>My body my choice
>proceeds to mutilates Son's dick
How do we fix women?
My body my choice
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Iiterally tell them we're changing shit back to the way we used to do it
I got in some heated arguments with my wife about circumcising our son. I won and he's intact.
To any western canadians interested in joining a western Canadian independence movement, shoot an email to this address:
if i have a son i won't do that to him and it's because so many men speak out against it. keep speaking out against it, many women are listening.
Good job, satan. I had the same convo with my wife.
Wow your wife is a massive cunt. I hope she's miserable as fuck for the rest of her life.
i wouldn't even marry someone if they didn't match my core beliefs
>heated argument
Breddy gud
>first post WORST post
9/10 feminists prefer mutilated cocks
your wife prefers sucking uncircumcised cock
Good job, user. I intend to have the same conversation before getting married though.
My wife wants to circumcise a boy if we have one. Fucking hell. I do not understand why they want to cut our dicks.
Tenth post whiteknight vaginal jew post
You'll probably never meet a girl who matches your core beliefs 100%. But if you're a man, she'll WANT to match your beliefs.
i hope you argue and win like 666anon
I'm restoring
well im glad you asked OP. first we get them to inject a bacteria that produces a protein blocker into their faces
the brain requires protein. not just to build the cells. protein deficiencies are linked to memory loss both short term and long term
then we convince them to be vegetarians because animals are cute and its healthier and you can be thin and eat like 3 big salads every day supposedly
then we have a chemical company make some god awful nightmare fuel that when applied to the skin it jum,pstarts a chemical process that forces the cells to produce a natural polymer (yes those are a thing cellulose is a natural polymer) and it will also seep into the blood stream through the skin and cause this effect farther in and we get the company to call it a beauty cream and have women sell it to other women and they dont know it causes faux oldtimerz but it does
yea me and lucifer go way back. we had a bit of a falling out but he likes my ideas
Minors are the property of their parents.
>How do we fix women?
By manning the fuck up and making disciplinary action by palm and belt socially acceptable again. Women have gotten too uppity since the 1960s.
Well done. Keep a close eye on him. Make sure your wife doesn't go behind your back like a cunt and get the procedure done against you and your son's will.
It all boils down to Jewish trickery. They'll find any excuse in the book to have the goyim follow their traditions.
If the body/brain does not get enough protein then it simply starts eating it's own muscle. That's why anorexics and starving people look the way they do. So in your little scenario a woman would notice this and act accordingly if she doesn't want it to happen.
She's not sucking it so why does she care
Do what I did. Find a video of a baby being circumcised and make her watch it. Tell her through the whole video that this is what she wants to do to your son and if he ever asks about it, she has to tell him it was her choice to mutilate him. She has to tell him that she knew what it entailed, but did it anyway. I had my wife in tears over it.
just know she is plotting against you somehow, someway. just to get back at you for proving her wrong. she may be all smiles and you may have won, but she WILL get you back for it. this is how childish and fucking stupid women can be.
That's pretty alpha.
Going to use this myself one day. You're a good dad.
That's a pretty good idea. I might be pitching a bill to a legislator soon. I'm not really sure of what to specifically suggest. The momentum seems to be in revoking Medicaid. Biwever that bill just lost in Vermont I think it was. I should probably contact the author and ask him why.
Good job.
Also, Hail Satan.
FYI if anyone tries to invoke "religious freedom," they're full of shit as far as case law is concerned. In 1879 the SCOTUS ruled in Reynolds v. US that legal freedom of religion doesn't necessarily mean freedom to do totally as one wishes in the name of religion. The only issue is that circumcision is regarded as an exception, a sacred cow nobody will challenge even though there's legal precedent for a claim of it being illegal.
Uncut dicks are gross.
>229 deaths per year from circumcision in the United States
229 boys would be alive today
>implying faggots are better than women
Circumcision is good for hygiene. I wish my parents had decided to do it, because if I did it now I wouldn't be able to have sex for at least a month. No amount of dick cheese is worth torture like that, so I guess I'm stuck with this useless flap of skin.
