Is space colonization possible?
Is space colonization possible?
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Yes, but we have to clean up our own damn planet first
yes but we need to unite the world under one government
Yes but no blacks
only whites and asians can come
it will fail otherwise
Yes and it is necessary because this rock is doomed.
No, it's too costly, we have to feed & house all of our niggers.
Kind-of yes.
We can probably build something like a bigger ISS or a moon or mars base at even more tremendous expense, and it'll be fairly or fully permanent at some point.
Reaching further out into the solar system seems unlikely at this point, never mind distant stars.
I personally believe these will not even happen with biological humans any time soon.
We'll probably send have to send artificial intelligences. Human thinking models in computers. Or some such.
Yes. Sieg Zeon
its fucking not, literal pipedream.
Humanity will be stuck on Earth until our sun boils us to death.
Yes, but what you should be asking is will it ever be done?
Do you even know what the pyramids were built for?
...of only/mostly white people with an IQ average above 100
ya but no girls
Not unless you can find a planet that's exactly like earth. Or else the colonials will have major health problems.
>We'll probably send have to send artificial intelligences. Human thinking models in computers. Or some such.
>not sending "brain in a jar" cyborgs instead
For you? No.
For real countries? Yes.
technology is improving fast
computer scientists are starting to predict artificial intelligence by 2030s
and androids by 2050s
we'll go interstellar by 2200s or before.
(unless we kill ourselves off)
Unless you talking about niggers and sandniggers the planet is fine
Colonization is impossible. What does this have to do with politics?
Thass racist mane shiiet
Why not higher? Just only allow people with genius-tier intelligence.
Yea but, as of right now there are better places to live in the middle of an Arizona desert than anywhere on Mars and I just dont understand why we need to colonize fucking Mars
pic related
It's the most realistic chance to make the trip across these huge distances.
Only with computers we might be able send low-weight but redundant systems that will work perfectly upon arrival. Human life can't make it at this point, and we would be troubled with massive weight/size/time problems in sending a spaceship colony even if we integrated crazy amount of error recovery codes into our biology (which we don't entirely know how to do at this point).
Not without insane growth in tech and our understanding of space. Currently there is no dependable way to even breed in space. In addition we would need gravity so that the fetus could grow to survive conditions outside of low grav and we would need sophisticated ways of releasing heat from ships and stopping radiation from penetrating ships also need ways to stop micro meteors/ space junk from popping the living areas etc and a cheaper method to transport materials into space so right now unfortunately it is a fairy tale with no possibility as even if we decided it wont cost money to send things into space the things in space would just die anyway couldn't even breed rats to eat in space that's how dire the situation is currently. Lots of documentaries about the subject probably do better to find those and have someone that knows the problems tell you the information.
It would have been possible if Hitler had won.
No, not until we get to the bottom of the Russian hacking and the investigation of the Trump campaign colluding with the Kremlin.
only after transhumanism is achieved
>get to the bottom
In space, there is no up and down, no top, nor bottom.
you lack imagination and initiative. The future belongs to those that seize it.
>Operation British one of the colonies
>drop it in the middle of sub-Saharan Africa (or India/China)
>Nigger problem or "overpopulation" problem solved.
gets hit by an asteroid
>will it ever happen
Only when Jews are exterminated can we begin to get on the course of exploring the stars.
Not with all these goddamn niggers lying about.
technically yes. but not in reality. Space is racist.
No. STOP trying to colonize space
Stay on earth where you belong
there's fucking NOTHING interesting about space
that's why it's called "space" because it's nothing but empty faggotry
don't you go waste humanity's money looking out there either
You're wrong, Ivan. Just watch us prove it.
>Captcha: select all road signs
>Intersection of Goddard St. and something French
>builds another
It's not going to happen. Muslims, niggers and women will ruin it for us.
No, space colonization would requires technological advancement , and technological advancement requires smart people.
When the niggers out bread the whites and race mix to make even more niggers, you don't have smart people.
the nigglers will require welfare, so all monetary value will be focused on them over technological advancement, because niggers breed like rats and to sterile them is "racist"
you cant genocide them all either because that is "evil", plus it wont even matter in 300 years there will be no more white people, so if in the far far future neo-niggers some how land on another rock, it wont be the humane race colonizing
Another fun thing, a map showing distances in JUST our solar system:
And this map ends at Pluto. Not at the far further away heliosphere (a common way to define the dimensions of a solar system):
Hey guys I just needed to tell somebody this.
There are a lot of flies in my room and I've started killing them and laying their bodies out to see (pic related), by smashing them with my calculator.
Will this sight deter flies from entering my room?
Space stations would be sweeter for habitation than planets, but planets would still be fun to explore
But sending even just AI (maybe human AI) is already WAY out there in imaginationland.
> Inb4 bring more imagination
Lel okay why don't we form a "ladder" of new Earth-like planets going anywhere we want using a more controlled form of whatever caused the big bang? This is easy... right?!
No, just get one of those things that you stick in a socket that keeps flies away.
But space is super exciting, burger! We have to go!
I think that's a concept for a ship with an Alcubierre Warp Drive.
except if we stay on this rock forever we're going to die.
might as give it an attempt
Space colonization is inevitable after trans-humanism goes into effect and death becomes obsolete.
