Why doesn't Sup Forums like gay people?
Why doesn't Sup Forums like gay people?
because the ones you know are gay tend to be very in your face about it. It's kind of like the reason people hate forced memes, except people have ideological reasons to dislike them too
Because they're faggots.
Don't force me to view or participate in your faggotry in any way and I don't care.
don't spread lies about me, I like cute traps
being gay is acceptable, you cant force people not to have mental disorders. I just hate the fact that faggs literally ignore the laws about public nudity and wander around the streets ( or during pride parades) semi naked. You are not above the law. Also, while I am at it, why are you proud? what makes you think that liking other members of the same sex is something to be proud of? inb4 I am proud of being brave to support it. Well , nobody fucking cares, all of anti gay action is almost always just two guys talking to each other and the one says something like " he looks like a faggot". Maybe try being a productive member to society and then you can be proud of yourself not for being gay but for being a successful human
>mfw people have spoken with me on friendly terms on this very website
>mfw some of them probably don't like gay people
>mfw i am gay
I like gay people.
Because they turn their sexuality into a lifestyle which is fucking retarded.
Even if they all weren't obnoxious douche bags I dont believe that homosexuality isn't a choice. I think its caused by a lack of testosterone or something.
This should be your reason instead.
wtf i hate the UAE now
we're programmed to dislike genetic defects
I don't hate most gay people. I just believe they are living in sin and am sincerely afraid they will suffer damnation.
There goes Arab Nationalism :P
Got nothing against homosexuality. It's the over-the-top flaming drama queens, fake-gay-lisps, effeminate, degenerate behavior I can't stand.
There's supposedly a gene that is linked with homosexuality.
While this will make people who think it's a choice butthurt, it brings joy to the rest of us knowing that in a few decades we can completely eradicate homosexuality with gene therapy
idk the alt-right seems to love it when Milo does it
and you love it
Then how do you explain rising homosexuality rates?
I am almost certain that it is linked to the feminization of men. I don't think there was ever a time when men were so weak and frail as they are today.
Interesting, considering that 100% of this board is on the autism spectrum.
I'm not a genealogist, mate. I'm merely relaying information which may be accurate or may be debunked
i dont hate gays
in real life they're quite friendly
but i dont like the icons who try to use sexuality as a pass, like niggers who say "im black dont forcing me to take an iq test to get a job is racist" or something retarded like that
but of course these are political icons most likely paid by the dnc.
There isn't really a reason to change the gene. And even if we can, the scientific community won't allow it. It would be considered eugenics.
Cause they are fucking obnoxious
Unless they want to get into a long political debate which prevents human gene manipulation, they'll either have to allow all or none. Is editing your child to be a 6'6 Adonis genocide too?
or maybe we are moving from a blue collar society to a service society and woman want "new age" men.
Btw: metrosexuals are still straight, don't push them to us, they are your people.
Because they refuse to address the rampant problems in their community and almost seem deranged deep down.
The sheer promiscuity and STD rates, not to mention very risky drug use, is something they continue to hide while it destroys their own people.
I wish *shutter*
Best friend came out as gay to me 2 years ago known him for 7 years before that, nothing has changed since I met him, he's pretty cool guy and his boyfriend is too, we play video games together all the time.
On the other hand, worked for a florist setting up parties for a week. All the decorators were gay. All they talked about was about sex. Acted bitchy, annoying, unprofessional, and complained a lot. Made things really uncomfortable.
This. I enjoy railing my old lady from behind and we do some mild bdsm with her being submissive. But I sure as shit don't walk around in public calling her my cumslut and making her wear a ball gag.
I have a feeling it will be debunked as it is only a theory. Liberalism seems to adopt theories as gospel for some reason though.
Funny you say that because I work in a blue collar industry and I have never seen a homosexual in all my time of being in it.
Seems like they all work at call centers or desk jobs or some shit.
1 Corinthians 6:9
No homosexual will enter the Kingdom of God.
Only cities destroyed by God = Sodom & Gomorrah (AKA Faggotville 1 and 2)
STDs is cuz they do anal, drugs is cuz they feel like no one loves them, and promiscuity is cuz of the raging male hormones (lesbians don't have this and are pretty monogamous).
Well Alt-Lite to be specific and it's sort of the get out of jail free "see he is clearly a fag and we don't mind him" card.
cause people on Sup Forums are bitches
i don't give a shit about gays or whatever gay aligned things they do
But it's okay to offer your daughters to a crowd of rapists -_-
The real question is what is wrong with so-called straight people
As a gay man, I am looking forward to the point when technology renders heterosexuality obsolute. No longer will mankind be subject to the backwards nature of heterosexual sex. True happiness is realizing men were built for each other
The STD portion is bullshit and you know it. Sailors got VD from whores in port all the time, and I'm talking well into the time were being caught doing some gay shit got you killed.
Low tier b8 m8
there is no reason for fags to exist.
>but straight people dont all have kids
no, but they are BUILT TO DO IT, thats no coincidence
Anal cause tears, which allows the infected semen to infect the person. Vaginal intercourse is self-lubricating so it's harder to tear.
Sex-ed people?
I hate when that antifa 'by any means necessary' bitch was rambling about milo yannapolous on Tucker and other videos
She keeps saying he says to genocide people
Thk u
Obnoxious bags of AIDS
Because they're fags
>Seems like they all work at call centers or desk jobs or some shit.
Effeminate people always take cushy, service sector type jobs. This is why yids don't join the military (among other reason like being loyal to their religious/ethnogroup, not their nation) and women don't work in factories. Hard work builds character and these pussies don't have any.
I dont even dislike gays
but it makes no sense
Your chosen photo basically sums it up and if it's still unclear to you it's because you're gay. Thanks for giving me the opportunity to enlighten you. Faggot.
The gene is passed down through women
Just another way to stick it to sexist men
It's nature's way of dealing with over population.
I don't hate gay people. I hate pride.
>Sex Ed people?
Seems you need more of it
Female gene
Women gotta make sure there are enough fags to hang around with
I think gays evolved to stop overpopulation. Gay pride parades are just cringey fag fests.