Mike Cernobitch is a faggot
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Mike Cernovitch is kike plant
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Xd fuck my white race
Fucking Cuck. I'm definitely going to see Mr. Spencer talk, and I'm going to drape the Kekistani Republican Flag down my back.
Yeah he posted it on Sup Forums, heres the link Morons will probably believe it lol
That was from a parody antifa account that is probably run by a Sup Forumsack you idiot
Except Richard Spenser is a faggot.
He's such a faggot. Have you seen his periscopes? These right wing over exentric faggots are going to bring down the right whether they are trying to or not.
wheres the rally?
and some context pls?
Also ill disrupt some shit for some $$$ im trying to build a pc
Don't be a cuck. Come join us
Richard Spencer is a jewish agent provocateur.
If not, he is certainly a blessing to the jews having the white race implode on itself.
Richard Spencer should go back being a pickup-artist and leave us alone. That'd be the best for everyone.
Fake as fuck
No it wont, hes a larping gate way drug into the right. He is artificially fulling his audience's needs for the time being. as soon has they realize hes a fraud and what hes pushing isnt enough they will move further to the right.
whats the context of the message? was he messaging antifa?
Probably. They're Protesting outside MPDC at the same time, so idk if they can really disrupt our rally near the Lincoln memorial, half way across the city.
Modern white nationalism is nothing but a plot headed by controlled opposition as a means to discredit any right-wing and populist movements. That is to say people like David Duke and Richard Spencer are government and/or lefty plants meant to attach themselves like leeches onto the right so that they can be propped up as endemic of all right-wing movements and thus discredit the right.
That isn't to say hordes of spics or Akbars should be let in en masse but white nationalists tend to be retards who make MUH WHITE PURITY the only concern for whether something on the right is acceptable or not. Little better than Cuckstian Zionist evangelicals in that regard. Not that anyone on Sup Forums cares of course. It's little more than an ironic, detached game.
Friendly reminder that being a neo nazi is purely satire. No true pede believes in this. MAGA and Shadilay brothers.
Shills are trying real hard to get some in-fighting on our side going
The left is eating itself over it. don't fall for it here.
Why don't you dress like a white adult instead? Much better optics.
I plan on wearing khakis, a collared shirt, and my Kek Republican flag. Its not completely idiotic
Not in murica. You know this shit flip flops every 8 fucking years.
Kike is gonna kike
What else is new?
Here in, one Mike Cernovich esq. explaining to his audience that if they don't send sheckles, Joomer will maybe be killed.
lmaoing at the goys who sent sheckles
This sounds exactly like something Mike Cernovich is known to do. The dude is a shady two faced faggot.
Shit just read that antifags are going to try and disrupt the rally now.on itsgoingdown.com
Well, time to have some kekles
David Duke has actually changed thing in our government and our laws to favor white people passed bills that prevent white people from being discriminated against. Learn before you make stupid fucking posts.
You are so fucking stupid that it boggles my mind.
>yes i know he has actually changed things in our society and made our government and laws less anti-white, but he's a total plant! Styx told me so!
he offered money to shut down another rally. if you don't see what's wrong with that, you're retarded, a shill, or more likely both.
Dude look at the fucking message, it's incredibly fake
If he was going to do something like this he definitely wouldn't use his real account
The only blessing to the jews is people who have your mentality of ridiculing the people standing up for white interests. You're so fucking scared of being associated with someone labeled by the jews as "racisss" that you shit on the one guy who has ruined his life to stand up for white pride.
You should go back to sucking black semen out of your girlfriend's pussy and leave us alone. That'd be the best for everyone.
confirmed fake hours and hours ago
6 gorillion mindset
This is a still thread. Character assassination on an attempt to divide and conquer. Always put sage in all fields to sage these fucking scum.
miketh a pieth of shit jew
I wouldn't doubt this, modern alt-lite are just as bad as leftists with their virtue signaling against white identity.
Regardless of how much you may dislike Spencer (not sure why though), he is shifting the overton window to include white nationalism. Once that is done our work is over, Generation Zyklon will take it from there.
Look for antifa homo Luke Kuhn. He's on probation.
.... I've met him
This was at VIP room in a Milo event. Geert Wilders was there too
well, duh
did you buy juice from that kike?
anyone who actually believes OP is as much of a faggot as he is, you're divide and conquer bullshit is weak, you won't win the writing's on the wall ala the special election sweep, see you in 2018
kekistan tells you its been altered.
Fake and gay
Kekistani posters are fucking hilarious sometimes.
If you identify as a white nationalist you should just go ahead and fucking kill yourself. There is nothing more pathetic than a bunch of mongrelized pan-europeans with some injun blood thrown in and no links to the hertiage they claim to be so proud of talk about how they want a country just for "our people". There is no "our" people and "white" is a bullshit identity. If you want to be an ethnostate get a real fucking ethnicity ya know like: gernan, italian, english etc.
not a bullshit mishmash identity like "white" that literally has no meaning other than you're a fucking mutt with no roots
shut up faggot the alt kike is a bunch of jewish marketing faggots that were selling juice in 2015. then they went to d/c in 2016. it's 2017 and they have no idea how we won, so they just have you here paid to shill with soros money. kys dead jew.
Gee, I wonder who is behind this post.
Aren't both CIA shills?
I have picture with Bill Clinton. I didnt know I was a democrat.
Wew, Thernovith dun fucked up (assuming that's real).
so is this how our movement dies? looks like the cucks got what they wanted, bred out of existance in less than 100 years. sad
Spencer and Cernovich are both faggots
This level of subversiveness and deceit is reserves for cryptojews/liberals
Oh hi JIDF.
How us the shilling going?
Give me some shekels goy.
Goddamn. I know it's bait buy fck you anyway
thank god Sup Forums keeps the real movement up to date on these people
Nice try, Micro. Cernbae isn't going anywhere. This is #fakenews
watching all of you worthless degenerates turn on one another is really delicious btw
t. deus vult larper
Alt Kike is full of jew plants. Nothing new. They worship Israel but retards pretend these cucks are somehow helpful and redpilled.
>probably the cops where even involved in it. They are getting so much money using this donating thing on the net they just made up
It's from a parody antifa account, the original image even had mike's name in a different res olution from the rest of the text.
Mike Cernocuck is literally a civic nationalist zionist racemixer.
I rather stand behind some real advocates of White identity and preservation such as Jared Taylor.