The T H I C C meme is a jew psyop created to normalize and celebrate obesity, indolence and racemixing. This is done in order to reprogram our basic sexual urges, so that what we find sexually attractive subconsciously promotes a lifestyle of passive over-consumption, waste and materialism. Who profits from your sedentary existence? Big pharma and multinational conglomerates intent on turning you into docile, drug dependent, welfare supported consumers. Furthermore, the typical T H I C C body type is far more prevalent in non-whites. Therefore, this manufactured trend surreptitiously goads the white man toward sullying his genetic lineage. I wonder who could be behind this? Don't fall for their tricks!
The T H I C C meme is a jew psyop created to normalize and celebrate obesity, indolence and racemixing...
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OP is confirmed faggot
Don't you forget that 90% of Sup Forums are nonwhite mongrels and omega cucks
Absolutely correct. We're already seeing White women get ass implants to make themselves look like vile hottentots.
this. i'll bet around 80% of thiccposting is committed by fucking spics, favela monkeys or mixed bloods
So if they look like this whilst in their (((prime))) wtf will they look like after cranking out a few muggles?
We have to let the normies know the THICC meme is actually a secret white supremacist acronym
Our food is killing us. It's no longer healthy. Processed, pesticides, genetically modified, and artificial additives are destroying our bodies. TPTB know if they sexualize thickness and convince the herd it's ok and that it's normal, they will stay in control. Not to mention the booming diabetics medication companies, Cholesterol and heart ..... kidneys
We are fucked not enough of us
stop using "thicc", and go back to using "fat"
cheaper, and solves the problem
It's a meme from Samurai Jack that you morons took from Sup Forums
No, it's just Chubby Chasers and Tumblr SJW trying to make THICC = Obesity. Not everything is a fucking Jewish conspiracy.
THICC is wide hips, large breasts, ~45 degree lower back (around the lumbar and sacral areas), and "healthy" looking. Think like ideal breeding material - stuff that gets that primal instinct to breed going.
Obese is all that but clearly gained from being overweight (think abs on a skinny guy, it's not impressive): so she isn't "healthy" and if she lost the weight she'd lose the wide hips, large breasts, and etc. Also, gaining weight to get those traits aren't always guaranteed (practically nothing sadder than a fat chick with small breasts).
Pic related; the woman under the THICC category is more Pear-Shape than better examples of THICC, but she helps get the idea going.
it's easy to buy shit food
it's not that difficult to buy decent food
avoid anything in a box
avoid anything prepared that just needs to be heated
avoid anything with added sugar, specially corn syrup
avoid anything that says "low fat"
just that takes you back 40 years
>jew psyop
yeah no its fat feminist bitches you stupid moron
it existed before that, faggot
>45 degree lower back
that's either instawhores bending their back to make their ass stick out, or a fucking deformity. stop being jewed so easily by photo trickery
i'm pretty sure having some tight meat doesn't equal obesity
OP, the reason why feminists and their SJW white male beta cucks have been promoting Ashley Graham is because A: she's a lardass and B: she's married to a nigger!!!FACT!!!
Every Sup Forumsack knows that the real redpill is tits
Nice slide however
eat more mcdonalds and have a malnurished disfunctional brain is their message
I must say I inadvertently agree with that.
>The T H I C C meme is a jew psyop created to normalize and celebrate obesity, indolence and racemixing. This is done in order to reprogram our basic sexual urges, so that what we find sexually attractive subconsciously promotes a lifestyle of passive over-consumption, waste and materialism.
>Who profits from your sedentary existence? Big pharma and multinational conglomerates intent on turning you into docile, drug dependent, welfare supported consumers. Furthermore, the typical T H I C C body type is far more prevalent in non-whites. Therefore, this manufactured trend surreptitiously goads the white man toward sullying his genetic lineage. I wonder who could be behind this? Don't fall for their tricks!