You would be surprised how many would support that. Of all my LTRs only one was a fucked in the head feminist with perverted views of the world, obviously came from a broken home, shitty parenting, and liberalist public schooling.
nobody gives a fuck.
>I won.
Ok, but we are missing the other piece of the puzzle.
What are you?
Cut or uncut?
The same as uncut clits?
>Dick Cheese.
How dirty are you?
Seriously, can't you just clean your dick like I do?
You fix women by going back to the laws in place before feminism.
Giving completely emotional creatures the right to speak out of turn was possibly one of the worst decisions we have made as a western society.
At least you can choose to get it done.
>>My body my choice
>>proceeds to mutilate unborn baby.
I wonder who could be behind this post
Truvada. You lie like one. Why did Eve take the devil's dick again?
If I have sex with a condom on and go to sleep without washing it afterwards, the cum and lube mix and rot together overnight. It's pretty stanky.
That's the point, though. If I got it done today, I would have to wait at least a month before I could have sex again. Fuck that. I wish I was given the choice at 8 or 9 years old, but I wasn't.
Dude I'm uncircumcised. I literally cannot be jewish
Revoking Medicaid has already passed in a bunch of states so I think we're good. I'm just not sure if that's the route I wanna take. Going the abortion route seems good like with the video thing. Otherwise I was thinking that hospitals should be forbidden from even asking about it. That prevents the issue of "sure why not etc." American Pediatric Association already admits that it's unnecessary and they are the very heavy hitters when it comes to this. However they have not come out against it.
>How do we fix women?
Keep them out of bullshit college courses and away from Jews.
That's the point I was making, you're a kike shill pushing circumcision
Good man.
What's circumcision? Do you mean male genital mutilation?
Does anyone have the consent form handy? Otherwise I have to dig it up again. As I recall there's a company that prepares it and then a bunch of hospitals have contracts. As I recall, doctors do have to discuss the risks but I wanna have it as part of whatever presentation I give to a legislator. Also I wanna be sure there's nothing about a video they have to watch.
So she obviously won't suck her son's dick. God, you fucking kids are so dumb.
>be cut
>never bothered me until now (im 23)
>got away from boxers because of middle seam
>tried boxer briefs, fabric rubs against meatus constantly
>trying boxer briefs now and my balls hurt really bad and dickhead still getting chafed
Tell me why. Why do I not have a foreskin? Why do I have to have a fucked up dickhead? I almost have a hard time doing my stocking job because of all the squatting and moving around I have to do, my cock is in pain all day. Tell me why.
>trying boxer briefs now
meant to say just regular briefs
Yep. I just say circumcision because it's less of a hassle to type, even if it is a euphemism.
>If I have sex with a condom on and go to sleep without washing it afterwards, the cum and lube mix and rot together overnight. It's pretty stanky.
>i'm a lazy fuck, my son will be a lazy fuck, so he needs his dick mutilated so he doesn't have to take 15 seconds cleaning himself after doing the dirty business
How about you fuck yourself.
Name 1 reason why it's better to remain uncut? From what I can tell, it's objectively better to be cut, at least in America. Do you know how many women I have shocked when they saw my dick? Most women i have been with had never seen a foreskin before they saw mine.
The foreskin is very sensitive and is there for a reason.
In America, is it the mother or the fathers that push the male genital mutilation agenda?
I was gone a give him the choice when he turns 7 or 8, I don't want to make that choice for him. That would be like giving an infant gender reassignment surgery.
As an uncut man, I can tell you my head (especially my frenulum) is more sensitive than the foreskin
>That would be like giving an infant gender reassignment surgery.
It's not that fucking far off. Somedays I think I should just finish the job.
My dad wanted me to be cut, but my mom wanted me to stay uncut. Idk how it is for everyone else. Circumcision isn't really talked about much in the states.
if our bodies are created the way they and are perfect biologically why is there a need to modify it after birth? it makes no sense
also the argument is always how it can protect you in the future again STD's and such but most of these tests were conducted on a continent that's not really known for their hygiene.
Please let me know what changes could be suggested. I don't see anything about a video so that's the first thing. I could have as little as six weeks to prepare a presentation to give to my legislator of choice.
