Fun fact: Over 70% of millennials have tattoos. You don't want to be left out, do you Sup Forums?
Fun fact: Over 70% of millennials have tattoos. You don't want to be left out, do you Sup Forums?
i let people do whatever they want to with their bodies.
I'm in the 30% and will remain in the 30% until the day I die because I don't make terrible decisions
Nice digits.
l'm a pozcuck. You want to know what that is? Listen closely.
The normal cuckold wants just one gift from his black bull: a black child. But the pozzed cuckold wants more. He wants three gifts. We are greedy little bitches. But first, here's how it goes.
Normally I drive in my Mercedes to a street gym where ripped blacks train their muscles, their skin shining with sweat and the air filled with their scent. I am already a bit hard just from thinking about it. Sometimes I cum a bit in my pants. I get out of the car and ask who of them has AIDS. Then they know what happens.
The black man with AIDS gets into my car and we drive to somewhere isolated. Then I take a small knife and stick it inside the hole of my penis and twist it a litte. In the cuckold community we call this the HIV Twister. Sure it hurts and causes me to bleed. But it is worth it.
Then the black man docks me until we both cum and I contract his AIDS. I already have 4 types of AIDS from this. That is the first gift. Then we drive on to my house and he fucks my wife, who has also contracted many types of AIDS. That is the second gift. And then 9 months later the third and best gift arrives: a black child who also has AIDS.
ppl are cutting their dicks off flipping them inside out shoving them up their pelvis then complaining about being discriminated against for being women.
Tattoos are the problem though.
70%? That's insane
If you have tattoos, you aren't white
They'll be the ugliest old-age people in history.
This, I'm not vain enough for tattoos
Life is Strange is trash.
Good pasta
I can see this scaring normies out of being gay for virtue signaling
>have tattoo
>was smart enough to get it in a place covered by T-shirt
Best of both worlds.
I've noticed that a lot of people in the world are degenerate. I make the choice not to be like those people just because there are a lot of them.
Break herd mentality.
I'm extremely vein and that's why I don't have any.
After watching Eastern Promises I never want a tattoo unless I'm a super badass or something
Yes, I do actually. Tattoos are degenerate.
I got mine before it was cool.
> this
If you really want to commemorate an event, belief, person, or idea on your body, do it where other can't normally view it.
t. tatcuck
Previously, I wanted a tattoo, but then I spent a few years in Britain and had a chance to see how bad most of them look irl. Also read reports that tattoos are prone to inflammation, eczema and so on. Not in favour of tattoos any more.
Im thinking of getting a paw print on my buttcheek.
Yar, as do I fellow pirate.
I'm getting based Frodo tattooed on my arm
>be me at age 19
>have friend who orders a tattoo gun and supplies
>day gun comes in friend tattoos his leg and does good job
>fast forward several hours and many tequila shots
>decide it sounds like a great time for friend to give his second tattoo ever
>end up with a outline of a dragon with downs on arm
>go to actual artist several months later to get cover up
> be too lazy to get cover up finished
> regret
I got one a year ago. Wish I wouldn't have gotten it.
Yarr, now I'm part of herd mentality again. Dang it's hard to break.
Best place to get it is on the head
>shave head
>get hitman style barcode
>hair grows back in a month, wear a hat in the meantime
If anything it will allow police to identify me when my dead body eventually washes ashore
I think i'll get at least one tattoo, but that's it.
The figure is 40%
This is still disgustingly high.
>In the cuckold community we call this the HIV Twister.
Looks like I'm too edgy to get a tattoo like all of those normies.
What's really weird is that in my family my mom and dad both have tattoos, and they're freaking scientists, but my sister, brother, and I do not. We're all in our twenties.
Time for archive
Get it on your torso/upper arm/ legs. Any place where if someone where to see it they probably won't care because you're half naked anyways.
30% of millennials are homosexuals, about 50% are communists, 12.8% are unemployed, horrible generation, I keep hoping we have a pandemic or war or something and all the degenerates will die.
based norwaybot
What exactly are the years that define the millennial generation cuz I was born in 88 and I dont identify as a millennial.
You're back!
Jesus Christ, it there anywhere the Norweigan archiver is not?
tells us more, OP
tattoos are for people who don't have a sense of identity so they try to add unique markings to their skin in an attempt to add personality. this would be fine but unfortunately these markings are permanent. it just leaves a bunch of people with regrets.
Whoa you have a video game tattoo? That takes great strength of mind
>Over 70% of millennials have tattoos
Citation needed.
Ive gotten tattoos.. dont really see the big deal with it if its not leftist-tier tats
>put permanent paint to make yourself easily identifiable
ya, know wounder why anti-((fa)gs) are having a hard time hiding themselves when committing crimes.
You were born before 1990, so you're fine. All people born after 1990 are retards.
You made the decision to come to Sup Forums.
