The best political speech of the last fifty years
The best political speech of the last fifty years
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What a super male he is.
>says something true
I garuntee the next 25 min of his show after this is complete idiocy. Don't you see the disinformation pattern?
For example?
The retarded ads. The constant rambeling. Telling Joe Rogans millions of subs
>the world is run by psychic interdementional vampires but we need to worry about the elite conspiracy to achieve the singularity of the elitebot. That was a nice speech though.
That waz a nice speech doe hurrrrrr... Unqoute that. I need to proofread more myB
You don't understand.
The "elite" believe they're communicating with interdimensional beings that are giving them technology for being dickwads. He's just reporting what they believe, not what he believes.
He always constantly changes his stance on different things and to back himself up he will have his people right up an article
>we have evidence. I am looking at an article from
But i thought i was watching infowars...
off with the satanism, yall need Jesus in your hearts
What does the ads have anything to do with disinformation?
>the world is run by psychic interdementional vampires but we need to worry about the elite conspiracy to achieve the singularity of the elitebot.
He is right tho
Great movie
mfw Trump admitted he's a globalist
Or maybe he just makes shit up and says he got the info from someone else. He is no better than MSMBC Russia fuckfest.
We are all interdemential beings. Why are you letting Alex Jones speak on a topic that no one has a fucking clue about because not that stage yet.
What the fuck is mfw
i might be an anarchist, but this is a spider man thread now
Speak for yourself
Wish he was but these old bitter faggots believe in magic. They're delusional.
Why do you think they tried to ban Pepe? They honestly believed they were getting memed out of power.
my feels when :)
>the elite must surrender
>i would die for trump
em ef duble yew
my face*
No weeb thread
Holy fuck goys, the satire is killing my buns
im a fucking prophet
nice numbers user
shit forgot to light it
Dr. Dr Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.
AJ based