You have it wrong. Skinny chic only came en vogue when feminism took over a academia in the 60s. There is a reason women develop hips during puberty and men don't. Scientists have found that women are developing larger beasts and larger breasts allow for more intelligent offspring. It has something to do with breast tissue allowing greater head size of the fetus.
Of course, this is not the Tess Holiday obese acceptance meme.
The newfags and summerfags really need to learn this ASAP. Same thing with blacked, they're falling for it a little too easily.
Also, THICC may be the healthiest option for men to breed with. Took me awhile to find these links:
For the exact study, Google "A Preliminary Investigation into the Potential Role of Waist Hip Ratio (WHR) Preference within the Assortative Mating Hypothesis of Autistic Spectrum Disorders"
Link to the study is within the Fox News article.
yeah there's also """"""studies"""""" showing that obesity leads to longer life and that drinking gallons of coffee every day is good for you
Dumbass, you pay attention to a woman when she's normally standing not thinking about how her ass looks. You don't focus on the Instawhores who took thousands of shots, the right angles and lighting, and support to get the right picture, fucktard.
The reason behind ~45 degree lower back is basically because it makes pregnancy easier and safer for the woman.
Yeah, probably done by the social sciences pretending to be biologists. When you look into their research methods and peer review you find glaring flaws and biases.
These studies aren't like those you claim exist. The first study was done by a University's Psychology Department by researchers that have a passion for better understanding ASD for example.
>yeah no its fat feminist bitches you stupid moron
100% agree. And Chubby Chasers that are in the closet.
>not a science.
Scientologist detected.
>yeah no its fat feminist bitches you stupid moron
Lets not forget (((who))) caused the problem of feminists
T H I C C was a thing long before jews even existed.
>muh jews are behind feminism
go ahead and pull out your debunked inofgraph with all the jewish "feminists" so we can laugh at it please
Thicc has been the preferred body since the dawn on man. If anything skinny shit is a meme that came about in the 80s.
However. I recognize there is a difference between curvy and fat, and that those terms are starting to be used interchangeably
Faces dont belong on women
>he thinks females can be THICC w/o being fit
90% of Sup Forums is retarded and posts landwhales just like your pic calling them THICC.
shut up fag, have sex.
I have watched billions porn in my life.
Everytime I jack off to white blonde girl sucking white cock.
Psyops don't work
And stay there faggot.
you post this thread every day, multiples times a day. mods should ban you for life faggot.
Fag, the only Jewish trick is the one that has been having us celebrate skeletal women with no hips or curves whatsoever. The thicc meme celebrates the true female form rather than the decrepit form that Hollywood would have us all worship. Teaching the idealistic form for each gender is important for our children. Old fine art in paintings and marble sculptures were not afraid to do this. You tell me thicc is a Jewish trick, but all the evidence indicates the exact opposite.
nice try shlomo
good goy. suck down your cholesterol and diabetes medication for life. being overweight is so beautiful. and natural too.
Its just a meme brah, relax.
Those legs are fucking nasty btw.
She's groace to me for some reason. And I usually like thicker.
It's because you know normally she's disgustingly fat: you can tell by the ultra tight one-piece and the cottage cheese marks not phososhopped out.
She's not THICC, she's just a fat bitch that was primed and proper to look great.
Makes sense desu. Thick girls usually just look like they are built a little more robustly, carry a little more weight. One day we're going to have a decent, objective definition of what is legitimately fat and we'll be able to purge accordingly. Grill in OP is legitimately fat.
>he wants to fuck a twelve year old board instead of a beautifly sculpted piece of woman
I fucking hate all these normies spouting the thicc meme. I've always preferred thick women and now all these goddam normies are taking them all like candy. STICK TO YOUR SKELETON ASIAN AND WHITE GIRLS FAGGOTS
Completely agree. Conspiracy for lazy genetics and a lazy lifestyle spawned by her. Future Warriors of America come from Alpha Male and Alpha Bitch genes. Not lardaso (chow down wideload) genes.
