Level With Me

We need to talk, Sup Forums.

By now it's clear to everyone except the truly insane that this man is a historical failure of a president. He's one of the most unpopular of all time and has been embroiled in numerous scandals since Day 1 of his presidency.

So, here's my question for you. Do you regret supporting him during the campaign? Or is this disaster of a president just the price we have to pay for the amazing campaign memes of 2016?

Serious replies only, no shills please.



Mmmm-MMM You can just taste that salt.

Again, I'm looking for serious replies. Please no memes or shilling in this thread.



There's no way you can call him a failure because he's only just half way through his first year. Criminals are being deported, illegal immigration is down, stock market is up.

4,000 pedos caught since Sessions took over. THAT'S the reason for the left's hysteria. Working their way up the ladder to get the 60% of elected officials, top cops, mayors, judges. Hang on for the ride. God Bless the little children. Love and Light.


He is underwhelming at worst.
He is not even close to being as bad as the media and liberal idiots paint him to be.
My issue is with the fact that he has not sparked any change yet. Could be because of congress but it takes extreme measures to fix extreme problems so it I'd up to him to veto any opposition on his platform.
Democracy has failed anyway. There's no way you can change anything in a failed system if you get somebody into power for only 4 years and then tell them they can't do anything.

So happy Trump slapped a tariff on Canada. I wonder if he'll go for Obama's sloppy seconds in Sophie Trudeau's trout-flavored baby maker?

>Do you regret supporting him during the campaign?

>this man is a historical failure of a president.

The media has been attacking him everyday with about ten times more intensity than Adolf Hitler was attacked since it looked like he might have a shot at becoming rep nominee.
Since he became president the democrats and a group of neo cons have been trying to block and filibuster his every policy proposal.
The people's choice who vowed to drain the swamp is being viciously biten by every foul creature that lives in it and depends on the swamp for its survival.
The American people have been betrayed in plain sight by their political class and media who have shown everybody who they really work for.
If Trump does not succeed it will be largely because of these people and the American public should be very, VERY pissed off.

>4,000 pedos caught since Sessions took over
Is this legit??




Fix your own shit first, Pierre

Trump is the real evil. He used divide and conquer tactics at the most revolting level - pure bile.

He encouraged violence, promoted collective thinking and punishment, and ultimately lied to the American public.

The Democratics have a lot of bad apples, but Trump crossed the line when he encited racial rhetoric and violence. It was wrong because of it's influence.


>Imagine your political system is so corrupt even the accusations the corrupt perpetrators shout at the man who comes to bring them justice are nowhere near the level of moral vacuousness that the actual corruption is.

>So, here's my question for you. Do you regret supporting him during the campaign?

No. Trump could have not kept a single campaign promise, and I still wouldn't regret it.

As a Canadian, I get that you don't understand American politics. You won't ever truly understand what it means to be American. That's okay. That's why you're not allowed to have a say in our elections. Trump is good for us. You might not understand that now. But maybe one day, when you clear all the ignorance out of your brain, you'll see it too.

You are the immoral one, you closet neo nazi.

Being pissed off that millions of people fleeced the system and violated the laws of your country to take economic advantage of the people living there is not racist.

>Do you regret supporting him during the campaign?


I didn't support him

>He's one of the most unpopular of all time
according to fake news polls

>has been embroiled in numerous scandals since Day 1 of his presidency.
literally all made up b.s., which after months of hysterical digging and cries about impeachment has resulted in literally nothing. He seriously has to be the squeakiest, cleanest motherfucker on the planet to withstand this much scrutiny, from the combined efforts of the entire media and political establishment's attempts to smear him have led to nothing.

>Do you regret supporting him during the campaign?
No. It's been amazing. He's done a few things I don't like, but he's delivered on a lot more, and when he builds the wall he will be cemented as one of the greatest presidents in history, despite all these attempts to thwart him.

History is written by the winners, and winners aren't losers.

Calling someone a Nazi in response to raising concerns when the law is being broken on such a vast scale is another reason people are fed up with the democrats and the whole political left.


BTW, belated condolences on passing of one of your heroes, Fidel Castro.




Tfw a leafbro posts some uninformed ignorant bullshit






You have a legitimate reason to be angry if that is your reason.

