>you guys do know that Sup Forums is completely normy now, and about as mainstream as Tumblr and Facebook, right?
>you do know that, right?
You guys do know that Sup Forums is completely normy now, and about as mainstream as Tumblr and Facebook, right?
Can't do shit about it
So be it. We can turn Normies towards our cause with each meme and/or post.
Good. Maybe we can start finding each other and naming the Jew in real life.
Where do we go now for our red pills?
Isn't this a good thing? Before coming here I was a fairly closed minded liberal but after a few months of lurking I can see the disease that is the left. Now I just gotta redpill my family...
Not the first time this has happened, Sup Forums will undergo a cultural shift like it has in the past to save itself from normalcy.
might as well delete the thread OP
isn't that the anthem of spurdostan?
also hi /bant/
then pill the normies
Good, this way we might actually stop those goddamn Jews.
A queer from Rebel media even made a video bout Sup Forums. He tslked about weaponised autism
We always take a more contrarian position to angle ourselves away from normie culture.
Now that "kek" and "frog people" have been semi-normalised, we may need to move into deep libertarian and natsoc to distance ourselves intellectually from the The_Donald faggots that are still here.
>200,000 active users
idk what that means exactly, seeing how moot always bragged about 10 million unique posts or whatever (don't @ my #s faggots)
Truly sad, Sup Forums is now filled with obnoxious atheists and scumbag potheads.
My mind is swelling with facts and information from this image alone. I don't even need to look at the rest!
I just come here to call people niggers and escalate my threat profile
And shitbirds who use inferior copies of my OC.
I know.. it's why I think I'm going to have to start the phase of my life where I don't go to Chans anymore... I only go here and to 420chans dead Star trek board but once the shitty new Trek show comes out and finally kills off Star trek for good, that place will be flooded with corporate shills and nufags and there will be nothing left
Ever since kekposting normification began and ever since Trump was elected it's been all downhill for Sup Forums
I'm going to have start spray painting memes in hidden places and replacing geocaches with redpills to make up for the loss I will soon suffer, for my time draws to a close for this place. For the last two months I've been thinking I need to take a break from Sup Forums because it's just not funny or interesting or satisfying to come here anymore.. but I still come by every day, scroll through the catalog, reply to two threads, scroll through the catalogue again and pine for the olden days before leaving. Well.. this is it.. I'm leaving for good.
It's a damn shame. I just wish we could get some justice for Seth Rich up in this bitch.. or even repeat the glory of the Shia trolling days.. but now everything is watered down and dull.. now this place is fading
It probably won't be possible. Older people are set in their ways and very unlikely to become red-pilled if they are not already. Focus on those your age and younger. Think about what most caused you to change your mind politically and present those same arguments and ideas. Don't expect to succeed quickly or immediately. You won't need to. Patience and persistence will win in the long run. Don't get caught up trying to win over 1 person at the expense of the time it would to 10 or 100. Your family is probably a waste of your time.
Yeah, you just go show your family what you were reading on Sup Forums today. See how that goes.
We're well known like tumblr and facebook.
But we are so different. The things we say and discuss here would see us unfriended and blocked by almost everyone if we said it on twitter or fb. There we have to be subtle, but here we can openly discuss the reality of the situation without being fettered by political correctness or rejection by family or coworkers.
Most of the 'normies' who come here, probably leave within a few minutes, utterly disgusted by us.
don't quit.
we need to redpill the new comers.
>phase of my life where I don't go to Chans anymore...
That's the plan
>that image
Sup Forums will always be special
Ideas flow here namelessly, less so on Sup Forums because ids
People are free to change opinions very quickly and when they do no one notices them
Sup Forums arguments always result in truth, not virtue signaling but truth
We are all selfish and we all understand this
Even a normie will come and assimilate
I don't get this meme.
Someone explain it to an old moron.
Is it something cats do or is it insomnia?
it's something cats do, they sleep in 'cat naps' i.e. on and off, rather than like we do for hours at a time.
So they're up all night running around playing.
As cats get older they calm down and don't do that stuff.
just move to a different board you shit fuck. were all goddamn faggots from Sup Forums. have you ever tried to go to Sup Forums? goddamn place hasn't changed in years.
i miss my old cat. he would bat at my face while i was sleeping. stupid little thing.
Use it to redpill the normies or drive them away. The holohoax didn't happen as they say it did.
Yes, cats are little tards.
I've never had a cat maybe it would be a good pet since Im nocturnal.
Lel le >kekistan >and >proud
any of my reddit /r/ the donald friends here?
mine wakes me up when my aquarium light comes on by running across my bed and watching the fish, meowing at them.
He never tries to catch them or eat them, he's never climbed ontop of the tank, he just likes to watch them, like he knows they're his buddies too.
cats are pretty great.
the influx of potheads upsets me
mindless dopers, they don't even care that soros is behind legalization they're such addicts
It's been normie since the pool was closed, that is how the internet works.
Sweet, the plan to make far right policies mainstream worked.
Where's my Rubles?
I was a pothead when I first came here, but this place made me want to quit, and then I did.
it's weird, Sup Forums has actually had a good effect on who I am. It's helped me overcome a lot of stuff.
Its great, everything is going according to our ultimate plan to rule the world
I remember when I was little and I'd see an article like that and feel so sorry for those people.
Now I chuckle and laugh, and I wish I could do so in that old Jewesses face to show her that her lies and effort are for nothing.
Yes, not being a degenerate is a good thing.
Man, Barron is going to have a weird time when he gets a little older and sees all the memes of him.
Same music by Fredrik Pacius (A German-Finn) used by Johan Ludvig Runeberg (Fenno-Swede) to compose the Finnish National Anthem, Maamme (Our Land) in 1848 youtube.com
As used by Johann Voldemar Jannsen to compose "Mu isamaa, mu õnn ja rõõm" ("My Fatherland, My Happiness and Joy") by Johann Voldemar Jannsen in 1869 for Estonia.
ironically I got my weed from my black neighbors, and I still have a bit from time to time, but it isn't a constant thing nor do I want to get high all the time.
It's like alcohol.
I will have 1 glass of dark red wine a day, but I seldom desire to get hammered.
what's Sup Forums?
Half of infinitychan.
especially if he discovers it all at one time
*tips fedora
dark red wine is one of the best longevity substances out there
if you want to live long, drink dark red wine, also chocolate, those are the two best longevity foods/drinks
This board had it coming. It was only a matter of time.
>after a few months of lurking
aah... the classic Sup Forums transformation. happened to all of us.
happened to me, too. I hate everyone now
It's edgy normal though
Let the red pills do their magic:
Or we could just post gore pics.
What do you suggest then fellow kekistani xDDD
Where is the next frontier for le meme warrior xDD
All I know is a former friend always gave me shit when I mentioned Sup Forums years ago, then he became a tremendous fb and 9gag memefaggot. I would tell him that all of his memes are just watered down versions of ours; hell, discarded, unwanted versions of ours! But he just kept on keeping on like that and eventually we went our separate ways.
Then the election happened. Trump won. And the media that he follows, like the loyal libtard he was, then told him that it was our fault.
I wish I could have seen the look on his face. I bet he lurks here now. Kek!
>>you guys do know that Sup Forums is completely normy now, and about as mainstream as Tumblr and Facebook, right?
Look, just because you post so many shit threads that it bumps other pages off the index, doesn't mean that we are normals....
It just means that you must return to reddit, or CTR, or whatever....
you have to go back
So I can say gas the kikes race war now and I wish all the niggers were hung by their neck until dead without repocousions and social stigma on those sites?
They all come around eventually
it's still the 1st Amendment and those sites are not