There is nothing quite as heartbreakingly, dangerously stupid as the anti-vaxxing movement
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Anti-vaxxers are stupid.
While I do understand the point with things like flu vaccines(every year there's different one), the vaccines given to infants etc. do help. Ukraine dropped polio vaccine and they've had an outbreak of polio recently.
>duh they're making mad money on teh vaxxers
If they wanted to make money those vaccines wouldn't be "once in a lifetime" kind of vaccines, but just like flu - yearly money-grabbers.
Can't forget this video, short and to the point
Anti-vaxxers are mostly leftists
If you understood any biomedicine then you'd understand that vaccines sometimes don't work out. Especially in kids.
>Narcolepsy Following Pandemrix Influenza Vaccination in Europe
This doesn't directly imply anything, but it does show that a simple flu vaccine can cause your own immune system to produce antibodies for your own endogenous proteins.
>The role of immune dysfunction in the pathophysiology of autism
This doesn't imply anything directly either, but it does show that the immune system plays a gigantic role in autism. It also implies it could cause or have a role in other disorders.
Here's the kicker:
>Researchers Studying Century-Old Drug in Potential New Approach to Autism
This article is about cellular hardening theory and it's role in autism. Specifically in regards to a strange antiparasitic treating ASD. The drug causes cells to start communicating as if they weren't being attacked.
Now get this. Vaccines cause a drastic immune response that not only reprograms the immune system on the antibody level, but also on the epigenetic level.
Adjuvants like aluminium and such drastically increase this immune response. Basically, when you combine an adjuvant with a vaccine it enhances the reprogramming of the immune system by causes it to go into overdrive.
Basically, my point is that vaccines aren't as safe as you think they are. They can seriously fuck you up. People are right to be concerned about vaccines. Soon people will find out about all this shit because of machine learning.
Vaccines weaken humanity by not letting people naturally develop resistances to the disease and overcome them on their own.
Nice shills, but you forget, the same people controlling vaccination fluids also control the chemtrails, HAARP, etc... You are already dying from Fukushima, why worry about some prehistoric diseases that have been 99.999% eliminated through means of cleanliness already?
there is no autism pandemic, it's a myth created by over diagnosis.
>Indeed, the 1980 version of the American Psychiatric Association's diagnostic manual (DSM-III) required individuals to meet six of six criteria for an autism diagnosis. In contrast, the 1994 version (DSM-IV), which is currently in use, requires individuals to meet any eight of 16 criteria. Moreover, whereas DSM-III contained only two diagnoses relevant to autism, DSM-IV contains five such diagnoses, including Asperger's syndrome, which most researchers regard as a high-functioning variant of autism.
>Legal changes may also be playing a significant role. As Gernsbacher and her colleagues have noted, an amended version of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), passed by Congress in 1991, requires school districts to provide precise counts of children with disabilities. IDEA has resulted in sharp surges in the reported numbers of children with autism. Nevertheless, these numbers are not based on careful diagnoses of autism or on representative samples of the population. As a consequence, researchers who rely on administrative-based estimates, which come from government data submitted by schools, will arrive at misleading conclusions about autism's prevalence.
Psychology is barely science to begin with so assuming vaccines are the problem when we have a soft "science" like psychology fucking up statistics is retarded.
What would make liberals heads detonate in confusion.
Vaccines in crops.
>he doesnt get angry enough that the pathogens are forcefully ripped from his body
People don't understand the autism meme is a misandrist meme pushed by feminists.
Do you really know what's in vaccines? According to the CDC, all the following neurotoxic metals and chemicals are intentionally added to vaccines: Mercury, MSG (monosodium glutamate), Formaldehyde and Aluminum.
These toxic elements should never be INJECTED into any human being! Their toxicity explains the deadly side effects of vaccines, including:
* Comas
* Seizures
* High fevers
* Spontaneous abortions
* Death
So why doesn't the vaccine industry make "clean" vaccines without these additives? The answer is because the whole point of vaccines is not to medically help people, but rather to intentionally POISON them.