Before you freak out about population growth watch this video
No. Even a living on the top of Himalayas, in the middle of antarctica or Sahara is not viable.
There places have ready access to water, air, and soil. They have radiation protection and are relatively easy to reach. Natural world produces humans much more than the entire economy, and we survive because of it.
Space is stupid and boring.
>But sending even just AI (maybe human AI) is already WAY out there in imaginationland.
Its as if you're suggesting we don't already have probes that have left the solar system
Why don't you leave the science to actual scientists, mountain jew
stop worrying about space
just to go to work (including overtime) and make sure to pay your taxes
Only if we stop spending all our resources trying to achieve the delusional idea of equality
>Space is stupid and boring.
>and make sure to pay your taxes
actually its this
>meanwhile, this is the most advanced ship we have right now
>only 3 people fit in, and barely
>can't even leave orbit
>gets destroyed when it reenters orbit
>Space is stupid and boring.
>t. "refuge"
From an engineering stance, yes. Economically, maybe. It will have to be something like homesteading, where the economic drive is a result of individuals seeking their own place on another world and willing to pay for it. There's no economic case for a government to bother with it.
The economic case is the exploitation of the resources of extraterrestrial resources...
but its a very long term thing, and our economy is hard wired to be short term
Possible? Yes
Reasonable? No
Humans are fragile weak ass pieces of shit not meant to live in space.
Also its easier and cheaper to send robots.
Zero reason to send humans anymore
Actually, what takes even more is the military industry, which I don't think needs that much money when the biggest enemy right now are sandniggers armed with rusty AK47s.
USA should start giving much more money to SpaceX and NASA.
Fuck you UN jutku.
one world government is the single thing that will PREVENT the conquest of the stars
It will push all resources into boondoggles like global warmism and centralized health care
I forgot I had that on when I was shitposting in the CTR thread
I would hope so, how stupid could the other flies be?
>seeking their own place on another world
Protip: There are no livable worlds except Earth in human reach.
Disgusting webmd
yeah but you won't be alive for it, nor will your kids' kids.
Yes. Zubrin's Mars Direct plan is the way to do it, too.
$55 billion. It's not that much
Mix ammonia and bleach together and liberally spray all the walls and ceiling. Keep the door closed so the flies can't escape. Make sure you stay in the room to monitor the progress.
No, but there's resources.
There's one asteroid called Psyche 16 that every few years comes in near orbit towards Earth that has about $10 quintillion worth of platinum, for example.
>There are no livable worlds except Earth in human reach.
>So we should just give the fuck up and abandon even the notion of terraforming and colonizing them
I bet you think Europe should belong to the refuges too
And that long-term consideration is something for stupid people
>Its as if you're suggesting we don't already have probes that have left the solar system
Lel, Voyager 2 might leave the solar system in 2019/2020 and it is expected to be almost unable to power anything much by 2025.
Just a chill 40k years later and it'll finally get within ~2 light years of one star. And in about 300k years it's going to be a few light years from Sirius.
So really, feels like we're very fucking close.
Alright I'll try that hut where do I buy ammonia?
It's not even economically feasible to extract resources that way. You'd spend more than you would get back in almost any realistic scenario. Depends on what you mean by "livable". You could live on mars just fine, but it would be a difficult environment to maintain. Totally man made and artificial, but it could be done for a significant number of people.
It took them 40 years to reach that, and Voyager probes are the second and third fastest human-made objects ever.
Its still farther then just sitting here on Terra
Besides, with the latest engines we could get a probe to the nearest star system within a human lifetime.
It'd take the whole of said human's lifetime, but still
>It's not even economically feasible to extract resources that way.
And its only that way because we have yet to develop the technology to make it economically viable
Again, its long-term planning here. Having ag stations, asteroid capture and mining stations, etc in orbit are all things we can do now, and that would pay off only a few decades down the road
But the key point here is that it would take decades to pay off. And again, our economy is not set up for something like that.
Any decent store that sells cleaning supplies. Actually, just in case you're not being ironical, don't do it. It's a dangerous mixture.
Good, less resources on militaries
I agree
What do you mean? I thought it would work to hurt the flies since bleach burns and may be don't like the stink of ammonia? I think I'll be ok if I test it out.
the simplest, more workable answer is to just nuke the fuck out of space
Only possible if Asians are allowed in. White people and niggers will ruin everything in their path. I'm white but that's the truth.
> Its still farther then just sitting here on Terra
Yea, and it'll probably get very far eventually?
But it's a dead rock really soon now.
> with the latest engines we could get a probe to the nearest star system within a human lifetime
Which latest engines? Non-theoretical production models only, please.
no. And at the rate we are going there is no way a brown world will even be able to make enough food.
Sort of a chicken and egg problem there. We don't have the technology to capture a massive body and put it in earth orbit because it isn't economically feasible to develop the technology to do that anyway. regardless, it would take a huge fuck off size rocket to redirect it, which would take a bigger fuck off size rocket to put your fuck off payload into earth orbit to begin with. A that point you have such a powerful goddamn machine that you may as well just build a colony ship and call it a day.
It forms a chlorine gas. It's an unpleasant way to dead.
Why would you want me to make that? What if I did It?
Earth is in space, so yes.
The nuclear pulse engine is not just a theoretical model, experimentation was done with it, even if it was stopped and is currently considered a violation of international law