they leave out the part where he threatens/attacks the store owner with violence?
Man I saw a video of Brown beating up an old as fuck crack head and robbing him in a project backyard. I'm usually skeptical of law enforcement, but Darren Wilson is a hero who prevented even more theft, rape, robbery and murder by dropping that fuckin rotten goon.
this was edited, black men would never do this
Stop it
>implying that's him
found the bigot
The evils of the white regime clouded his mind
>6 oscars
>1 for each bullet in his monkey ass
The kikes understand the shifting demographics of America.
>michael brown again
I dont fucking get this
The physical evidence and testimonies very clearly showed that michael brown was just a nigger nigging and deserved to get shot since he attacked the police officer and went for his gun
Do these BLM """"people"""" not value the truth at all?
the Darren Wilson character is being played by Richard Spencer
He had to fight back against the white establishment. He had no choice but to rob an Asian-owned convenience store
From what I remember crash was a movie about each character living up to their stereotype so that would make sense
10/10 would watch
Either they present the store owner as an asshole that Brown tolerated for most of the movie, or frame it as Brown lashing out against the world because of all the racism he received despite being a "gentle giant".
His parents are making crazy bank off raising a thug.
>Like Crash
Trayvon: Massacre of the Innocent
(inspired by true to life events)
Travyon, played by Jaden Smith, is shown at school, raising his hand in lit class. The wise Hispanic teacher, played by Antonio Banderas, calls on him. Trayvon stand up and recites lines of Shakespeare in a hip, cool, but moving rap. As he sits down Banderas smiles and nods at him with a wise, knowing approval.
Trayvon is seen hanging out after school on the lush greens of the front school yard with his friends, featuring the girl who played Precious, plus a mix of races: a white blonde girl, a Hispanic kid, an Urkel-looking black nerd, a white kid with his hat on backwards. A veritable Burger King Kids Club.
Cut to a dark apartment, where Zimmerman, played by Edward Norton, is doing pull-ups, with the words FEAR and HATE inked on his knuckles. He then practices shooting his empty gun at himself in a mirror. "You talking to me?" Norton says. "You in MY neighborhood?" He then sits down to watch Birth of a Nation.
Cut to Trayvon at home, at the dinner table with his parents, played by Jamie Foxx and Maya Angelou. They discuss Tray's future plans of being an airline pilot. "It's a mighty big responsibility," Jamie Foxx says. "Having all those souls onboard." "I know," Jaden/Tray says. "I want to be like Sully some day though."
After dinner his little brother, wheelchair bound, asks him if he can go get some candy and tea. Even though it's raining out, Tray agrees. In slow-mo he zips up his hoody, pulled from the dryer.
Every day whites are slowly losing. You can thank Trump for that.
Cut to George Zimmerman, in his truck patrolling the neighborhood while blasting and singing along to a racist song created by head KKK Klansman Ben “Zyklon B” Garrison:
Out of gas, Zimmerman curses the jews for his own folly and continues his patrol on steel-toed boots.
Time-skip: Cut to Zimmerman patrolling the streets, whistling the Confederate Anthem, as rain pours on his golden hair. He does tuck-and-rolls across neighbors' lawns, pulling out his gun and pointing it at dark shadows. A cat crosses his path and he fires at it. He chuckles mercilessly.
"Keep the change," Tray says with a smile to the woman working at the convenience store. With the snacks for his brother he walks out of the store, not before passing by a magazine with Sully on the cover. Tray smiles.
Cut to Trayvon skipping down the sidewalk. A group of multicultural young maled is there smoking pot. "You wanna get high?" one asks. "No," Trayvon answers, "then I'll never be able to be a pilot." He continues to skip down the path and eventually enters the condo complex.
As Trayvon turns a corner, a sweaty and enraged Zimmerman emerges from the shadows. "Where do you think you're going, NIGGER?"
He was a gentle giant, the shopkeeper just didn't realise it at the time and hugable Mike was just showing him the error of his ways though treats of extreme physical violence.
It's their culture you filthy fucking racist
Trayvon stumbles on his words and tries to answer but is silenced when Zim cold cocks himself with the gun and starts beating himself on the back of his own head. "Help! Help! Somebody help me!" Zimmerman screams.