Sadly, when he opened the hate door, he opened the flood gates to all sorts of hatred and paranoia, most notably racism. So even if some corrupt politicians fleeced the system, there is no reason why Trump should low ball and bring up race; he knew what he was doing, he kne his audience, and their secret beliefs (moral superiority of white christians, lower and middle class). Trump strategically divided and conquered America, because, he, as a buisnessman, understands buisness as war, so he is not above using any means to win.

As for the corrupt politicians who got the hammer? Fuck em.

Just do not fooshily believe Trump is any better.


>a historical failure of a president.

well he'll have one recent president beat if he can manage to last a year without a skyscraper blowing up

every rockstar president has scandals. get over it




>most notably racism.

let's focus instead on racism's uglier older brother classism


What sources of information do you use?

>By now it's clear
>He's one of the most unp
fucking canashit proxy faggots

>obama inherits worst fincancial crisis since great depression
>markets rise again under him despite republican obstructionism for 6 years of his 8 serving
>this doesn't count because ???

Nah it just had to happen.

Even if I knew he was going to lead an army of transexual israelis to conquer the US I still would have supported him for the pure hilarity that ensued after this victory

But seriously though, the US is already fucked beyond all hope, you might aswell have a laugh with the comic-book villain candidate rather than allowing the screeching harpies to have their way with Hillary.





Classism is more contigent on hard work and discipline.

Race is less fair because it is outside your free will.



What's good for this country and approval ratings aren't synonymous....Obama doubled the our debt in 8 years. In 8 fucking years he added 9 trillion in debt and retards applaud him for it. Wtf?

You sound like a child.

The world is a brutal and violent place, the last seventy years post-WW2 have been an anomaly.

He ain't great but he's still a-lot better than Hillary would have been. Not to mention Pence and some of the others are all right.

>Do you regret
Regret is for women. I got everything I wanted out of Trump and then some. He's the gift that keeps on giving.

Go eat a dick you colossal faggot.


my favorite thing ever.
I can't see this, and not believe in meme magic.



On average people don't always like what's good for them

Also his campaign rhetoric was a step in the right direction with regard to immigration, trade, NATO etc.

Normalising these recently shunned views will count as a huge victory in years to come

The other choice was Hillary Clinton. Trump is underwhelming, but way better than HC would've been.

I hate the mainstream Republican party. Trump fucked them. Great.

At every step Trump was the right choice so, no, I don't regret voting for him and never will. I regret that he isn't deporting faster, ending DACA, and revoking the citizenships of shitskins. I regret that he hasn't been more effective banning refugees. I regret that he is getting involved in Syria for some reason.


>no shills please.

And you're posting here because?

>by now it's true to everyone
>republicans win all 4 recent special elections in districts that Trump barely won

Clearly, Trump is not perceived as a failure enough for democrats to gain in places that were marginally pro-Trump.

>illegal immigration down 71%
>businesses saving money from reduced executive regulation
>no assault on the 2nd Amendment
>Neil Gorsuch, and possibly another soon (Kennedy retiring rumors)
>sanctuary city crackdown
>immigration ban
>pulled out of TPP
>pro-law enforcement instead of BLM
>5 year lobbying ban on ex gov officials
>annihilating ISIS with Mattis
>passed major VA legislation
>defunding abortion clinics
>Iran sanctions

>being this retarded

>racism is wrong.
the number one thing wrong with western society is that we decided to stop being racist (which is just acknowledging biological fact) and the rest of the world didn't.

When whites abandon in-group preference, but everyone else is still playing a team-game, then whites lose.

Diversity literally means white genocide.

It's very likely that it was the worst recession since the Great Depression because of Obama.

The economy didn't return to pre 2007 levels until around 2014


stop data-mining, shareblue.
it won't help you in the next election.

White people have been hammered as the evil racist devils there for decades now. Every election republicans are slandered as racist. Trump actually had the balls to address the illegal immigration issue(the agenda to import democrat voters) and so is slandered with even more vitriol. People just stopped caring if the media was calling them racist for their legitimate concerns because they had heard it a million times before.

How the fuck do people fall for this shit? How did you allow your mind to be warped this way? You can't critically think anymore, you've completely lost that abilitt because you're blinded by hate and rage. Sort yourself.

