Thailand hate thread

This is at a Buddhist temple, pol. A temple mind you? What should I do?

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nuke them from orbit

Why are those men giving that small child dirty looks?

Fucking pay attention and learn about their culture.

Oh it gets worse.

Be respectful and leave them alone. Nothing wrong with buddhists.


Insult the King. :^)

>insulting the toy king
That's not very hard, nowadays.

tell them to go back to china

Hahahahah go to jail with Thais?

I don't get it.

U gonna get robbed

tell me more as i fap

Hello, Abdul Karim Iqbal. I understand a temple triggers you very much.

Northern Thailand? Those kids are there to get you to take pictures of them as local color and get you to pay them for it. They usually talk up foreigners.

Grew up there, the kids are probably third gen doing this. Their moms were doing this while I was living there.

>in Western countries you go to prison for hate speech
>(((UN))) dares to lecture Thailand on their laws against insulting the royalty

You missed out the part when they pickpocket the tourists' valuables.

This is what happens to them when they grow up.


I'm going to Pattaya for vacation next. I like Thailand.



Leave based Thailand alone

They're fighting a mudshit insurgency in the south for years.



That's a given. Locals don't go near 'em.

They seem to be having a very deep discussion

i loved thailand
you're cherry picking though 90% of the hookers there are hot as fuck and give you cummies
the males in your photos are spot on though
all old white men or betas

Oh fuck off, I've spent a combined 6 months in Thailand, mostly in Pattaya/BKK/Chiang Mai and there's no way 90% of the hookers are hot af unless you have incredibly fucking low standards.

Phuket might be different, I didn't go there, but I doubt it.

>dat brow furrow

Thailand really is an awful place.
> went there some years ago, entering by train from Malaysia
> Stopped off to see a Buddhist cave complex
> While in the caves propositioned by a boy whore who followed me around for an hour offering his services
> this was my first day in Thailand

he did have a tight ass tho

Jeffrey, only the ladyboys are hot in thailand

wtf is wrong with anglos?

looking like that who gives a shit at that point
Id shoot my wife in a heartbeat for a thai like that man or woman

It's like when people give ISIS shit for destroying historical monuments and then turn around and destroy confederate monuments

Not Thailand but related sex tourism country

>Duterte defies Obama
>bans Rothschilds
>suddenly a Muslim insurgency

Really evulses those electrical impulses

Northern Thailand good, Southern Thailand the people can all fuck off.


inbreeding will do that

Yell that the thai king is a faggot who loves nigger dicks.


nothing to hate about thailand
lots of really yummy traps there

Good thing he didn't ban the Bogdanoffs I suppose

keep your president alive please. protect that man at all costs. we need as many leaders standing up to the jew as possible, while simultaneously not being deaded by (((them)))

Because she's trying to sell them some shit they dont want.

Myanmar >>> Thailand

What exactly is the problem?

They're probably illegal bermese immigrants, on the streets hustling for petty amounts of cash, most likely working for some sort of mafia (human trafficking scam) rather than going to school.

I think too many pies got carned.

they're most likely ethnic minorities who live in impoverished areas with no employment and no government efforts to help them. thats what you get for not having a socialist economy and competent government that's willing to help their people, instead a half-assed monarchy with some crossdressing king.

an interesting thing about Myanmar (Burma)
I went there with a friend who is fat as fuck
All the women there went crazy for him. Strangers blowing him kisses and shit.

Turns out they like fat men. They think it's a sign of prosperity. Blew my fucking mind

Maybe they should move and stop relying on Big Brother to hand them shit on a silver platter.


>marry old rich guy
>give succ once or twice before he dies
>receive all moneys
>live full life cuz still young

They're probably better off than most girls desu.

ไปตายเถอะมึง ไม่มีไครที่นี่อยากจะฟังไพร่บ่น

Thai king shot in the buttocks by two boys with a bb gun on World Naked Bike Riding day. You can't make this up.

Thais are niggers.


that's not a ladyboy retard


He/she/it actually is. Watch the actual video with sound, it's much longer.

look at the throat

also these are ladyboys

Vin Diesel is whiter than i thought

They're a violent people, quick to aggression, especially when drunk.

Sorce: I went to a university that gave free tuition to local native English speaker in return for helping out with the 50% foreign students (Japansese, Chinese, Thai, Indonesian, Russian, Korean, Brazilian, Islanders)

Only ones that got into fights were the local Kiwi rugby students, the thai guys and the russians.

Wearing slippers at a temple? How disrespectful

Drunk (brit) tourist starts chatting shit. Gets banged. Mother starts chatting shit. Gets banged. Father also trying to chat shit also gets banged.

>british tourists
Well nothing of value was lost then.

But I don't want to be a fag!

How cut off from the world must they be? Surely by now they understand that food is so plentiful in Western countries that poor people are often the ones who get fat because they eat a lot of unhealthy garbage.

All non-white, non-westerners are uncivilized.

I have visited Buddhist temples. They are very ornate, and the people are very hospitable. Take your shoes off, bow in front of monks and statues of the Buddha, and enjoy learning about their culture.

>Take your shoes off
And then they take them and you have to walk around barefoot until you find a shoe store or get back to your hotel? Sounds like a blast.

Tell them the Vietnamese have better traps.

>full of trannies
>semi poo country

Find kickboxing gym. Become the deadliest. Show appreciation and leave country peacfully. Return to states and beat some left cucks

Those are women.
Thailand is a good place to party, but no one on Sup Forums even leaves their house so you'll only see hate here.

i was wondering how much money would i need to go to bangcok for a few days and then to a beach island for a few more days

how much money for everything such as flights, hotel, travel costs, food, living expenses and extras ?

Muay Thai < Dutch kickboxing

getting pretty confused now aren't you user?

clearly you've been to pattaya

get your eyes checked, muhammed - who told you those were ladyboys?

That old roastie getting rocked TWICE.

Pattaya is the epitome of degeneracy. We should purge rhai and white people who have been there and who are there

>thailand hate thread

more like White hate thread

You white people should stay in your home.
then problem will be solved.

Thailand need "white pig go home"protesters.

You guys call yourselves red pilled but have never fucked in Thailand. Kill yourselves

makes the whole lady boy thing make sense when you think about it, imagine letting some old guy bang you from behind every night for about 3 years, then retiring on a beach in thailand for 30 years off his savings

you got to have the mind game down too though, gotta get inside some burnt out ceos head and convince him you are in love with him

Praise Buddah.

>chatting shit

that's a bit general, but then again the justification for mob violence in some countries is always general

>why did you literally destroy the lives of the these six people?
>well they were chatting shit

depending on how someone receives this answer, you can usually get a pretty good estimate of the caliber of their upbringing and their parents

I got to say, i love asia, but crazy shit goes down there. Good luck ever telling the folks back home you didn't deserve the ass beating you got if you ever happen to get one, meanwhile the locals will probably be more sympathetic and understand you just have to take that risk if you want to enjoy the beach.

Fucking lold

The Chingrish signs are cute. At least the old woman has the balls to show her face.


lol u mad nippon?

I spent the last summer in thailand/cambodia/vietnam
At least I talked with the prostitutes during the night in a club. What a bunch of losers.


I don't even mad.
I just find disgusting at sexpats.

White sexpat need thai kick.

Stop thinking all midgets are children perhaps?

lel that fucking manlet rage

give their parents enough money and you can fuck am.