>Tell me why
Because Dr. Kikelstein needed your babydick for his friends at the pharmaceutical lab where they make face cream for vain, ageing women to buy with their husband's money.
But it's ok goy, it's cleaner this way and women like it!
Force them to give up their rights.
They don't deserve them.
Before reading about this on the internet I had no idea so many americans were cut
thought it was more of an jewish/muslim thing before that
It is Jewish. Guess who runs America.
Good user. My wife is jewish and I will do the same.
>Tell me why.
Originally kikes got circumcised as a sort of secret way of identifying each other inside the societies they parasitized. After waves of antisemitism in the 20th century kikes decided it would be better to blend in to their host societies. Heeb doctors cooked up some bullshit medical reasons and pushed it on goy parents. Now its cool to be jewish!
Also stop wearing undies and take the commandopill. I wear undies when its really cold.
He's a leaf. What did you expect?
quit wearing spandex panties faggot
>Also stop wearing undies and take the commandopill.
I can't even begin to imagine how bad going commando in my work pants would feel, rubbing on the zipper seam and shit. Ouch.
The following states do NOT fund Medicaid circumcision :
Arizona, California, Colorado, Florida, Idaho, Louisiana, Maine, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nevada, North Carolina, North Dakota, Oregon, South Carolina, Utah, and Washington.
Personally I don't think this is the best way to go but I want momentum and precedent and this has it. Also it was New Hampshire in 2015 that failed to pass this so again I should ask the bill's author why.
And lots of stuff could be added to the bill like having to watch the video.
Oh, you can't abstain for a month? Also, I highly doubt you even have sex with hygiene that bad. Holy fuck. Lazy degenerates nowadays.
It is a cosmetic procedure. It's no different than choosing to style your child's hair in a particular way or give them a certain style of clothes. The argument about the nerve endings is bullshit because sexual arousal is overwhelmingly mental. There is no evidence that circumcised men feel less pleasure than uncircumcised men during sex. The only men who say otherwise are neckbeards on the internet who don't have sex and probably have depleted their dopamine by jacking off so much with vaseline.
This could probably be lumped in with the law that outlaws the sale of aborted fetuses. I don't see why not.
implying that your child is a part of your body
I stopped wearing them when I was in the military. It definitely ventilates better, keeps the swamp dick down. I don't notice any discomfort, I work in a factory now and I think the extra freedom allows my benis to go with the flow and chafe less imho.
good gob user
Stop making excuses for genital mutilation.
All the more reason to revoke Medicaid. However hair grows and we can change our clothes.
and no sources were found that day
this. guilt trip the cunt
It's oxytocin not dopamine and you don't deplete any of it but you can build a tolerance and be psychologically dependent.
nice blog faggot
Why do you care so much about dicks?
Good question, user, maybe you should chop yours off.
We care about protecting defenseless babies no matter what the issue.
>pull foreskin back
>put pants back on
>try walking
>it is effectively unpleasant
The reason you don't feel a thing is because your kike dick has lost all sensitivity after years, decades, of this shit. Good job.
It's unpleasant because those never endings don't get much use.
i had the perfect reaction image to this but i can't find it. pic unrelated.
>sexual arousal
getting horny and FEELING pleasure on your dick are 2 completely different things, dumbass
>There is no evidence that circumcised men feel less pleasure than uncircumcised men during sex
completely false.
circumcised penises have dried glans which is basically a layer inhibiting the nerves
intact penises have a wet glans because it's covered most of the time by the foreskin and isn't keratinized (look it up) so there are more nerves to be stimulated
go chew on a jew dick, faggot.
A lot of alternative facts right there.
Uncircumcised men feel way more pleasure because the nerve endings aren't damaged. That's because of the natural protection. Also, you can't deplete your dopamine. The closest you can come to doing that is by doing drugs, but it still doesn't deplete it; it simply raises and lowers it unnaturally.
Are you really suggesting that chopping off part of your body that will NEVER grow back is equivalent to styling your hair or putting on different clothes??? Wow, talk about uneducated.
Is that a northern shriek? That statement might as well be true kek.