Zimmerman does a nazi salute, and shouts with the malice needed for a 2nd degree murder conviction clearly present in his cold blue eyes, "WHITE PRIDE!"
"Please sir, I just want to return home to my brother and finish my homework," Trayvon pleads.
"That's too bad," Zimmerman says. He then empties his entire magazine into the baby-faced teen. "It looks like your dog ate it."
The rain continues to pour. It’s now in all black and white now, Zimmerman coolly walks over to the incapacitated Trayvon which has fallen Christ-like, who struggles to stand, blood pouring from his mouth. Zimmerman puts one foot on Trayvon chest. Trayvon moans in pain, Zimmerman aims at his head.
"Heil Hitler" Zimmerman says. He fires. At that moment a dozen of white doves fly above the scene.
Zimmerman glances at Trayvon’s skittles laying across the sidewalk, Zimmerman picks up one of the skittles off the ground and taste it. He's grinning like the Cheshire cat, incredibly sweaty, and, it's implied, somewhat sexually aroused. He strikes a match on the ground by Trayvon's corpse and lights a thick Cuban cigar. "Taste the rainbow, motherfucker." While smiling directly into the camera.
The next scene Zimmerman is being led by police, cold and emotionless. Out of the shadows appears a sinister looking man who hands Zimmerman his card. "Don't worry, George", he says. "We always take care of our own." Zimmerman reads the card and then notices a ring on the man's finger, indicating he is a member of the same white supremacist organization he is. Zimmerman gives the man a knowing smile as he offers a firm handshake.
"A pleasure, George. I'm Don West." Revealing Bryan Cranston
[maniacal laughter echoes in thebackground, malevolent and eternal like racism in Amerikkka]
[interior: convenience store]
*assaults cashier, steals cigars*
[cut to outside]
[enter Officer Darren Wilson]
*Brown spots Wilson*
*Charges Wilson, killed instantly*
[The end!]
What is Hollywood's obsession with niggers?
Crash is ancient news and feminist sob story . Reality is not a haram hollywoofagz.
>"We've got Hollywood" - some faggot
...and a fat lot of good that did us(A)!
Taking Potemkin (communist propaganda) artistically seriously was a mistake. also this is an analytics thread by PR/Hollywood and plebs should RUN!
that's not him m8
For Zimmerman, just have the Uncle Ruckus script of any episode of The Boondocks. It doesn't have to make contextual sense, but Zimmerman's only lines are lines said by Uncle Ruckus (no relation).
By completely ignoring the fact that he stole something he didn't need (cigars), and making it seem like it was out of necessity. Mark my words.
>Sir please I'm hungry, I just lost my job because of racism! Please I need this food or I'm going to starve!
Ever notice they keep cigarettes behind the counter and not food? How they have alarm tags on alcohol but not food? Ask a store clerk or cop what gets shoplifted the most. Mike Brown was the worst kind of shit turd sandwich.
That post made my fucking day
>and they're aiming for something like 'Crash'
Cool. Do it.
>tfw you've accepted that niggers live in their own reality bubble and nothing will ever change that
Should be making money off of them tbqh
>oh sweetie...
user, watch closely, this is White Privilege.
They're "cool" to the fiscally irresponsible.
Underrated Post
Any chance you can post the link to video of this gentle giant sharing the gospel with that old as fuck crack head?
If that Paki had been packing heat behind the counter this whole thing could have been avoided
Also this is why God invented nigger proof glass
His monkey mom just won the ghetto lottery. City of Ferguson paid her something like 1.5 mil for wrongful death. Unreal.
>Glorifying a thief that assaulted the clerk he robbed and then tried to take a cop's gun and got shot in the process
Who gives a fuck? What about this story is possibly worth adapting it into a film? Waste of time and money.
I feel like this is the result of a Hollywood exec losing a bet or something.
Quick background: back in the 1920s, Hollywood was run by the Big Three: Paramount (founded by Adolph Zukor, Jew), MGM (one of the Ms is for the man who ran it, Louis B. Mayer, Jew; the G is for Samuel Goldwin/Goldfish, Jew), and First National (who? More on them later). Then, a little upstart named Warner Bros jumped on the scene.