Tattoo ink is unregulated in America. Much of it is no different than printer ink and will give you heavy metal poisoning.
Tattoos are for white trash
>B....but wha if it means something special.
fuck off.
Only people who should have tattoos, are obscure tribal peoples, or to avoid getting buttfucked in prison, period.
Want something special to represent your dead grandmother? grow a fucking tree, or have a portrait of her.
Want something to remind you of your struggles? write a book, or just be fucking humble about it, you fucking fag.
In principle this should only matter to career criminals.
based Norwegian man
I have a cousin with a rooster tattoo on her shoulder. Lots of cock jokes...
No. I have no use for tattoos.
I'm willing to be none of the tattoo fags ITT can provide a solid reason for getting a tattoo other than "DUDE THEY LOOK COOL AND I'M 12 LOL XD"
if that tattoo is not a Nordic Rune, then go drown yourself in one of your shitty rivers.
nice Pozzhahnrei pasta
That's a lie.
Reason? Give a reason they should be baned. You can do what you want with your skin if you think it looks nice
Doesn't hurt anybody and it's a personal choice. Bet you can't give a valid reason for you think Sup Forums is a positive use of your time.
Its not really, keep up the edge pham
I knew I was in the minority in this regard. Fuck tattoos unless you've earned em
Out of a group of about 20 people that I know, myself and one other are smoothskins, and the only reason he doesn't have one is $ LOL
No one said they should be banned. You just deserve to be laughed at and recognized as the idiot you are.
>muh NAP
We are AnCaps now? I'm asking someone to give justification with substance for something so fucking retarded but you already prove my point.
>Everyone has a mortgage goy, You don't want to be left out, do you Sup Forums?
Into the oven it goes.
I want a tattoo like this. I know a guy that has a really amateur tree stump on his whole arm, it looks like shit, its awesome.
>Over 70% of millennials have tattoos
I think it is great their already have serial numbers attached for processing. We can use simple optical recognition on cheap CMOS. There will be no escape for them and it will be orderly
You're asking for substance which you only agree with. This is pure liberal logic.
>tell me why X is allowed
>but you cant tell me Y reason xd
>outsmarted you, ehhh? Xd
Who cares? As long as it's not forced onto me, I couldn't give two shits.
Christ help me, I hope I never become degenerate enough to willingly get a tattoo. I hope I never get a tattoo period.
Getting a tattoo is not a well thought out move. I have thought about designs for tattoos that I want ever since I thought I wanted one. Then I found out there is zero regulation on tattoo artist ink which gave me pause. Further research led me to find that any ink beyond the basics is going to be chock full of heavy metals and other shit that doesn't need to be on a human body.
If I ever decide to follow through on getting the tat I want done, it will be done on pigskin and then framed and hung on the wall. I get what I want, I don't have to worry about skin sagging and touch ups on the tat, and my body remains free of ink.
If the ink addicted want to get mad at me, you're just mad you didn't think of the idea yourself.
Military service, some representation of deep brotherly bonds, like an oil rigging crew or an Alaskan crab fisherman.
You keep proving me right. What kind of people do you think had tattoos prior to say the 1950's, hell even the 1970's? Criminals and chinks. Some convervaLARP you are, retard.
>I got mine before it was cool.
every with a tattoo got it before it was cool tho
Good what does that make me, a Gen Xer?
Funny how I call you out your faulty logical fallacy and you immediately dive into another. Also you topped it off with "GUESS I'M RIGHT HUH"
I got a vegvisir tattooed on my forearm, good luck and guidance will come my way forever.
Checkmate anti-tattoo fags.
Millennials are the generation born from 1985-1995.
Because tattoos are super logical. Shut up, stupid.
I like tattoos simply for the fact that it lets me know ahead of time if the person I'm potentially dealing with is a piece of shit.
I want to get a tattoo on my forehead of a fire engine, but it's in fire. It's symbolic, you know? It's like, a fire engine is the thing that puts out fires, but what do we do if it IS on fire?
because im a degenerate
>I don't make terrible decisions
>he says on 4chins
coming here is a more permanent mistake than a tattoo
its true
Shouldnt 88 be the cutoff for >reasons
That's degenerate
Pretty sure any tattoo threads are made by the same dick obsessed faggots that make the "muh circusdecision" threads and cry about the 6 gorillion lost nerve endings.
One thing you fags will learn in time is that there are only two types of people that vehemently care so much about what you do with your body:
Religious extremists
Not having the artistic work of a Yakuza mobster's flesh already on your wall.
Is that dude dead?
Tattoos are awesome and show good taste & judgement.
Let's play a game -
Tattoos really show how imprinted consumerism is on people, vanity aside you may as well be letting companies and studios brand you with an iron rod of logos of their products.
degenerate vermin.
Getting a tattoo under 20 is for attention.
Getting a tattoo past 20 is just degenerate and lack of judgement.