Try again Pol.
if you understood biomedicine you would see that although vaccines can induce an immune response that can have serious negative side effects in a verrrrrrrrrrryyy small portion of the population, vaccination is still vital to the overall health of the population. Also extrapolating effects of vaccines to something as ill-defined as autism is scientific heresy and I hope you and all your family are burned alive
>going to the ER for exposure to a chicken pox brat
Take a shill pill?
>inject your kids with poison so my daughter (who probably would have died of natural selection without the involvement of doctors) can go on living as a delicate little snowflake
>being this fucking stupid
Sincerely kys OP and idiots who think poison injections are somehow beneficial for children, especially when the only thing to be gained is 'not hurting the genetically inferior children'
fuck right off, from planet earth
wtf, I had chickenpox as a kid and was just fine with medicinal baths. Is this child not fit to reproduce? That sounds cold, I'm trying to approach from a darwinistic perspective.
you mean the tiny amounts they add to the vaccine to give it a longer shelf life? the tiny amount that the body easily gets rid of?
>Many countries have been caught giving vaccines with less side effects to high ranking politicians while giving riskier vaccines to the general public. Some vaccines even have intentionally added mercury, fluoride and formaldehyde.
How many anti vaxx people do you actually know?
>this post
God your a fucking idiot and your info is out of date.
How does someone make it through life being this dumb?
Also not understanding adjuvants. Good lord your an utter failure!
>Cellular hardening theory
Vaccinations are absolutely necessary, but not all at once.
GPs just use calculations for a single shot, not the 4 or 5 they give in one sitting. That many shots, considering some of them several tens of cm^3 in size, displace a significant amount of plasma.
The result is that the brain is slightly starved of oxygen for several hours, and the kidneys end up doing double-time getting all the lingering stabilizers out of the bloodstream.
Just spread the shots out over a few weeks and they'll be fine.
Let's not forget this version:
>conspiratards expect me to believe their anecdote about their little sally getting epilepsy
>b-b-but you can't listen to scientists!! they're all in on it! big pharma!
if you want to be like that you can live off the fucking grid with your diseased sprog then
and when they die i can say survival of the fittest, the immune system wasn't strong too bad so sad try again with another child.
cool science without any source to back it up
meanwhile in hospitals around the world people are dying of cerebral hypoxia from receiving intravenous fluids lmao
Multi-national, pharmaceutical corporations would never lie to us, right?
I mean, it's not like they're paying doctors, scientists, and politicians, right?
We can totes trust 'em, I tell ya. They only have your best interests in mind.
Mid quality bait, made me reply
i totally believe there are adverse reactions
i also think that it's mostly safe
i'd rather have herd immunity if it means 1 out of even just 100 people get a shit reaction from it. even if it's my own fucking offspring, shit happens, greater good.
>tfw unironically believe this but not sure if b8
Understandable. But, here's where I diverge: I know they're lying. I just don't know about what. Since I can't determine that, I don't trust any of it.
Herd immunity is bullshit, coincidentally. Vaccine's, barring the polio vax, aren't nearly as effective as you may believe. Besides, most of the shit they want to vax you against isn't very lethal. I had chicken pox and mumps as a kid. Annoying and sucky, but that's it.
Debate these sources bud:
Jim Carrey is an anti-vaxxer. Share that shit on plebbit, and those neckbeards will lose their minds
This. Her kid should be dead. Tfw the chicken pox is a threat, lol
yeah so awesome that you got chicken pox and mumps. of course you didn't have a suppressed immune system, which is what we're trying to protect, since they cannot get vaccines
your dumpy little story means fucking jack shit to me.
a hasbeen magician and his gay lover spinning data are not a source
>my body my choice
>lol anti-vaxxing morons
The point is they should be able to choose whats best for their kids. If you think they're being irresponsible welcome to parenting in the 21st century. Not vaccinating is better than sending them to modern cults called universities.
Watch it further.....not the same video...
i just think conspiratards should have the balls to follow through with their distrust and fuck off out of society completely so they don't put everyone else at risk.
Still waiting:
I agree that it's mostly safe and that herd immunity will continue to save lives. The best argument against vaccination I've heard is; if I have a child, a vaccine might eliminate a 1/10 million chance that he catches that disease due to him being in a herd immune environment. If the vaccine has a greater than 1/10 million chance of doing harm to my child, he would be better off without the vaccine
This is why people fight to force vaccines on everyone so much (along with shekels of course, especially with vaccines for rarer diseases)
>yes goyim inject our poison think of the kids
>I too came from reddit
Living healthily does more than any (((vaccine))) ever can.