I remember when Trump announced his VP pick he fawned over Pence's clean record. He knew any bullshit would come back to haunt him big and was impressed like, 'this fucker's cleaner than me'.

Obama oversaw the slowest economic recovery in American history


>ad hominen attack

Okay buddy, you drew first blood so here it goes.

You want brutality? The left is the most brutal. And the more you biological dead end losers rub it in, the more angry you make the left. Which is not wise as you will see.

>waa waa media and pedos waa waa

You are the fucking child you limey peasant, not me. There will always be currution in this world, and it is a fairy tale to believe one man, who is already corrupt, will fix it.

Learn to fight your own wars, you inbred cattle.

>20 gorillion in debt.
>doubled in 8 years

You stupid fucking retard. Dozens of legislation passed, PCA and TPP withdrawal, along with tons of other campaign promises kept.

Do the fucking research yourself and stop being a pathetic shill.

Trump is ALREADY one of the greatest presidents, and is the most famous man to ever exist in the modern age.

>calls out the media as crooked
the media hates him.

>makes fun of kikes in a room fulll of kikes
the kikes hate him.

>relentlessly shitted on the democrat's candidate for months
the democrats hate him.

>shitted on members of the supreme court
the democrats choices for SCOTUS hate him.

>shitpoasted all the time on twitter and beat them at their own game
David Brock hates him

I could go on forever but the point is, he did it exactly his way and broke every "rule" of politics and still won. They shilled away and gave away the farm just to come up short. They're envious that he got away with saying what's on his mind and insulting everyone along the way and still came out on top. I don't agree with everything he's done but he def. put them in their place for a looooooong time because of his victory. They're powerless. No Senate, no House, no Supreme Court nominees. He fucked them pretty good. I dont regret voting for him in the slightest. ShareBlue needs to stop trying to shape opinion in here with these shills.

Anons in this thread are pushing OPs shit in...Bravo, sirs

God Bless President Trump and those who voted for him.




The future is looking very bright under Trump.

In no way shape or form is he doing terrible. trump has just started his presidency and it will only improve, all things come slow I absolutely stand behind my vote for him anyone who really thought hillary or Bernie would have been better should actually reconsider they're thinking only other option would of been Cruz. Too continue too allow the left to destabilize and further corrupt our country would be madness the Democratic party is a sham, honestly every time I see another protest in California, New York, Oregon I have too chuckle thinking this is really what were you against? Good luck to the left their going too need it too long has the American dream been squandered and controlled by a party hell-bent on separating and molding their own ideologies.


You absolute idiot. You really can not see yourself. You are the evil one. You are the tribalistic hate monger who rejects all things true. Sort yourself out buddy.


Sometimes I'm tempted to report but newfags reading the thread have potential to get redpilled by the replies so i took the bait.

Quit LARPing, faggot. The left is "brutal" as long as it's Korean gas station clerks and gay old profs like Charles Murray they attack. Against real fighters? Not so much. Check out the stats on the percentage combat veterans that voted for Trump (spoiler - it's 95%).

I'll take a limey as a comrade over some soylent-drinking cocksucker like you. Kill yourself.

>the more angry you make the left.

I'm extremely worried about an army of women and boys so beta they turn into girls.

>t. Hick

Hey Rube? Your head will fit nicely into a Guillotine. Still think the left is weak? See French Revolution, Soviet Revolution, American Revolution - all leftist in Nature because they sought to overturn.

>ill take a limey over an American

Kill yourself, traitor trash.

Is this a fucking joke

Bring it, homo. Whose side are the actual workers, farmers, and soldiers on this time? Hint, it ain't yours.

Which one is you?


You are stupid. Low IQ cancer that hurts America. Your class is garbage. If it comes to war, I smell Atlanta burning, in the words of wise Sherman.



>By now it's clear to everyone except the truly insane that this man is a historical failure of a president. He's one of the most unpopular of all time and has been embroiled in numerous scandals since Day 1 of his presidency.
>So, here's my question for you. Do you regret supporting him during the campaign?

His scandals are a mix of things that are a.)unfounded b.)blown out of proportion or c.) obvious partisan media campaigns with very little substance.

Does it make you mad the Russian agent president covfefes while he as two scoops of ice cream?

What is it like to be that fucking brainwashed and unable to think critically?