I wish you weren't trolling OP because I actually agree with this
I don't think you've spent enough time on /fit/ to really know the difference between unironically thicc and T H I C C meming.
it is redpilled and against the (((fashion designers) thinking the ideal woman is a size 0 with no curves
>The T H I C C meme is a jew psyop created to normalize and celebrate obesity, indolence and racemixing.
Are you retarded or just a dumb nigger that fails to realize that the THICK meme started on /fit/ (of all places).
the one in the picture looks fat not THICC lmao
I suspect the pawg craze is social engineering to make women attract niggers more
The image here is thicc. There's a difference between this and being a fatty.
Perfectly said, thicc is nigger culture.
for the love of fucking god
it means a thin waist and wide hips/big thighs/ass
not being a fucking whale.
Airbrushed vs not airbrushed
That's not thicc, that's stacked you fucking potato nigger
Tits are the sexual redpill.
There is literally nothing arousing about that ape dancing shit.
>muh dick is not an argument until a situation when i think it is an argument
how does Sup Forums get away with this?
If you don't think that's hot, you are either:
Which one is it?
>If you don't think a negress shaking her gigantic ass is arousing you're gay
Or maybe I'm just a straight white man who likes normal sized white women.
Except the leaf is right you fucking faggot
also fuck your digits
I had a webm of a sandninja girl doing that in a trashbag but i cant find it :'(
>get a load of this goy
its hideous.
since you didnt answer, id guess you are just an angry virgin
Whatever you say, go smash some thicc abo bitch. Have her shake her ass in your face or whatever it is that gets you going. I'll stick with white women.
yeah no...
WOMEN are behind feminism
Men have always liked thicc girls. It's hard wirded into the brain as wide hips etc show fertility and a higher chance of surviving child birth. There's nothing wrong with thicc but there is something wrong with fat like Ashley graham. These days I prefer girls with big hips and toned thighs and stomach which is I suppose a mixture of thicc and fit.
Slimthick is the way forward lads.
Forgot pic
Literally corset and photoshop versus plain.
Those are thick thighs but they're not "thicc". Those thighs look fucking horrible.
Every voluptuous woman - Nia Jax theme song
>checks names streamlining the HAES movement
>totally not a kikespiracy
haha it's just sad fat ladies...
She is still literally medically overweight you tard, and in some pics looks like she's on the obese BMI line.
That is definitely my ideal type. Problem is every time i see a girl like this she is with a big black dude
user all you gotta do is get her preggers and she'll balloon into that. Not rocket science.
because surprise surprise that's black dude's type
except they take "thicc" to a whole new level
>disgusting obese girl?
>wait a minute "dat ass is fat"
>"sheeeit oatmeal i wanna eat dat ass"
Fortunately for me I'm a tall black guy I just need to get muscular which I'm currently working on and I'll get them soon hopefully.
If you're tall just hit gym and you will have a chance. They don't all like black guys it is probably much less than you think.
>this copypasta will always get 300 replies and will never fail to slide important topics
How big is your cawk?
From what it looks you got it made
Nice copypasta kid.
Taytay represents the ideal white aesthetic
Whilst Nicki Minaj and Kim Kardashian represent the ideal Jewish-Negro aesthetic.
this. join some non-anonymous group and check which kind of people spam the thicc shit. it is almost exclusively non-white americans
Being honest smaller than you'd think.
I'm 6'2" and it is about 7.1 inches. I'd like it to be longer but it's always got the job done and some girls have said it's the biggest they've had.
Pic related proof I'm not some fag larping
twos sides of the same coin, the anorexols are worse than the thiccs, but both of them deviate from the healthy norm.
Isn't it dick 101 for girls to tell guys it's the biggest they've ever seen though?
They actually aren't. Only like 20-40% of women consider themselves feminists. That number is lower in younger generations.
If you go alll the way back and look through it you find nothing but a nest of jews