I'm not doing your homework for you, Chico. If you want to pump yourself, and your children full of that shit, be my guest.
My dumpy little story means I possess an ironclad immune system since I was a wee lad. And, you don't. Won't. Never will. No one else's suppressed immune system is my problem.
So, take another poke in the ass, crack up a global warming book, cook up some GMO food, and go look for those WMD's all the world's governments told us were in Iraq.
You're a fucking sheep.
This post: truth spoken.
How much money do you think they make on once-a-lifetime shots that can be manufactured by virtually all pharmaceutical companies, large or small? There's nothing wrong with having a healthy scepticism of big pharma on many things, but claiming a massive conspiracy between the entire scientific community and big pharma requires a compelling motive.
Yeah! There is nothing about say polio or TB that a sufficiently strong will or very good memes cannot overcome.
Oh, wait - that's wrong; sorry, my bad.
You do know that vaccines work by teaching your body to fight that disease? But go on drinking Alex Jones' Kool aid.
>People want the same government that poisoned alcohol during prohibition, performed sterilization on poor people, conducted the tuskegee syphilis experiments, and conducted MK Ultra tests on unwitting citizens to tell them what vaccines to take
yet they want immigrants without vacs by the boatloads.
There are a couple distinct populations of so called "Anti-Vaxxers"
1. Hippie Leftists. Vegan kinda people
2. Dumb Rednecks. Probably a lot of overlap with Religion on this one
3. Silicon Valley nouveau riche
#3 is probably the most interesting, but the least talked about. And it also kind of flies in the face of the idea that anti-vaxxers are "anti-science" dummies.
So y'all are just ok with having the government stick you with anything they want? LMAO @ your life if you trust the (((FDA)))
Fucking bootlickers off my sub please
I just don't get it, like when I see liberals cheering for the CIA.
Exactly, if you can't survive without treatment you don't deserve to live. Now stand still while i infect you with the bubonic plague.
>you didn't have a suppressed immune system, which is what we're trying to protect, since they cannot get vaccines
then they should isolate them. its not my fucking problem they are defective.
enough to make J-Zucc jealous.
Her child is subhuman and it is better if she dies from chicken pox. Vaccines are dysgenic because they allow subhuman genetic defects to live when they should have died from disease as god intended. Over time this genetic garbage accumulates in the race and we see a rise in nu-males, melungeons, and cretins.
You know what happened after the bubonic plague wiped out all the worst genes of Europe? The Renaissance and Europe dominating the globe for hundreds of years. We need another plague to kill off liberals and faggots and make Europeans great again.
hi CIA
how do you explain the simultaneous rise in the number of autism cases and the number of vaccines
do vaccine producers have a vested interest in getting their products approved, or even made mandatory?
if the vaccines work, why are they needed, why aren't the diseases eradicated?
>>So why doesn't the vaccine industry make "clean" vaccines without these additives? The answer is because the whole point of vaccines is not to medically help people, but rather to intentionally POISON them.
sounds legit
>requires a compelling motive
more compelling than money?
or White geNocide?
This is some next level shit right here.
I really hope it's intentionally retarded.
This is my only real problem with it. Indians got wiped out hundreds of years ago because they had no natural resistance to diseases. If vaccines were to fail, we'd be done. However, we'll probably attain the ability to artificially modify our genetics and be completely immune before that happens.
Ever notice how liberals are allergic to everything and always get sick? This is because they have defective subhuman genes, the same reason they are liberal. They should have died in infancy, but vaccines allowed them to live. Now we all have to suffer because of the parents' selfish decision to allow their subhuman offspring to live and grow into liberals.
While some vaccines (such as measles, c-pox...) are definately important, those flu vaccines (among some others) are nothing but a money grab.
Pharmacies literally harassing you for the sell EVERY time you walk in should be the first red flag. Only thing more protibale than data mining. People around me (family, work) get 'em & these people are always sick!