Warner Bros was founded by the four Wonskolaser... err... make that Warner brothers, Hirsch, Abraham, Schmuel, and Jacob... err... make that Harry, Albert, Sam, and Jack. With a number of shrewd moves, Warner Bros muscled in on the scene, first merging with and then gobbling up First National. (So yeah, the new Big Three: all Jews.) Jack, the youngest, ran the company with an iron fist, firing supposed stars left and right yet somehow keeping the Bros at the top.
You want a redpill? Fine, here's your redpill.
My father was killed because he, as a lathe operator, was overworked by his capitalist pig bosses.
The resulting exhaustion led to him dozing off at work and falling face first into the lathe. Pic related is the true picture of the scene and status of his body after he fell in.
Think about the fact that capitalism killed my dad when I was only a few months old next time you buy a new TV, iPad, or otherwise indulge in the capitalist death cult.
That's some extreme larping.
I can't tell anymore
Well surely that won't have any adverse affects
They'll make the movie about the "movement" it spawned afterwards.
>one perfect shot is the name of the twitter
one perfect shot got rid of this dindu.
Fuuuuuuuuuck this gay ass world man the Fucking nigger thugged out in a store and the tried to fight a police officer.
How could anyone justify this Shit or portray him as a victim???
He doesn't look very sleepy in that picture though.
Post your title ideas
They will probably make ZIMZAM white XD
Just a minute
>Post your title ideas
"Anger Is My Middle Name"
>the movie will blame the cop, even though he attacked the cop first
Right here
>6 Oscars
>$120 million budget
>$35,000 revenue
this will happen
Why do niggers constantly put filithy fucking koney in their mouth?
Google 'black with money in mouth'
They'll have the white store clerk call him a nigger and how awful it is living with a jiggaboo moon cricket nigger as president.
Have the apprentice or trump doing an interview on the tv in the store.
Brown got upset over this and was defending his president and his rights to not be offended, so he told the white guy off, then the evil future trump supporter pulls a gun and Brown defends himself.
This shows that even before officer Wilson took him down, racist white men held him at gun point before.
What movement? The 'We should be able to commit crimes and assault police officers without being killed' movement?
Directed by Steven Spielberg?
That's the one.
>video literally states it's most likely not him due to multiple factors (such as height, skin tone, location of filming, etc.)
as glad as I am that he died, that's a different monkey all together
>where Zimmerman, played by Edward Norton
>"Taste the rainbow, motherfucker." While smiling directly into the camera.
The Creature from the Black Neighborhood
I feel so fucking bad for that cop. He was a good cop, probably spent so much time at the academy and even college to become a police officer. Wasted the entire career defending himself from a wild gorilla that escaped the zoo
Where was this overdramatised, false depiction of events from? The History channel?
>like Crash
Yeah, it'll be a wreck.
He paid for his items the previous day and went to pick them up, except the person working at the time didn't know it and thought he was stealing.
I found it here, on older threads about this same movie. I find it funny, and think/hope it's supposed to be.
He was just having a laugh
It's funny in it's cheesiness but then instantly becomes quiet malevolent in how it portrays dat poh boi being shot in the back by da evil white man while he had his arms up in surrender.
Jesus, when Wilson described him as a fucking hulk I thought he was exaggerating.
Honestly, completely support for the store owner. He still tried to stand up for himself.
>paid employees in marijuana
>the owner didn't know that his employees were major fuck ups
>somehow excuses that Mike paid in an illegal substance
Hollywood is going to need a major dose of movie magic to make this work.
include me in the screen cap.
>hands were never up
>charged the officer
>tried to take the officer's gun in the car
For you
He was shot for wearing socks with is sandals.
straight to netflix
they will file it away with the documentaries.
Lets name the movie, I'll start:
Passion of the Chimp
They'll literally have the first hour of the movie leading up to this moment. Every half-assed cliche of oppression will be thrown into a new "Precious" of 2017. His bottled up rage as he deals with gentrification and lack of opportunity ect. I bet my left nut on it that they'll make it look like it was well reasoned and he dindu nuffin.