Increase the common-sense foods while they stick with the soda & crap; walk outside more in the winter instead of huddling in the heat, & haven't had it in like 20 years, while those around me go full-flown flu and repeated colds.
Flu shots are a crutch for people who won't touch an orange, or fish oil, or anything to boost their immune systems. So many people are also getting immune to antibiotics because docs prescribe them like candy, too.
you're a fucking idiot
The Renaissance was led by a bunch of liberal faggots though
You will get more aluminum in your body through your deodorant than you ever will through vaccines.
I used to believe we should end all medical research to allow humans the ability to naturally evolve immunities these things, thus strengthening the species, or die off. Besides, White society will end within a century (look at reproduction rates coupled with the flood of coloreds into White nations) so who fucking cares about anything?
Not liberal by today's standards.
They didn't take other people's money and give it to niggers so they could make more niggers and they didn't want gays to have sex in front of children.
>Trusting the (((government)))
>Get something injected into your body that you do not know for sure what it consists of and that you cannot control
>Potentially some hidden substances that are extremely harmful to you (it is no secret that the government wants to lower the number of Whites or to weaken them - other measures include mass flooding White countries with Africans, promoting feminism, career women, childfree, homosexuality, making it difficult to support a family with one income, while demonising mothers who want to stay at home and raise a family)
You really must be a gullible retard if you take vaccines.
Herd immunity does not exist in many cases because many vaccines would need to be refreshed after some years to remain active, but most adults never do.
I think anti-vaxxers for sure have retarded reasoning, but I think they have a right to their beliefs either way.
It's their right to decide if they want shit injected into their kids, regardless of how dumb it is. Christian Scientists have that right too, even though it's retarded as well.
They have a right to make decisions for their own children, something that the government shouldn't infringe.
Anti-vaxxers should be convinced they're beign fucking ridiculous with words, not a Government mandate.
Furthermore, in the only situations where vaccinations DO have an obvious justification (Schools), they already are fucking required. So the problem is already essentially solved with a good middle-ground; your child isn't in danger at school, and if anti-vaxxers don't want the vaccines, they can homeschool their kids until their kids can decide for themselves if they want to get the shots.
Look guys if you want to go along with vaccines just order the Kosher vaccines from Isreal and give your kids the same stuff the chosen ones get, It has no mercury based preservatives or ground up fetus. If your concerned about vaccines just because of all the disgusting shit in them get the kosher vaccines made in Isreal for Jews.
>Quick, quick get your vaccines or we will all di-
>mortality rate
come on man
Not using Zinc Oxide like the Russia submariners.
Well the whole pro vaccine propaganda is about that we would all die without it.
Aren't you supposed to make sure your kid gets chicken pox early or it will die if it gets it later in life?
Sending your kids to (((public school))) is a no-no anyway. I don't care what anyone has to say about socialization, since when in history has thousands of kids of the same age been shipped to a central location to be indoctrinated for 8 hours ever taken precedence? It's not natural and is harmful for your kids.
It's just the state replacing more functions of the family, the community, and religion. Until all that is left is the state.
Fringe beliefs are always "crazy" until they aren't. It takes very little to flip public opinion on things like vaccination.
I remember the swine flu pandemic. Everyone in my school was offered a free vaccine. About 10% of us actually took it; everyone else was terrified that it would make them start walking backwards. People will say they support vaccination, but they're really just following the herd.
I was born in 1958 in England and had the polio vaccine (on a sugar cube) but there was no MMR vaccine and I contracted chickenpox and measles, but not mumps. Both were unpleasant (chickenpox is like a less lethal version of smallpox) and the measles affected my teeth development. A friend had it at the same time and he suffered permanent eye damage. One of my mother's sisters died in the 1917 influenza epidemic. Ian Drury limped because he did catch polio.
Vaccines would have to have a very high and unmistakable rate of causing autism to make them a bad idea. Our childhoods have been the easiest in history because of vaccines.
your own chart shows that 4 years after the measles vaccine death was practically unknown
or are you trying to make the point that it didnt drop off that immediate year? most vaccines don't even pretend to have an immediate effect.
>bitching about anti-vaxxers
>doesn't care about fags injecting literal poison among their anuses, creating superaids